The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1169: Was eliminated

On the top of the top of Leiyuan Mountain, the Earth Star River suddenly burst into a loud laughter: "Ha ha ha, this kid, I really like it more and more!"

For the laughter of Dixing River at the moment, the other four people, including Thunder God, have not taken care of it.

Because they are all full of surprises, watching Jiang Yun in the middle of the robbery.

The robbery of the thunder is to divide out a thousand small spaces similar to independence. There are nine thunders in each small space.

These robbers will fall under the control of the Thunder, one by one, and then fall down to the monks in turn.

Today, the first robbery has just fallen. In addition to the more than a dozen monks who have been shaken out of the crowd, the tops of other monks still have eight hijackings.

Only above the top of Jiang Yun’s head, it’s empty!

Because when the first robbery fell, Jiang Yun swayed between the body and actually took the initiative to greet the robbery.

Not only that, but while the body easily smashed the robbery, his body kept going, and continued to impact, hitting another eight robbers.

In short, Jiang Yun, with his own powerful body, directly smashed nine hijackings into instants, all of which were broken into nothingness!

Compared with the previous Thunder's extraordinary devouring to the last robbery, it is clear that Jiang Yun's behavior at this moment is more overbearing and more arrogant.

Others are still waiting for the fall of another eight robbers, but he has successfully passed the robbery!

This scene is really beyond the expectations of all people, and it has never been seen in previous qualifications.

And if you want to do this, it can be done not only by character arrogance, but also the strength of realism!

After all, the power of nine robberies, after experiencing four consecutive batches of four thousand people, everyone is obvious to all.

Even with the extraordinary, only six people took all the nine robberies, and they were all connected one after another.

If there are nine robberies, I am afraid that none of them will be able to pick them up, and even there may be death!

At this moment, the thunder is extraordinary, and there is no usual smile on his face. Instead, his face is indifferent, his eyes are shining, and he is scornful of Jiang Yun.

So even the Thunder who was the host of this relationship was there. They forgot about the opening for a while and forgot that they should have announced that Jiang Yun had successfully passed the robbery.

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It was not until Jiang Yun’s voice sounded that he woke him up.

"Does this friend, Meng Mou, is it a success?"

Looking at the unsatisfactory color of Jiang Yun's face, Thunder flashed a cold man's eyes.

If he said that he had just swallowed up his own robbery and made him a little dissatisfied, then Jiang Yun now directly smashes his own nine robbery by the flesh, and he just gives himself a slap.

As a strong person, he has a congenital body, almost using all the power to arrange the nine hijackings, in front of Jiang Yun is so vulnerable, it is not just to let yourself face.

More importantly, I just won the attention of my ancestors and let myself host this catastrophe. I originally wanted to show my face with this opportunity.

But all of this, even all were destroyed by Jiang Yun!

At this moment, the Thunder can't wait to directly provoke the power of Thunder in Jiang Yun's body, and smash this arrogant guy into nothingness.

Unfortunately, he can't do this!

After all, this is a qualification battle, and I am only the person who presides over the first level.

If Jiang Yun let himself face the face and kill himself, then if there is an ancestor shelter, it will be looked down upon by everyone.

Jiang Yun can naturally feel the anger and killing in the eyes of Thunder, and this makes him once again regret that he chose the identity of Meng Guan.

If he is replaced by his own identity, he will definitely receive the hand after receiving four robberies...

However, Jiang Yun also considered how the Thunder couldn't take himself in this qualifying battle, so this was a slap in the face of his own powerful body.

The Thunder took a deep breath and forced himself to smother his inner anger. When he just wanted to announce that Jiang Yun was successful, his voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and the Rays’ eyes brightened.

“Success?” Thunder smiled coldly: “You have been eliminated!”

As the saying goes, all the people around the square are slightly stunned, and they don’t understand what the Thunder said.

Although Jiang Yun’s behavior is arrogant, it is based on the real strength to break the nine robberies, which should be passed, and how to be eliminated.

At the same time, some people on the stands whispered: "This Mengguan seems to be unlucky. In the elimination of the game, the three men were defeated in succession. The result was rejected by the Thunder without the power of the Thunder. Fortunately, he used the Thunder. The power, but the Thunder did not see it."

"I didn't expect that in this qualifying battle, he clearly has passed the customs, but he is considered to be eliminated."

"I don't know if he still has a chance to turn this book!"

Apparently, the person who spoke also witnessed the performance of Jiang Yun in the wartime, so he would say such a thing.

And his words were introduced into the ears of Jiang Yun, and the eyes of Jiang Yun gradually lit up the fierce light!

Indeed, although I have changed my identity, from the elimination of the war to the qualification war, I clearly know that everything is in accordance with the rules of Thunder, but it is everywhere.

It can be seen that the qualifications obtained by Leihai in this way are actually not fair in everyone's imagination!

With the emergence of the fierce light in Jiang Yun’s eyes, the point that had just risen in his heart suddenly swept away, slowly convulsing the arrogant color on his face, and looked coldly at Thunder: “The reason!”

At this time, he temporarily forgot that he was the crown of Meng, but restored his character of Jiang Yun, and also placed himself on the top of Leiyuan Mountain, who always stood behind the earth star river, his eyes suddenly smashed. Start.

In the face of Jiang Yun and almost everyone's doubts, Thunder has a well-thought-out saying: "I said before, the robbery, regardless of the method you use, as long as you take my nine robbers to pass."

"I am talking about it!" Thunder suddenly reached out and pointed to Jiang Yundao: "And you, but it broke my nine robberies, violated the rules, so you have been eliminated!"

Strong words!

This is the only thought that comes out of my mind after hearing the words of the Thunder.

However, even if the Thunder is arrogant, what can you do!

Here is Leiyuan Mountain, the residence of Thunder God!

Although Thunder God has never appeared, but at this moment he must also be the qualification of the viewer.

Even the Thunder’s words are most likely to be what Thunder God told him to say.

The truth is true!

In fact, it is not that Thunder God intends to make it difficult for Jiang Yun, but because of the number of places entering Leihai this time, there is only one Thunder Day!

In this case, he must make Ray's extraordinary acquisition anyway, so he must eliminate all the existence that may threaten the extraordinary.

For example, Meng Guan!

Therefore, it was his secret voice to the Thunder that only the Thunder's strong words.

Looking at the Thunder, this round of Jiang Yun is constantly suppressing the anger of the heart.

Although even if he can not enter the right to qualify for the Leihai, he does not dare to actually shoot on this Leiyuan Mountain.

However, at this moment, his ear also sounded a strange voice: "The kid, the old man is the ancestral ancestral star of the Taikoo Yaozu."

"This group of people is too sinister to do things, Laozi really can't stand it anymore, what do you want to do, let go of it, Laozi gives you the backing, I can't do it, and there is the whole Taikoo Yaozu behind Laozi, rest assured, doing his mother! ”

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