The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1267: Avenue power

For the emergence of the fire, thousands of nights, Jiang Yun naturally noticed it, but he did not know that the fire was a night of the Five Elements, and he did not know that the other party was specifically to kill himself.

However, even if he knew, now he has no time to pay attention to the fire.

Because his gods who are always watching those light spots can clearly see that all the thunders contained in each spot of the body suddenly began to condense and merge together until they form a Road pattern!

In an instant, all the light spots around, all turned into a golden pattern, suddenly rushing toward Jiang Yun!

Looking at the overwhelming pattern of the road, Jiang Yun’s eyes are also shining with golden light, and his heart is hollow, leaving all the distractions waiting for the arrival of these lines!

In the silent and silent, all the golden lines, completely ignoring the power of the looting released by the slain, ignoring the dense diamonds and ruins of Jiang Yun’s body, and easily disappeared into his body. Rushing toward the Thunder Road.

For this phenomenon, Jiang Yun is a bit unexpected, but it is not too much care.

Because this first robbery is the Thunder, the deity can stay out of the way and wait as a bystander, so the preparations made by the deity are just precautions, and there is no big deal with the streaks.

The fading of these lines is quiet, just like the spring breeze, it seems that there is no slight power, but at this moment, the sound of Ray's rush is suddenly sounded.

"Children, you better hurry to integrate your body and the deity. With your own body, it is impossible to get through this first robber!"

For the reminder of Lei, Jiang Yun certainly does not have the slightest suspicion, and immediately did not hesitate to let his two bodies, all and the deity merged together.

The three-in-one is originally a method used by Jiang Yun to improve his strength.

Since he learned the Nine Sacrifice, he has never used it again!

Although his physical body was left in the bounds of the world, nowadays it is just a double body, but it also makes Jiang Yun feel a kind of practical.

It’s just that this kind of practicality has vanished in the next moment!

With Jiang Yun’s body and the deity in one, this day’s first robbery is naturally his own deity.

Therefore, all these lines that were originally intended to rush to the Thunder Road, all blasted in the body of Jiang Yun, and turned into an endless thunder.

If it is really a Thunder, then Jiang Yun will still be better, but this is not a real Thunder, but a trace, or a Thunder that is the illusion of Ray.

Therefore, they do not contain the power of Thunder, but the power of the road!

The number of these thunders is too much, and every moment is filled with every place of Jiang Yun's body!

Jiang Yun’s twelve meridians, which are much larger than the average person, were filled with the Thunder, so that they were all changed and changed shape; Jiang Yun’s blood has also stopped flowing because of blood vessels and blood vessels. Among them, it is also filled with too many thunders, just like a blocked river, there is no way to move at all.

This is the case with bones, muscles, internal organs, and ginger.

This makes Jiang Yun feel his whole body, and under the flood of these thunders, it seems that it will soon be blown up!


Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly burst into a terrifying noise!


Jiang Yun’s body is incomparably strong from an early age.

Regardless of the medicinal properties of the various herbs collected by Grandpa Jiang Wanli for 16 years, the physical body of the body that was born through the meridians and the acquired diamond body, let Jiang Yun’s ability to bear the pain. Far more than others.

However, now, he actually made a sound because of the pain, but I can imagine that at this moment, the painful drama in his body!

However, this is just the beginning of the first robbery of this day!

At this time, Jiang Yun naturally understood that the first robbery of his own thunder, this is the physical robbery, the body is targeted!

The power of the flesh can be said to be the most powerful force of Jiang Yun, and the most powerful and best he uses.

But even his deity can't bear the power of such horror. If he just let the Thunder pass the way, I am afraid that the Thunder's body has already disappeared directly and disappeared.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun's heart extremely grateful to the reminder of the mother, but also makes him difficult to imagine, the power of the first robbery is so terrible, the other four robbers, what kind of power will have!

Just when Jiang Yun screamed because of the pain, the fire was always watching in the distance. The shocking color on his face has turned into indifference and ridicule. He said to himself: "This is not an ordinary road robbery. But the first robbery of heaven."

"That means that this guy is the realm of Taoist Peak, so it is not difficult to imagine to kill Zongbai."

"The first robbery of the heavens, although it is more powerful than the robbery and the ordinary road robbery, but it is not too abnormal, let alone me, even the waste of Zongbai, it was easy without any effort at the beginning. It’s been spent.”

"But this guy can't stand it at first!"

Speaking of this, the fire shook his head for a thousand nights and sighed: "Hey, I thought how strong this guy can be. According to this, the strength is actually not good. I really don't know how he killed Zong Bai. !"

"In this way, I am afraid that I will not even use my shot. He will be ruined by this robber!"

In fact, if the fire can know that Jiang Yun is truly a realm, then he will never say this.

Because the situation of Jiang Yun can be said to be extremely special.

The robbery of heaven and man is of course a major obstacle for any monk, but the robbery of heaven and man will come after the monk has reached the peak of Taoism.

It is the peak of the Taoist platform, the body is good, the aura is worthwhile, and all aspects will be strengthened to the greatest extent.

In the simplest case, Jiang Yun has come across all the realms of his path, and there is only one wilderness in the real cultivation of the flesh.

However, in the face of other monks who have cultivated into Taoism and Taoism, Jiang Yun is still difficult to break their flesh even if they use all the power and even use the Tibetan sword.

This is the strengthening of the physical body after the elevation of the realm.

However, Jiang Yunben respects the realm of today, but it is only the heavens and the second world. It is still a hundred thousand miles away from the peak of the road.

Therefore, for the vicissitudes of the Taoist world, for today's Jiang Yun, it is like letting a young child with a weak body to bear the hit of an adult strong man.

Such power, of course, is so big that Jiang Yun can't imagine it, to the extent that he can't bear it.

At the same time, Raymy’s anxious voice also sounded again in Jiang Yun’s mind.

Lei mother knows very well that Jiang Yun has never been exposed to the horrors of the heavens and the people, so he does not know how to spend it, so he must tell him the method of the robbery.

"Children, you are a corpse of the flesh. Although the objects of the five people are different, the method of crossing the five robbers is the same."

"The corpse of the flesh will destroy your whole body a little bit, and all you have to do is to use your power to enlighten, that is, the power of Thunder, to compete with it!"

"There are two ways to counter this..."

After waiting for the story of the thunder mother, Jiang Yun’s mouth has once again issued a scream of almost crazy.

Because the power of the avenue has begun to destroy his body!

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