The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1272: Still don't understand

Among the Confucius family, all the family members of the Confucius suddenly felt their heart sinking heavily, and a huge loss moment filled their whole body.

It seems that in their lives, something of paramount importance is lost.

"Too ancestors!"

"Too ancestors!"

After the body of Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu ​​trembled, they immediately spoke at the same time and looked at each other. They all saw a deep shock and sorrow from the other's eyes.

The hole dream that has long since awakened from a coma is even more pale and pale, and slamming his heart with tears, and bursting into the face, he slammed down on the ground.

The existence of the ancestors of the ancestors is a secret to the entire Confucius family, and only a few people know it.

Therefore, only when they feel the loss in the depths of their hearts, they can immediately understand that their family’s ancestors, the old man who has guarded Kong’s family for thousands of years, have forever left. !

Just a few moments later, in the land of Kongjia, Kong Xuehai’s Tao Ling’s avatar suddenly opened his eyes, looking at a group of blood-colored lights appearing in front of him, and a unconscious figure wrapped in the light.

Jiang Yun!

Before the self-explosion, the Confucian ancestors wrapped up Jiang Yun with his own blood of a bite, and sent Jiang Yun safely back to Kongjia in a special way.


In the gap between Jiang Yundu and the darkness of the hundreds of thousands of feet, there is a flame that has never been extinguished everywhere.

Although the size of these flames is not large, but under their burning, it is to make the darkness like paper, and it is burnt and distorted.

"Tear off!"

Suddenly, a piece of darkness was really torn open by a palm, and a red figure emerged from it.

This person's cockroaches have been stained with blood, and the face that has been covered with countless scars has added several new wounds.

In particular, one of his arms was awe-inspiring, and in the broken arm, there was still a flame burning in it.

Naturally, he is a fire for thousands of nights!

The self-destruction of Kong’s ancestors did not kill him, but it caused him some injuries and even destroyed one of his arms.

At the moment, the fire was so many nights that the face had been twisted and twisted. I didn’t even look at the flame that was still burning in the broken arm. I gnaw my teeth and said: "I finally understood, because you are blew, except because it is not me. Beyond your opponent, your real purpose is to hide your true identity!"

"But, do you think you can beat me?"

"Even if you have avoided using your way as much as possible, but unfortunately, you and I are the same way!"

"The sects who are proficient in the Five Elements are good, and the monks are worth mentioning. I have almost recorded them in my five-way sect."

"And the mastery of the fire, the repair is the strongest who has reached the five-day robbery of heaven and earth, it is not too much!"

"You can rest assured that I will know who you are!"

"Then, I will throw all your loved ones, your fellow, all those who have a relationship with you into the sea of ​​fire!"

"As for the monk who killed Zong Bai, I will find it as well!"

When the voice fell, the body shape of the fire has disappeared from the original place, and the five-way Taoist sect was turned to find the true identity of the self-exploding person!


In the land of Jiejie, Jiang Yun’s physical body is gloomy and indifferent.

Although he knew that there was a change in his body, he was not sure what was going on.

He just felt that there seemed to be an extremely powerful force in the body of the deity, and the deity immediately lost consciousness and fell into a coma, thus disconnecting himself from himself.

The only thing that makes him feel good is that the deity is at least alive!

Sitting on the opposite side of his face, his face showed a color of interest: "How, according to the method I said, your deity should successfully pass the first robbing of the heavens!"

The flesh and the body looked coldly at him: "The robbery is spent, but not according to your method!"

"No?" The sky fell slightly, and even if he shook his head, "That can only say that your deity did not understand what I meant, and wasted my good intentions!"

The flesh of the body is slightly wrinkled: "Are you not letting my deity use the power of the Nine to counter the power of the avenue?"

"Competence?" Tianluo shook his head again: "You and your deity, still do not understand, do not understand!"

Speaking, the sky has already stood up, slowly moving, the body shape gradually disappeared, leaving only Jiang Yun's physical body still sitting there, thinking about the meaning of the sky.


In a blink of an eye, it is a month to pass!

This month, for Confucius, it can be said that they are the happiest month in their decades.

Because in this month's time, a few big things happened!

First of all, nature is the return of the hole without injury;

Although the hole was not injured after the test, the sudden injury was sent back to the Confucius, but there was news that the injury without holes was gradually getting better.

Secondly, it is the family that has been fighting with Kong Jia for decades. I don’t know whether it was because of Guan Zhifei’s defeat or other reasons. He even began to converge on his own power, and even returned some of them from the hands of Confucius. Walking business and territory;

The last major event, the elders of the Five Elements, Zongbai, is the giant mountain that has been pressed above the Confucian family for years. It was killed by unknown mysterious people!

These three major events, especially the last one, have made the entire Confucius almost boiling!

Because this means that from then on, Confucius can truly sit back and worry, no longer have to worry about the threat of Guan Jia and Zong Bai.

Without these external pressures, the people of the Confucian family can also cultivate with peace of mind.

In addition, after waiting for the hole to be healed, it will not take long for the Confucius to return to the peak of the original, even more than before.

However, compared with the happiness and ease of other Confucius families, Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu, this month is extremely heavy!

The fall of the ancestors of the ancestors made them dare not tell anyone, and did not dare to trace the truth of the death of their ancestors.

I can only hide this huge sorrow in my heart, and I have to smile every day to face my own people.

In addition, what they are most worried about is naturally Jiang Yun!

They didn't know what Jiang Yun had experienced when he killed Zong Bai. Their knowledge could not be explored in Jiang Yun's body. Therefore, Jiang Yun, who was always in a coma, was completely helpless.

All they can do is to drop one person every day to go to the earth, to guard Jiang Yun, and look forward to his wake up.

Today, it is the turn of Kong Ben to guard Jiang Yun!

Looking at Jiang Yun, who had been slumbering for a whole month, Kong Benchu’s mouth sighed and couldn’t help but remember the situation when he first saw Jiang Yun.

In fact, every guest who was enlisted by Kong Xiu on that day would look at it carefully, and naturally included Jiang Yun.

At that time, Jiang Yun did not have any peculiarities in his own eyes.

However, this is an ordinary young man who has not only repeatedly rescued himself and others, but also saved his entire family!

Now, the Confucius has seen the hope of re-emergence, but Jiang Yun is lying here and the personnel are not saved. This makes Kong Benchu’s heart really incomparable.

"Jiang Daoyou, wake up soon!"

At the same time that Kong Benchu’s voice fell, he heard a bang suddenly coming from Jiang Yun’s mouth.

"you're awake!"

After the first slogan of Kong, he immediately overjoyed and rushed to the front of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did wake up, but his eyes had not been able to open the door and had already rushed: "Hurry, look at my back!"

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