The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1266: Heaven and Man


In the body of Jiang Yun, the sound of thunder is like a drum, and it is intense and intense.

His entire body has been completely shrouded by the inexhaustible Thunder.

The dazzling golden light that emerged makes him seem to have turned into a sun. In this dark boundary, it is extremely dazzling!

However, the current Jiang Yun did not have time to pay attention to his physical condition, but rushed to release his powerful knowledge, unreservedly released, and swept away in the fastest way around his body.

Because in the darkness of the surrounding area, there began to have a golden light spot that emerged, densely covered, covering a vast area.

These spots are not the manifestation of the law.

Because under the knowledge of Jiang Yun, each of the dust-only spots has been infinitely magnified, so that he can clearly see that there is no limit to the vastness of the world.

And in the world, there is only one thing - Thunder!

A negligible spot of light contains countless thunders suspended in the darkness, causing the surrounding darkness to collapse directly, revealing a true nothingness.

It can be imagined that the power of this light point is strong, giving Jiang Yun the feeling that it seems that a light spot can easily destroy a world.

With the appearance of these light spots, Jiang Yun’s heart has also raised a strong sense of crisis.

Because he knows that those light spots are directed at themselves, or that they are directed against their own thunder.

At the beginning of the Thunder Day, Thunder Road swallowed the thunderstorms that cost countless monks' flesh and blood feeding of the nine-way Thunder!

At this moment, the nine Yuan Lei, finally fully integrated into the body by the Thunder Road, also made the Thunder Road's repair to break through to the heavens!

However, Jiang Yun still does not understand why the Thunder Road breaks through the heavens and the situation will occur.

Fortunately, at this time, the mother who had been awakened again gave the answer: "This is the first robbery in the robbery of heaven and man, but also the robbery!"

"Your thunder is already in the thunder. You have really touched the way of thunder. If you get through the heavens and the robbers, you will be able to successfully realize the thunder!"

If the words of Lei Meng are circulated, it will definitely shock every monk in this world!

Enlightenment is of course the ultimate goal pursued by every monk, but only a very small number of monks can reach this level.

However, all the monks who are able to enlighten the Tao are the peaks of the Taoist world.

At that time, they had to go through the vicissitudes of the heavens and the people, and all of them passed smoothly, so that they can truly succeed in enlightenment, and thus enter the realm of humanity and isomorphism, that is, the last realm of spiritual practice that most monks think!

However, Jiang Yun, not the deity, is just a thunder of his body. Even when he is about to enter the heavenly world, he will already realize...

As you can imagine, if you let others know, you will be shocked to what extent.

However, Jiang Yun and Lei Meng are not too surprised.

Especially Jiang Yun, he is very clear about the step-by-step process of his own thunder practice.

It seems simple, but the chances are not something that other monks can't imagine.

Ordinary Lei Xiu, who wants to improve the realm of cultivation, wants to understand the way of Lei, the only way is to absorb the Thunder.

The Thunder that they used to absorb is just the most common Thunder when it rains.

Such a thunder, even if it absorbs thousands of words, it is possible to get a glimpse of the way of Lei.

But Jiang Yun’s Thunder is different!

The Thunder Road is born from the mine.

And every step of his growth, the absorption of the robbing of the robbing of the Dan dynasty by Jiang Yun refining medicinal herbs.

Although robbery is no more than a thunder, it is a hundred times more powerful than an ordinary thunder.

Later, Thunder Road took two roads from Lei Ling;

Then in the illusion of engulfing a Yuan Lei, derived a side of the mine;

Moreover, Jiang Yun has used the technique of reincarnation to complete the reincarnation of the world, which makes the Thunder's body actually equal to an independent life.

Then, the mark sent by the mother of Wan Lei was obtained;

The mother of Wan Lei, the real first thunder born between the heavens and the earth, even at the cost of the deity, won the fruit of the thunder in the soul of the mother.

She gave Jiang Yun's mark, which naturally included the way of Lei.

In the end, the Thunder Road is a Yuan Lei that has swallowed up nine peaks!

In short, every thunder that Thunder’s body absorbs and swallows is equivalent to the effects of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of thunders absorbed by other Lei Xiu.

Therefore, under the accumulation of these thunder, Dora, Yuan Lei and Leimu imprints, the Thunder Road is now being cultivated, and the road to Lei will be realized. In fact, there is really nothing unusual.

Although Jiang Yun accepted this point, but seeing the golden light spots that appear in all directions, I can't help but worry a little.

The road robbery, Jiang Yun is no stranger. When he gave birth to the cave, he was led by the robbery in the clear and turbid wasteland.

The road robbery was the five-way road robbery and the chaotic road robbery.

Although he was able to survive the road robbery and even took a lot of traces from the road robbery, at this moment, the robbery presented in front of his eyes, but the last road There is no similarity in the robbery.

Moreover, this is only the first robbery of the heavens and the robbers!

"Children, Heaven and Man, robbing the aura of the monk, flesh, vitality, soul, emotion!"

"But the order of the five robbers is completely random, so I don't know what your first robbery is targeting, but the power of your robbery seems to be great."

"However, you don't have to worry too much. At the crucial moment, I will help you!"

The words of Lei Ma, so that Jiang Yun's heart can not help but warm.

Although he didn't say anything in his mouth, he decided to make up his mind. He must rely on his own strength to get through this robbery. He can't let Leimu help himself.

After all, Lei has just helped himself kill Zong Bai, and now is extremely weak.

And the power of this robbery, even Lei mother said great, if she shot to help herself, it will definitely hurt her.

Nodded hard, Jiang Yun has stood up.


The squadron was suspended above the top of his head, and there was a majestic force of looting inside, opening up an independent space next to Jiang Yun.

Although it is impossible to avoid the robbing even if it is hidden in the space, the power of looming, as a kind of power, can at least weaken the power of the robbing.

At the same time, on the body of Jiang Yun, the diamonds and the lines of the King Kong began to emerge.

Jiang Yun naturally did not dare to despise the thunder of the Thunder, so he should meet the robbery with his strongest state.

Just as Jiang Yun was preparing, outside the area where these light spots existed, the shape of the five-way Taoist dynasty finally appeared.

Because each monk pursues a different path, the form of the five-day robbery is different. Therefore, the fire does not know that these light spots are the robbers of heaven and earth.

However, as the strongman of the peak of the heavens and the robbers, he naturally can clearly feel the horror power contained in the light spot, even if he does not want to touch it easily, he has to stop his body shape. .

"what is this?"

After watching the light for a moment, the fire shook his head for thousands of nights, and finally looked at Jiang Yun, who was surrounded by countless light spots.

Looking at Jiang Yun at the moment, the eyes of the fire for thousands of nights suddenly stunned, and the face showed a very shocking color: "Flood lines, diamonds, robbing, who is this person, how can there be Jiuzu Power!"


At this moment, all the golden light spots suddenly vibrated together, and in this vibration, within each light spot, a grain is clearly displayed!

"Dao pattern!"

The first robbery of the heavenly man of Jiang Yunlei’s Taoist, began!

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