The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1168: In the end

The power of Thunderbolt is the strongest, and the ninth robbery that only five of the nearly 4,000 people can successfully pick up is actually swallowed up by the extraordinary!

Moreover, looking at Lei's face is still calm and calm, it is clear that there is no sense of discomfort!

This sudden scene, after the audience was silent for a while, suddenly burst into a warm applause!

Although the difficulty of this robbery is far more than the previous ones, but the strength of Lei’s extraordinary performance is also far beyond people’s imagination.

If the monks who can pass the robbery can be regarded as the real strong, then the nine monks who can take the thunder, naturally are the strong among the strong.

And Ray is extraordinary, it is the king of the strong!

Even in the upper half of the palace of Leiyuan Mountain, one of the five top powers sitting there couldn’t help but say: “This is a remarkable thing, it’s the son of the thunder!”

"If this child once again has the congenital body, then Lei Daoyou, you are considered a successor!"

"The Taoist has won the prize!"

Although Thunder God is also very proud of his heart, but his mouth is modest: "The title of the son of the thunder is just a nickname from the good person, when it is not true."

"The extraordinary child, that is, the qualification is slightly better than others."

Just as the humble words of Thunder God had just fallen, the Earth Star River touched his own character Hu, and shook his head and said: "Some of you are also good-looking people with faces and faces. Is it interesting to be touting each other?"

Although the words of the Earth River are very ugly, the Thunder God is not angry, and his face still smiles: "I don't know what the high-level friends have?"

Di Xinghe reached out and pointed out the following words: "How is the qualification of this kid, is it a child of the thunder, I don't know, but he swallowed the act of robbery, it is clear that it is tricky!"

Thunder God’s face is inexplicable: “Where is it?”

The Earth Star River smiled coldly and said: "This kid is not a congenital body, but I feel a trace of thunder in his spirit."

"Dao Lei, the source of the Thunder, is much more powerful than the robbery."

"It is not a trick, but what is it?"

When I heard the words of the Earth Star River, the heart of Thunder God could not help but feel a slight shock.

Because the Earth Star River is right!

The reason why Lei Feifan is called the son of the thunder, is actually because when he is in the mother, he does not know what is going on, and he has absorbed a trace of thunder.

Moreover, this trace of thunder did not hurt him.

In short, Lei extraordinary can be seen as born under the birth of the mine.

Therefore, when he was born, he was born with a vision, and Wan Lei came to congratulate. In fact, Wan Lei was attracted by the breath of the Tao.

It is precisely because there is a thunder in the body, which makes Lei extraordinary on the road of Lei Xiu, has a huge advantage that can not be compared with the congenital body.

This silky thunder was also blocked by Thunder in a special way, and it was sealed into the body of the Thunder, until it was condensed into its spirit.

But these things, even Lei Xianfan did not know, I did not expect this place to be discovered.

This naturally caused the Thunder God to vibrate in the heart, and the evaluation of the Earth Star River was a bit higher.

Although I was amazed, the face of Thunder’s God did not show the slightest: “The authentic friends, even if you are right, it’s all extraordinary.”

"And he did indeed rely on his own cultivation, and actually took the Thunder's nine hijackings, it is not a trick!"

Seeing the Earth River still wants to talk, Thunder God is really a little scared, and hurriedly continued to rush to open the topic: "Yes, the authentic friends, among the monks who participated in the qualification war, have you been able to enter you? The eyes of the eyes?"

The interest of Dixing River was successfully transferred, and the mysterious smile: "Of course!"


"You think, I am really bored, I ran to you to see this group of dolls fight and kill!"

"Tell you, if you didn't accidentally discover this person, I wouldn't bother to enter your thunder world!"

As soon as I heard this, even the other three were slightly eye-catching and looked at the Earth River.

Obviously they are very curious, even the enchanting such a thunder is said to be worthless in his mouth, who can be seen by him, who is it, what is special!

Dixing River grinned and gently spit out a name: "Meng Guan!"


Above the square, in the cheers of everyone around, Lei is not arrogant to the Thunder again, "The brother, the younger brother is a little offended, but also hope that the brothers do not blame!"

Lei extraordinary swallowed his own robbery, so the Thunder is indeed a little dissatisfied.

After all, he is a congenital body, regardless of the age of cultivation is higher than the thunder, and Lei's extraordinary move, clearly means that he can press himself.

However, in the face of Ray's sincere apology, even if there is any dissatisfaction in the mind of Thunder, it can't be revealed. Therefore, he can only nod his head: "No matter, the strength of the younger brother has improved!"

"Thank you for your brother's praise!"

After Ray’s extraordinary ceremony, this was under the watchful eyes of everyone, and Shiran went to the stands.

And just as he was about to approach the stands, his eyes didn't know whether he had intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Jiang Yun, who was sitting there all the time, and then he returned to his seat and sat down.

For the unsightly look, Jiang Yun naturally sees clearly, and can even feel the provocation contained in it, but he is not at all in mind.

"Central area!"

At this moment, the Thunder opened again and reached out to the stands. His gaze also fell on Jiang Yun's body!

Not only him, at this moment, everyone, even with the eyes of Thunder God and Earth Xinghe, are all concentrated on him.

The name of the madness of the monk, in this Thunder day, it is indeed no one knows, no one knows.

Now, both Lei Feifan and Wei Heng have successfully passed the robbery, and they have all received nine robberies.

Especially the extraordinary performance of Lei is even more amazing for everyone.

So now everyone is very curious, this madness to scare Yang Zhong's madness, in this robbery, what kind of arrogant performance.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly regretted a little, why he chose to pretend to be the identity of Meng Guan.

This kind of mad personality, let yourself play, it is a bit less adaptable.

However, since they have all come here, naturally there is no way to go back, only to continue to mad.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun grew up and made a laugh in his mouth: "It is finally the turn of Meng!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun took it one step at a time, and his body shape directly crossed everyone, and he was the first to enter the robbery.

Jiang Yun’s mad move naturally attracted the interest of everyone. He even stopped looking at other monks, but focused his attention on him alone.

Even the Thunder looked at Jiang Yun’s eyes.

Looking at the arrogant color on Jiang Yun’s face, Thunder couldn’t help but send out a cold voice: “I’m going to have a look, you can take me a few robbers!”

When the other monks in the central region finally got into the battle, the Thunder took back his eyes, and the big sleeves waved, and the last time he started the robbery.


Thousands of robbers thundered again at the same time, and they rushed to a thousand monks, including Jiang Yun.

However, without waiting for the thunder to fall, everyone around the stands suddenly sounded an exclamation.

The sound of the sound, even overshadowed the sound of thousands of robbers!

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