The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1273: One horizontal and two vertical

Although Kong Benchu ​​was confused about Jiang Yun’s words, he could feel the anxiety in Jiang Yun’s heart.

Therefore, he did not care about asking more, hurriedly turned Jiang Yun's body over, tearing open his clothes and looking at his back.

Jiang Yun’s urging sound also resounded: “What's on my back?”

Kong was a bit hesitant at the beginning: "There are... three scars of the length of the fingers!"

On the back of Jiang Yun, there was originally a nine-nation seal that was left by Tao.

It is like a scar, like a birthmark, and is arranged into a "cloud", which is the origin of Jiang Yun's name.

After Jiang Yun broke through the Jiuzu Road seal with the help of the Jiuzu, the scars have disappeared.

But now, on his back, there are three more scars!

In fact, for Kong Benchu’s answer, Jiang Yun was not surprised.

Because the last thing he did before he was in a coma was to look at his back with his knowledge.

At that time, he had clearly seen three more scars on his back!

Even more, he understands what these three scars mean!

However, he could not accept this fact. He still had a glimmer of hope. He hoped that he would look at his eyes in a state of insanity.

Therefore, now that he wakes up, his first thought is to ask Kong Benchu ​​to help him look at his back. Is it really like what he saw before he was in a coma?

"Jiang Daoyou, what happened to these three scars?" Kong Benchu ​​asked inexplicably.

He didn't know if Jiang Yun wanted to see these three scars. He couldn't figure out why Jiang Yun would care about these three scars.

As a monk, although there are all kinds of magical techniques, it is too normal for a few injuries on the body.

Above these three scars, I did not feel any breath fluctuations.

It seems that it is just three normal scars, and it seems that it should be healed according to the state of the scar.

Jiang Yun did not answer the question of Kong Benchu, but lay there, still closed his eyes, as if he was comatose again, motionless.

Quietly waiting for a while, when Kong Benchu ​​thought that Jiang Yun really fell into a coma, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at Jiang Yun's eyes, Kong Benchu's heart could not help but tremble.

Because Jiang Yun’s double-minded eyes should be extremely incomparable, it’s like a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest embarrassment.

Kong’s brows wrinkled slightly. He really didn’t know what happened to Jiang Yun. Why did he wake up after a month of coma, but it became like this.

After a moment of silence, Kong was initially cautiously asked: "Jiang Daoyou, what happened to you?"

"No matter what happens to you, if you can trust me, then even if you say it."

"Although my strength is not high, I may not be able to help you, but I and the entire Confucius will definitely do their best."

With the fall of Kong’s initial voice, Jiang Yun finally slowly said: “What is my name?”

Although Jiang Yun spoke, but heard this sentence, it was to let Kong Benchu ​​once again say: "You, what do you say?"

Jiang Yun also repeated again: "I, what is the name?"

Kong Benchu’s face could not help but reveal the color of worry: “Jiang Daoyou, you should not lose your memory? You call Jiang Yun, the name, or you told us!”

In the past, when Jiang Yun pretended to be a hole, in order to be able to survive Zongbai, Jiang Yun let Kong Benchu ​​lie that he had lost his past memories.

Now, after the inexplicable reaction of Jiang Yun's wake-up, Kong Benchu ​​felt that Jiang Yun would have been hit hard in the process of killing Zong Bai, and he really lost his memory.


Jiang Yun then went on to say: "This name was given to me by my grandfather, because on my back I have a birthmark like the word 'cloud'."


Kong Benchu’s eyebrows were screwed together: “The three scars on your back are birthmarks?”

"But these three scars, one horizontal and two vertical, are not like a cloud word!"

When I heard the words of Kong Benchu, Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile full of self-deprecation: “One horizontal and two vertical!”

"If that is on the horizontal and vertical, add a word "cloud", Kong Daoyou, may I ask, what is that?"

At the beginning of the hole, Kong Benwei said: "Abandon, abandon and abandon!"

"Not bad!"

Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly burst into a loud laugh: “Abandon, abandon and abandon! Abandon the baby!”

"Abandon, it should be my real name, I am not called Jiang Yun, I should call Jiang abandon!"

Ginger abandoned!

Kong Benchu ​​naturally would not understand Jiang Yun's words, and would not understand why Jiang Yun became so rude.

And Jiang Yun’s words, I am afraid, only the grandfather Jiang Wanli who named him at the beginning can understand!

In Jiang Yun’s thought, the seal that Dao Zun left on himself is not one, but two!

The first heavy seal is the nine-nation seal.

That is, when I was born, or when I saw myself in Grandpa Jiang Wanli, it already existed and was revealed on my back.

The Jiuzu Road is shaped like a "cloud", so Grandpa named himself Jiang Yun!

However, in fact, there is a second seal on your back!

After I finally broke the Jiuzu Road, the cloud seal disappeared, but when I was about to realize the avenue of Lei, this second seal was finally revealed for the first time!

The first heavy seal is the cloud;

The second seal, one horizontal and two vertical!

The two seals, together, are a "discard"!

This is the reason for Jiang Yun’s disappointment!

Ever since I knew about the Jiuzu Daofeng, this seal became a mountain that was pressed against him.

And he spent a great price, after a lot of hard work, finally overthrew the mountain.

However, there is another big mountain!

Moreover, he did not know, if he once again overthrew this second mountain, would there be a third, the fourth mountain is waiting for himself!

He doesn't know how much heavy seal he has on his body;

He does not know himself, and should not continue to practice;

He doesn't know himself, can he still have the hope of enlightenment;

Even, he doesn't know who he is!

The younger grandfather who dragged himself from a young age, the scars left on himself, is a reincarnation seal of the ancient ethnic group;

And the purpose of the grandfather leaving the seal, it is probably because of his own taboo!

Under the guidance of the master, he worshipped Master and was not old;

However, Master was the murderer who helped the Taoist and destroyed the entire ethnic group of the Master!

This is the strongest person in the heavens and the earth, when he is still in the midst of shackles, he has left two seals for himself, preventing himself from enlightening...

All these kinds of things are stacked together, so that Jiang Yun at this moment only feels disheartened. I only feel that I have been a monastic career for nearly 50 years. It is a big joke!

"Maybe, I am really an abandoned baby, a abandoned child, a person who is not willing to ask!"

"Maybe, I really shouldn't embark on the path of practice. I should be honest and honest, and I will die!"


In the almost nightmare whisper, Jiang Yun slowly stood up, his eyes still empty, calmly raised his feet and went outward.

While listening to Jiang Yun's whisper, although Kong Benchu ​​still did not understand what happened to Jiang Yun's body, but he can see that Jiang Yun's body is not a big problem.

What really matters is his spirit!

His spirit is clearly hit!

At this time, if you let Jiang Yun leave, I am afraid he can't live!

Thinking of this, Kong Benchu ​​hurriedly exhaled and opened his voice. His voice was like thunder. He blew in Jiang Yun’s ear: "Jiang Yun, you stand for me!"

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