The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1399: a fishtail

Although this is the first time that Jiang Yun has really stepped into this small world, he is very familiar with the environment here because of his experience in the refining furnace.

As for the ubiquitous smog around her body, Jiang Yun is completely indifferent, with the existence of those shadows. Even if these smog enters his body, it will not have any influence on him.

Not long after, Jiang Yun came to the vicinity of the golden flower cluster and found a plant called the five-flowered fruit.

This is one of the seven herbs for refining and antidote.

Looking at the five flowers in front of me, although Jiang Yun has not reached out to pick, but it can already feel a faint vitality.

This kind of vitality is neither from the blossoming of the five flowers, nor from the nearby golden flower, but from the land below the five-flowered fruit.

This discovery made Jiang Yun's heart move, and the gods immediately spread to the ground.

However, he soon discovered that God's knowledge had no effect at all. There is a certain prohibition in this land that can stop the invasion of God.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun reached out and went straight to the ground.

Under the grasp, Jiang Yun could not help but frowned.

Because this seemingly soft earth is incomparably hard, it can't be opened with its own physical strength.

However, the more so, the more Jiangyun is sure, the more important things are hidden underneath the earth.

And this is why the drug **** clearly stated that he had already told him about the antidote, but he had to find out more about the reasons for refining the medicine needed for antidote.

"God is useless, the soil is extremely hard, and it is obvious that the predecessors of the medicine **** made a special arrangement."

"In this way, even if it was discovered by others inadvertently, it could not extract the following things."

"That is, the way to take things out is that I definitely have it, but it is something that others don't have."

"That can only be a fire!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately gave up a fire, and rushed toward the earth again.

Sure enough, when the fire hits this extremely hard land, it is really not directly hindered, and it is easily immersed in it.

After only a few moments, the fire has been re-drilled from the soil, and it is wrapped in something that is only transparent and sloppy.

"this is……"

Seeing such things, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly jumped.

This transparent thing is a complete incomplete remnant, and seems to be in a state of sleep.

"This, it will not be the soul of the drug gods?"

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s thoughts emerged, he also noticed that there were several equally incomplete lines on the body of this remnant.

For this kind of grain, Jiang Yun is no stranger, this is the unique soul pattern of the soul family.

Although Jiang Yun is still unable to display most of the soul lines, but the shape of each soul pattern has been memorized.

Under the slightest thought, Jiang Yun immediately recognized it, this soul pattern is the soul of the soul!

The role of the soul of the soul is to be able to condense a new soul.

When the masters and brothers were inconsistent, the criminal demon also said that using the soul of the soul can save the master, so Jiang Yun was more impressed.

Recognizing the soul pattern, Jiang Yun naturally understands that where the seven herbs are located, they must each hide a soul.

This soul is not the soul of the **** of medicine, but a new soul that he condenses with the soul and soul.

"This is what the medicinal gods hoped I could find out!"

Jiang Yun hurriedly reached out and took the trick and cautiously into his own hands.

With the removal of this remnant soul, the faint vitality that existed in the surrounding area disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, the five-flowered fruit and the golden flower cluster also clearly began to show signs of decline.

Even Jiang Yun can clearly feel that there is also a little less vitality in the whole world.

"The purpose of the drug gods to leave these remnants is to let me collect them, but it should also provide a lot of vitality for the existence of this small world."

"Once you have taken out all the souls, the vitality of this world should soon disappear. By that time, everything here will die."

Turning around and looking around, Jiang Yun continued to think: "Accordingly, there should be a powerful monster here. If this world disappears, will the monster be released?" ”

"I don't know, when Gesong passed here, did he encounter the attack of the monsters!"

In any case, Jiang Yun decided to go out and remove all the remaining six skeletons.

The consequences that one can think of, the predecessors of the drug **** can certainly think of it, and with the mind of his old man, he should have already prepared himself, and he does not have to worry about it himself.

So Jiang Yun no longer thought about it and began to go to where the remaining six herbs were.

Sure enough, under each medicinal material, even in the medicinal materials, there is a shackle of soul.

When Jiang Yun collected all the seven souls, the vitality of the world disappeared almost clearly, and all the surrounding scenery was decaying at an extremely fast speed.

The vegetation is withered, the lake is dry, the mountains are shaking, and the desert is boiling. It is a scene of the end.

This made Jiang Yun not consider how to combine these seven souls together, but first sent them all into their own body, then hurriedly accelerated their body shape and rushed to the front.

In any case, he must leave before the world is completely destroyed.

However, just as Jiang Yun passed the tall water cloud umbrella, next to the lake that was drying up quickly, there was a dull snoring.

Hearing this snoring, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but shrink slightly, because the sound was quite familiar to him, as if it was the voice of Ge Song!

Jiang Yun’s figure naturally slowed down and turned to look at the direction of the sound.

I saw that there was a figure in the lake that was hard to climb from the water that had dried up and there was only one bottom of the lake.

Sure enough, Ge Song!

Seeing Ge Song, Jiang Yun knows well. According to Wang Yuanzhong, this Gesong did not crack the toxicity here, but as the first person to shoot this small world, he was also chosen as a sacrifice.

In the process of the small world, in the process of passing through the small world, he still caught the monsters held here.

However, I don’t know if Gesong himself has the means to get away from it, or because Jiang Yun took away the seven souls and let the world begin to be destroyed, causing the monster to be affected, so that Gesong is still alive. And still escaped.

After recognizing Ge Song, Jiang Yun did not choose to save him, but prepared to speed up and continue to leave.

At this moment, Gesong’s entire body has all climbed out of the water, and when he saw Ge Song at this time, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but shrink again.

Because Ge Song’s body has just emerged from the lower half of the water, it’s no longer a pair of legs, but a cut... fishtail!

This unexpected discovery made Jiang Yun’s figure finally stop completely, and Gesong looked at his eyes.

Jiang Yun can be infinitely certain that the former Gesong is definitely a real human being, not a demon, but now, how is it that a fish tail is grown?

At this time, Ge Song also just raised his head.

Seeing Jiang Yun, his pale face suddenly showed a touch of joy, opened his mouth, clearly want to say something, but the sound exit, but still turned low.

Seeing that Ge Song couldn't even speak the human language, this made Jiang Yun's heart move, and suddenly thought of a possibility!

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