The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1398: Seven herbs

Wang Yuanzhong’s words made a sudden cold out of Jiang Yun’s eyes!

If he said that everything he said to Wang Yuanzhong was completely sneering, then now, he has to change his mind.

Of course, I know that everyone is entering the projection of the tower, but Wang Yuanzhong should not know.

Unless he said it is true!

But this is impossible again!

This nine-color world is clearly in the body of the ghostly beast, how could it become the center of the tower?

What's more, even if the tower is really born out of the spirit, why should the nine people suppress them?

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Wang Yuanzhong for the time being, and quickly analyzed all the situations that are now known.

"Zhan Qiu told Wang Yuanzhong that there are real and false things. The nine-color world should have a strong existence, and it is indeed an agreement with Zhan Qiu."

"He gives Ken’s certain benefits, and Zhan Qiu is going to attract him to him."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "I understand that the center of this colorful world, if there is really a strong existence, then it must not be the spirit of the tower, but it should be those monsters. Companion!"

“Even, it should be the strongest, so it is locked in the center.”

"But after so many years, especially the gradual decline of the Nine, let it finally gain part of the freedom, but still can not completely get out of trouble, just like the former owners of the tentacles, claws and tail!"

"Coincidentally, at this time, it met the two brothers of Zhan Qiu, so they gave them the benefit, let them help to lure some powerful monks into here."

"Using these monks to break through the prisons set up by the nine people, killing or swallowing these monks to help them restore their strength and gain more freedom!"

"It is even possible that Zhan Qiu is not the first person to reach an agreement with it, or we are not the first monks brought by Zhan Qiu."

"Before this, there are definitely other people who have done similar things with Zhan Qiu, so the monsters that are locked here will gradually get out of trouble and get a little bit of freedom."

"As for the production of stone, and the ability to control the towers, knowing that the towers are projections, etc., it is not difficult to understand the strength of the nine people."

With the deepening of his thoughts, Jiang Yun felt that his idea was correct.

However, this also made him think of his previous concerns.

If these monsters are all out of the trap, now that there is no world of the nine races, there are really not many monks who will be their opponents.

And through the current situation, the possibility of their escape is also great!

Wang Yuanzhong agreed to the invitation of Zhan Qiu because of the temptation of the Taiyuan wilderness. The long ion, the war force, they must also be because of all kinds of temptations, so they will agree to the invitation of Zhan Qiu.

And people like this really have too much.

Even if you are yourself, if the other party really gives enough conditions to make yourself tempted, you may promise to cooperate with them!

At this time, looking at Jiang Yun is always silent, Wang Yuanzhong finally could not help but said: "You asked me, I have answered, now, how are you going to deal with me?"

Jiang Yun came back to God, and he said, "I want you to listen to my orders from now on!"

"So, maybe you still have the possibility to leave here alive!"

While talking, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and saw a crack. There was a smog in his palm and he was handed to Wang Yuanzhong.

In fact, Jiang Yun does not use his own way, but borrows the power to destroy the magic image. Otherwise, even if Wang Yuanzhong’s soul has been injured, he is still not his opponent.

As for the shadows hidden in his soul, it can really be completely integrated with his soul, but it takes a long time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun just scared Wang Yuanzhong!

Even he himself did not have complete control over Wang Yuanzhong, so he could only rely on this smog.

Looking at the smog in front of him, Wang Yuanzhong’s face once again showed a hesitant color.

He also knows that if he really allowed this smog to enter the body, it would be completely controlled by Jiang Yun.

With his strength, nature has doubts about Jiang Yun’s words.

Just, feel the few shadows of your own soul, and think about the painful look of Zhan Qiu, he dare not take risks.

"But it!"

Finally, Wang Yuanzhong sighed and reached out and grabbed the smog and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

He did not doubt that Jiang Yun did not have a detoxification method, because they had just seen the fog and smog into the body of Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun was clearly unharmed.

Seeing that Wang Yuanzhong swallowed the smog, Jiang Yun’s heart was also secretly relieved: “Now, you are going to chase Zhan Qiu, I think, you should know how to do it!”

"Don't worry about the poison in your body, it won't invade your soul without my permission."

Jiang Yun knows that there must be a connection between Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu. If Wang Yuanzhong stays with his side, even if he lie, he will not be able to survive Zen.

It would be better to let him go back to Zhan Qiu’s side and let Zhan Qiu think he is dead!

Wang Yuanzhong nodded and looked at Jiang Yundao coldly: "I hope you can do it. Otherwise, I would rather be a jade, not a tile!"

After that, Wang Yuanzhong did not wait for Jiang Yun’s answer. He turned around and walked into the crack.

Until Wang Yuanzhong’s figure also entered the world of that side, Jiang Yun closed his eyes.

He did not entangle the true and false of Wang Yuanzhong's words, but once again entered a deeper space and began to search for the antidote to the smog.

After a full seven days, Jiang Yun finally knew all the herbs that had gathered into this smog.

As a result, Jiang Yun was also secretly stunned.

A seemingly simple poison, which contains more than 3,000 kinds of herbs!

However, this also makes Jiang Yun's heart quite excited.

Because since this poison is left by the predecessors of the drug god, it is enough to show that the predecessor of the drug **** is not only proficient in the medicine, but also proficient in the poisonous way!

In this way, if you can find him, then I believe that with his accomplishments in the poisonous road, combined with the identity of the soul family, will inevitably be able to solve the poison in the snow.


A long breath spit out of the mouth, Jiang Yun that lost contact with the chaotic body and some low mood finally recovered.

Next, according to the characteristics of these herbs, find the corresponding medicinal materials to get the final antidote.

This process is more complicated than the previous one.

But fortunately, no one is bothering Jiang Yun now, so in peace of mind, Jiang Yun spent more than a month before and after, finally found the medicine needed to understand the medicine.

Not many, only seven!

However, the names and characteristics of these seven herbs have been turned over and over again. Jiang Yun can't find anything special about it. He doesn't understand what the drug **** is trying to find out.

"Will, in the small world, really find out those herbs?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun stood up and looked at the direction of the chaotic sun again. He turned around without hesitation, stepped into the crack, and then entered the small world.

Closing his eyes, the whole picture of the world once again appeared in his mind. Soon, he found the location of each medicine.

"A recent medicinal material is near the golden flower cluster!"

Just as Jiang Yun walked toward the golden flower bush, he did not know that from the darkness of the labyrinth of maze, there was a figure slowly coming out, it was... long ion!

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