The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1271: Turn into nothing

Although Jiang Yun has been in a coma, at this moment, in his body, there is a huge force!

This power, just like a net, nets all the traces of the thunder that were obtained because Jiang Yun crossed the first robbery of the heavens!

Falling into the net, these lines of thunder have all been smashed silently, turned into nothingness, and even a trace of traces have not been left!

Then, the net shrank and shrunk into a transparent finger, continuing to Jiang Yun's body, or to go straight to Jiang Yun's Thunder.

"This is... his power!"

For all of this, the stunned Jiang Yun naturally has no way of knowing.

The mouth of the clear-cut Lei, who saw the whole process, was a voice of suspicion.

"The thunder of the child has been lost."

"That is to say, the purpose of this power exists is to make this child unable to understand!"

"This child has finally survived the first robbery of this day, and gained the insight of Ray!"

"However, his power is to erase these sentiments, and let all the things that the child has worked hard to be vanished!"

"Even, even the thunder of this child, he would not let go!"

There was a coldness in the voice of Ray's mother: "No matter why you do this, I can't let you succeed!"

In the body of Jiang Yun, there was another slender finger, and the point of the cockroach pointed to the transparent finger.


Two fingers collided together, and they collapsed and turned into a little light, which disappeared into the body of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s body has also regained its calm, and everything is as if it had never happened.

In addition to those completely disappeared Ray's way, there is that inexplicable power!


With the disappearance of the lines in the body of Jiang Yun, the lines covered by his body also trembled, and they shattered and opened up, revealing the shape of Jiang Yun.

Until then, the monks who were surrounded by the surroundings finally saw the appearance of Jiang Yun clearly.

"This friend is very familiar and seems to have never seen it before?"

"Just, how did he get in a coma? Do you have to get the sentiment of the Tao?"

"Strange, those lines are also crushed!"

They didn't know everything that happened in Jiang Yun, and naturally they didn't know the cause of Jiang Yun's coma.

Just when they were puzzled, there was a ray of light that suddenly passed over everyone and went straight to Jiang Yun.

However, after this light, there is still a light, chasing after it!

The speed of the two lights is so fast that the people have not understood what is going on, and they hear a loud bang from the "bang".

The two rays of light are still a hundred feet away from the location of Jiang Yun, and the smashing hit together!

A huge impact force erupted, and one of the lights suddenly went straight out of the earthquake, and there was a sigh in it.

The other light is still in the same place, and the light is scattered, revealing the people inside.

This is a middle-aged man in a red dress with a lot of scars on his face.

When I saw the man’s face, many of the monks around were suddenly exclaimed: “Fire is a night!”

Naturally, the first rush to the glow of Jiang Yun is the fire of thousands of nights!

Although the fire did not know why Jiang Yun was inexplicably comatose, he could be sure that Zong Bai was killed by Jiang Yun, so of course he would not miss such a great opportunity.

For the appearance of the fire, it was really an accident for everyone. I did not expect that the famous elder of the five-way Taoist dynasty would always be by his side.

And look at the look of the fire for thousands of nights, clearly is ready to shoot against Jiang Yun!

At this time, along with the fire, thousands of nights, everyone’s eyes are looking at another light that has just been shaken out by the fire.

The hoarse voice of the fire for thousands of nights is cold and cold: "Who are you? Why should you stop me?"

Among the second rays of light is the Confucius's ancestors!

Others do not know the existence of the fire, but he has known for a long time, so his attention has always been concentrated on the fire of thousands of nights.

Seeing the fire rushing to Jiang Yun for thousands of nights, although he knew that he was not an opponent of the fire, he did not hesitate to rush.

Facing the question of the fire, the Confucius ancestors took a deep breath and changed their voice: "Why do you want to rush to this friend?"

The cold night of the fire: "He killed my elders Zongbai!"

When this statement came out, everyone could not help but be shocked again. Even the Confucius ancestors who had already guessed the truth could not help but tremble.

It turned out that Jiang Ran really killed Zong Bai!

When Zong Bai died, his own Confucius will no longer have to worry about it!

Because of the entire five-line sect, the only one for the Confucius, there is only Zong Bai.

As for the other elders, the sovereigns, no one has ever found the trouble of the Confucius.

The ancestors of the Confucius sighed a long breath and used a voice that only he could hear. He said to himself: "As a result, as long as I can send away Jiang Yun, I will not let the fire discover my true identity for thousands of nights." Then, the whole thing has a happy ending!"

When the voice fell, the ancestors of the Confucius suddenly turned their heads and looked at the direction of their own Confucius.

The old face showed a reluctant smile: "In the future, the future of the Confucian family will depend on you. I can leave with peace of mind!"

When the voice fell, the ancestors of the Confucian family took a palm to their own eyebrows.

A blood spurt out, wrapped in the shape of Jiang Yun, with Jiang Yun directly rushing toward the depths of the seam.

The fire in the eyes of a thousand nights flashed, the same step, it is necessary to chase Jiang Yun.

Regardless of who the other party is, it is impossible for them to let the other side face their own face and save Jiang Yun.

However, after a step of the fire, thousands of nights suddenly changed suddenly. The feet that had just fallen were lifted again and wanted to move toward the back.

Because the light shrouded outside the body of the Confucius ancestors, it suddenly began to swell.

A horrible breath, which emerged from the light, permeated the seams, and it was almost a thousand nights!

Looking at the swell of the light, feeling the breath, all the monks are also the same face change!

Because they all clearly realized that this unknown strong person is clearly blew!

At this time, they naturally understand that the fire will kill Jiang Yun for thousands of nights, and this person is clearly to protect Jiang Yun.

But he is not an opponent of the fire for a thousand nights, so he will send away Jiang Yun first, and then use the way of self-destruction to stop the killing of Jiang Yun by the fire!

After understanding this, everyone started a crazy escape.

Because the power of the strong self-explosion is absolutely terrifying.

Although it is not for yourself, if you are affected by it, then it is also a serious injury.

Others can escape, but the fire at the moment is entangled in the powerful atmosphere filled by the Confucius ancestors, so that he can not move at all.

Through the fight of the palm of the hand, the fire knows that the strength of the other party is not as good as itself, but it is also the day of the five people.

The other party’s self-destruction does make you feel a little jealous!

It’s just that he knows well that the other person is ironic and wants to go with himself!

At this moment, the face of the fire for thousands of nights showed a sly color: "I have tried everything in my life. I have never tried the self-destruction of the five-day robbery. I will feel it today!"

The fire of thousands of nights in front of the squatting has reached the size of a hundred feet, raised his hand, emptiness and emptiness.


Under the scorching of the fire for thousands of nights, there was a flash of fire in the surrounding circles. In a flash, it turned into a sea of ​​fire, just like a self-contained world, surrounded the Confucius ancestors and himself.

The sea of ​​fire has just appeared, and there has been a loud noise in it!

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