The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1314: Medicine Avenue


Still waiting for Jiang Yun to see what happened, I heard another dull crash.

This time the sound is from the body of Dan Daozi!

At this moment, Dan Daozi's physique actually stepped back, his face slightly reddish, clearly being hit by an external force!

The strength of Dan Daozi, in Jiang Yun’s view, should have entered the realm of humanity, but now there are still people who can give him a shock.

This makes Jiang Yun's face helpless, and the first thought that comes out of his mind is that there are strong enemies!

The enemies of Dan Daozi are hidden in the dark, and when Dan Daozi's refining medicine can't be distracted, he secretly attacks Dan Daozi!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately exudes his own knowledge and rushes to the surrounding area.

And he himself was in shape and appeared beside Dan Daozi.

"Dan, brother, you are fine!"

Dan Daozi’s mouth spit a long breath: “There is no enemy, she is!”

While talking, Dan Dao reached out to the beautiful woman.

"she was?"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but look at it, his eyes looked over and his brows wrinkled slightly.

Because the woman is still the same as before, lying there unconscious, the body is wrapped in the liquid medicine, motionless, there is no abnormality.

Only under her body, the colorless fire released by Dan Dao is about to go out.

"What's up with her?"

Dan Daozi said in a hurry: "I can't tell, there is a sudden burst of strength in her body, not only extinguishing my colorless fire, but this power can also spread to my body along the colorless fire. ""

When the voice fell, Dan Dao opened his mouth again, and it was a colorless fire.

Obviously, he can't let the colorless fire go out.

However, when the colorless fire regained its original size, it was a muffled sound.

Dan Daozi's body was once again slightly shocked, and the colorless fire became a state of extinction.

"What is going on here! Why does there power in her body to stop the flame from continuing to burn!"

Although he was hit twice in a row by force, Dan Daozi did not suffer any injuries. It was only in such a situation that he could not figure out what was going on.

Looking at the faint, colorless fire that might go out at any time, Dan Dao’s brows are about to be screwed together.

If the colorless fire goes out, it will be equal to this refining failure!

If the refining of the drug failed more than a month ago, there is still the possibility of recovery.

But now all ninety-nine kinds of medicines have been burned into liquid medicines. If they are not successful, then they have no way to find so many medicines.

Naturally, this woman will die too!

Lian Dan’s sons couldn’t figure out what was going on, and Jiang Yun was even confused.

However, Jiang Yun noticed that Dan Daozi's face has become pale.

This paleness is not caused by injury. The feeling for Jiang Yun is more like fear!

The lord of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

At this time, Dan Dao did not give up a group of colorless fires.

The result is still!

"I still don't believe it!"

Dan Daozi's eyes are round and round, and his head is long and his clothes are windless. The whole body suddenly bursts out with a strong atmosphere, so that Jiang Yun, who is close at hand, feels like Tianwei is coming, and can't stop. Backward and backward again and again.

He knows that Dan Daozi is really anxious!

"The medicine!"

With the three words shouted in the mouth of Dan Dao, I saw that the huge courtyard trembled.

In this trembling, the lines of the road rushed out from all directions, overwhelmingly, rushing toward the palm of Dandao.

These lines with the sound of whistling, passing by Jiang Yun's body, and even a lot of directly rushed into the body of Jiang Yun!

However, although these lines are extremely fast, when they enter the body of Jiang Yun, they are strangely left in the body of Jiang Yun!

With the entry of these lines, Jiang Yun can clearly feel the powerful power contained in it!

Although these forces are powerful, they are not at all dangerous.

Because they are all the power of the road!

The power of medicine!

If you change to the injured person, the body suddenly has more of these lines, then the injury does not dare to say that it can be cured in an instant, but it will definitely ease a lot.

Although Jiang Yun’s body was not injured, the innumerable power of these lines after the explosion of Jiang Yun’s body suddenly rushed toward the wounds on the body of Jiang Yun.

This makes Jiang Yun can not help but one of them!

These are not scars, but the reincarnation seal left by Grandpa!

When I was in Thunder, I used the power of Thunder to break through nine of them, but most of them did not break open.

Nowadays, the power of these drugs will actually rush to the seal, not to mention that Jiang Yun did not think that there will be such a situation, even Dan Daozi is a slight glimpse, and his eyes swept Jiang Yun.

That is to say, he summoned to prepare to help the woman's road pattern, and was actually taken away by Jiang Yun invisibly.

However, Dan Daozi also knows that this is not Jiang Yun’s intentional snatch.

Because he had seen Jiang Yun at first sight, he noticed that there was a strange inside of Jiang Yun’s body.

What's more, even if Jiang Yun deliberately snatched away, now he has no time to pay attention to Jiang Yun.

The lines that rushed in all directions, like a long dragon in the hands of Dan Daozi, swayed toward the beautiful woman's body as Dan's palm swung out.

Numerous lines of unobstructed passage through the liquid of the woman's body, directly into the woman's body.

Then, I heard the sound of the explosion of "砰砰砰" coming out of the woman's body, so that even if she was in a coma, her face could not help but show a painful expression.

Obviously, these lines will not help me, but will bring her pain.

Although Dan Dao made it clear, he did not prevent the lines from continuing into the woman's body, but staring at the woman with both eyes.

In fact, Dan Daozi has long known that the drug pattern is not effective for women, otherwise, where can I use such trouble to refine the medicinal herbs.

The purpose of summoning the lines now is to use the power of the avenue to counter the other force in the woman's body, so that the colorless fire can continue to burn.

Seeing that except for the lines that were taken away by Jiang Yun, all the lines were not included in the women's body, Dan Daozi also gloomy for the fourth time to play a group of colorless fire.


The result is still the same as before!

This made Dan Daozi's face pale and pale and sweaty on his forehead.

Obviously, the power of the avenue he borrowed could not compete against the strength of the woman's body, and thus the lord of the Pharmacist, at this moment, really had nothing to do.


As soon as he hesitated, Dan Dao spit out a long breath, raised a finger, and squinted toward his eyebrows.

In any case, you must let the colorless fire continue to burn, to wake up the woman, even if I catch everything!

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally could not help but said: "Let me try it!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Dan Daozi’s finger suddenly stopped and turned to look at Jiang Yundao: “I’m not letting you try, but you...”

Jiang Yun calmly said: "This is already the case anyway, and it will not be bad if it goes bad!"

Deeply glanced at Jiang Yun, Dan Daozi finally bit his teeth and nodded hard: "Well, you try, be careful, if you feel that power you can't bear, immediately withdraw."

Jiang Yun raised his hand, and a group of colorless fires had swarmed under the woman.

As the flame burned, Jiang Yun immediately felt a huge force in the woman's body, clearly wanting to extinguish his own flame.

However, when I felt this power, Jiang Yun’s eyes burst into a dazzling light!

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