The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1313: Too much


Jiang Yun almost swallowed the medicinal herbs that had not been swallowed yet.

Dan Daozi said that this unconscious woman is also one of the herbs!

However, Dan Daozi spends such a large price. He also issued a plan to recruit talents, and he gave a reward for the price of the sky. Isn’t it just to save the woman for refining medicine?

"Ha ha ha!" Seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, Dan Daozi could not help but laugh and said: "Old brother, scared!"

"Reassure, although she is indeed a kind of medicinal material, it is definitely not what you think, you can see it at a glance!"

When the voice fell, Dan Daozi once again reached out and pointed at the finger. The liquid of the size of ten feet suddenly became a long dragon. It rushed out of the Dan furnace and landed directly on the woman.

At the same time, Dan Daozi’s hands were also connected to the woman’s body, and they saw that the falling liquid did not splatter, but gathered around the woman’s body and wrapped the woman up.

Under the wrap of the liquid, the woman's body gradually floated into the air.

Then, Dan Daozi opened his mouth again, and a colorless fire spurted out and fell under the woman's body, and began to burn!

At this time, Dan Daozi has completely relaxed, and obviously has great confidence in this last step, so he did not forget to look at the eyes of Jiang Yun, hoping to see a little more shocked from the face of this little guy. .

After all, this scene, in the eyes of anyone, will definitely think that this is to fuse the woman and the liquid to the burning.

However, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but shrink slightly. Instead, his face did not show a shocking color. Instead, there was a look that Dandao could not understand.

That look seems to be... memories!

Dan Daozi did not read the mistake, Jiang Yun is indeed remembering.

Because, at this moment, in front of his scene, he seems to have met.

Even his mouth whispered unconsciously: "The number of Da Yan is fifty, and it is used for forty and nine, too one... no!"

Although Jiang Yun’s voice is extremely light, Dan Daozi’s voice is clear.

And this also made him change his face after a sigh of relief, and blurted out: "Old brother, can you understand this?"

Jiang Yun recovered from the memories and looked at Dan Daozi. His face showed a sense of pride: "This is not what I understand, but what my righteous father told me!"

In front of this scene, Jiang Yun thought of his own righteous father, Han Shizun, the elder of Shanhai Jieshen!

When I went to the drug gods to seek to relieve the antidote to the other side of the poison, I had to participate in the test of the drug god.

At that time, Han Shizun put forty-nine kinds of medicinal herbs in a Dan furnace, so that Jiang Yun could not use his eyes to look at it, to speculate on what kind of medicinal materials can be refined.

Although Jiang Yun analyzed all the medicinal materials, he believed that the forty-nine kinds of medicinal materials could not be refining any medicinal herbs.

However, he later discovered that he actually counted a medicinal material, which was used as a container to hold all the herbs!

In short, the Dan furnace can be regarded as a medicine, and it is also a kind of medicine. It has no effect in itself, so it is too unnecessary.

What is really useful is the forty-nine Chinese herbal medicines.

However, if there is no such use, then the drug will not be refining successfully.

Because the medicinal properties of all the medicinal materials will eventually be integrated into the Dan furnace, which will make the Dan furnace become a big Dan.

The situation at that time was almost exactly the same as that of Dan Daozi.

The only difference is that forty-nine turned into ninety-nine, but not used too, from Dan furnace to the woman.

Naturally, Jiang Yun will not be surprised at this moment, and even understand the purpose of Dan Daozi!

"Your righteous father?"

Once again, Dan Daozi couldn’t help but admire: "Your righteous father can think of this, which is enough to show that he is also a master of medicine."

"That seems to be, your pharmacy is to learn from your righteous father, if you have the opportunity, I hope to see your father."

Although Jiang Yun’s pharmacist was not learned by his righteous father, Jiang Yun did not deny Dan Daozi’s words.

Because my father's rumor in the pharmacy is not low.

If he is not in the mountains and seas like prisons, but in other truly free worlds, then he must also become a true master of refining.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "There is a chance, there will be a chance!"

Dan Daozi also smiled and shook his head. "I thought I would scare my brother, but I didn't expect it, but let my brother scare me."

"You are right, in fact, the completion of the integration of ninety-nine kinds of liquid medicine, almost equal to the completion of the refining of this drug."

"Now, just need to burn these liquids with a colorless fire, and then combine this woman's own..."

Dan Daozi said half of it and jumped directly to the past: "It will make the liquid completely penetrate into her body, and the effect is even better than taking it directly."

Jiang Yun naturally does not ask, just a bit puzzled: "The colorless fire will not hurt this woman?"

Dan Daozi smiled and said: "This is why I didn't dare to let you do it."

"Accordingly, if this process is done by you, the speed will definitely be faster, but I am also worried that your colorless fire will be too powerful and will hurt her, so let me come, slow down slowly. !"

Jiang Yun nodded in understanding.

Although until now, he still does not understand why the same colorless fire, his own display, the power will be much higher than Dan Daozi.

However, as Dan Dao said, even if he can control the temperature of the flame again, I am afraid it will not be possible to protect the woman.

Anyway, at this time, Jiang Yun is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dan Daozi has completed the refining of the medicinal herbs.

Once the medicinal preparation is completely refining, Dan Daozi should tell himself about the whereabouts of the key.

Jiang Yun no longer goes to see the last step of Dan Daozi's refining, but closes his eyes and absorbs the drug that he just took.

After doing all this, the time has passed three more days, and looking at the drug that is only one-fifth less, Jiang Yun knows that it will take at least half a month.

Dan Daozi is also a little embarrassed: "That, old brother, you will regard this as your own home, what to do if you want to do something."

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Well, I will go see my brother first!"

Dan Daozi nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I have forgotten him. You see how he is!"

Jiang Yun stood up and walked to the pool next to him. Looking at the air in the water, the gods swept over, and his face could not help but reveal the color of surprise.

The fruit in this pool has a miraculous effect. Nowadays, the damaged Dantian, which is under the warmth of this pool of water, has re-raised half.

Moreover, the newly grown Dantian is much stronger than the original one, so that it can absorb the aura independently.

This means that after Dantian has healed, Mu Shaofeng will not only be able to re-enter the path of cultivation, but also the speed of cultivation is much faster than before.

This makes Jiang Yun really incomparably happy. The reason why Mu Shaofeng fell to the point of repairing a total waste is to save himself. Now he can let him regain his cultivation, and he can report his life-saving grace.

"Come on, brother!"

"When you are done, I will send you back to Dao Zong, and recapture everything you lost."

Just when Jiang Yun whispered, he heard a loud drink from Dan Dao’s mouth: "Not good!"

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