The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1403: Reincarnation tree

With the dissipating of the sorcerer's palm, Jiang Yun's eyes are also widened to the extreme, and he is firmly watching under the palm of his hand until he sees a piece... blank!

Long ions are gone!

This makes Jiang Yun's heart can not help but tighten, the powerful gods hurriedly covered all the surrounding squares, and carefully searched for traces of long ions.

Although the long ion disappears, it may be that the slain palm is directly photographed as nothingness, but it may also be escaped.

When thinking about the powerful strength of long ions, Jiang Yun also felt that he was very likely to escape.

However, under the attack of the sorcerer's palm, even if he did not die, it must have been injured, so Jiang Yun will be anxious to find.

In a short period of time, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has searched the Baizhang Fangyuan three times, but there is no discovery.

Just as he was about to spread his knowledge to a farther place, far away, there was a loud scream!

The snoring is still filled with sadness and anger, and soon after, there are other buzzing sounds.

Listening to this buzzing sound, Jiang Yun’s face finally showed a happy color.

Because he knows that this snoring is a kind of mourning way for the dead companions who are still alive!

And this also shows that the monster that only robbed the soul of the long ion has been defeated by the sorcerer's palm.

Naturally, this means that these monsters are not truly immortal, at least the power of the sorcerer can kill these monsters!

However, he is also a bit puzzled. Since the power of the sorcerer can kill these monsters, did the Mozu among the nine ethnic groups not find it?

In fact, he does not know, although the sacred object of the Mozu is the sacred demon statue, the strongest devil is also the sorcerer, but so far, even in the Mozu, the sorcerer is only in the legend!


When the snoring of the surrounding area finally disappeared, Jiang Yun’s mouth also spit a long breath and sat down on the ground.

In order to kill long ions, Jiang Yun also paid a great price.

Just by drawing the blood of the refining demon, I don’t know how much it’s used, and the snoring makes him feel the same, so now I can’t support it.

While madly absorbing the power of the yang that emerged from the vortex that had not dissipated, Jiang Yun’s brain was also thinking about his next move.

Although the power of the sorcerer can kill these monsters, the situation facing Jiang Yun is still not optimistic.

After all, his body only left the four lines that Jin Ge and other singers gave him.

This means that he can kill up to four such monsters.

However, in this nine-color world, even if the nine ethnic groups only suppressed one monster, now it is only two dead, and there are still seven.

Even if you can successfully kill a monster every time you activate the pattern, there will still be three survives!

Although Jiang Yun himself may be able to escape from the nine-color world, there is no need to worry about his life for the time being, but such a powerful monster, let alone three, as long as one escapes, it will bring endless disasters. .

What's more, among the seven, the strength of the center of the monster is the most powerful, so Jiang Yun must think about **** these monsters as much as possible.

In this way, after half a day, Jiang Yun finally returned to its peak state.

What makes him strange is that his chaotic road and the war force have never appeared.

"There may be the death of long ions, so that they have jealousy against me, so I dare not come."

Of course, Jiang Yun would not take the initiative to find them, so he turned his eyes to the seven souls in the body.

This look, so Jiang Yun's heart can not help but another joy.

Because under the effect of the soul of the soul, the seven souls have been automatically merged together, showing a complete shape.

It can be seen that this is a young man, and the appearance is similar to that of the drug god.

However, his eyes are still closed, just like sleeping.

Jiang Yun has never seen the fusion of the soul, so it is impossible to infer the soul. It takes a while to wake up, or it can only maintain this state.

Jiang Yun has no time to pay attention to it, only to let him continue to exist in his own body.

Until then, Jiang Yun looked at the golden tree in front of himself.

Naturally, this is the tree of reincarnation of the reincarnation!

Jiang Yun remembers that he had just escaped from nothingness with the help of the looting of the emptiness. Long ions thought he had escaped, but he just looked at the tree of reincarnation and did not chase himself.

It seems that he is a bit jealous of this tree of reincarnation.

On this point, Jiang Yun is also a little confused, do not understand why such a powerful monster will be jealous of this reincarnation tree.

"Since Zhan Qiu, they have already disappeared, it must have passed through here, but they do not know how they passed."

"If someone is cracking, it can only be one of Zizhu or Wang Yuanzhong."

"Once you get out, I am afraid that the monsters that have been suppressed by this reincarnation tree have now robbed the soul."

Without Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun did not know what kind of means needed to pass this reincarnation tree.

However, he did not need to know at all. He reached out directly and began to print one after another until all the prints were connected, and then gently patted the tree in front of him.

This is the seal of reincarnation, and the power contained in it is the reincarnation of the reincarnation.

Although this kind of power cannot be directly used for attack, it can make the reincarnation of the reincarnations continually merge with their own bodies and become stronger and stronger.

"My ethnic group, leave this place quickly!"

As the reincarnation was not in the tree, Jiang Yun’s mind also heard a vicissitude.

And then, the tree of the reincarnation in front of it shook slightly, and gradually became transparent, as if it were illusory.

Obviously, as long as you pass through this transparent tree, you can pass the guard of the reincarnation tree.

Jiang Yun did not hesitate to walk into the tree, but did not rush out, but stood there, absorbing the large amount of reincarnation left in the tree, while watching the surrounding with vigilance.

When the force of reincarnation into the body began to decrease, Jiang Yun was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly rushed out of the tree of reincarnation, not waiting for Jiang Yun to see what it was. His body was shrouded in golden light, and it shook a little, and it suddenly appeared. The scene of the scene!

In the picture, there are one by one... Jiang Yun!

These Jiang Yun, although dressed, dressed and old, are different, but Jiang Yun can clearly recognize it, that is himself.

Or, that is the reincarnation of the world that I have experienced!

Jiang Yun in the picture, some are dressed up by scholars, holding books;

Some are full of vicissitudes of life, and the clothes are not covered;

Some are Jinyi jade food, and life is extravagant.

Although the speed of these pictures is extremely fast, Jiang Yun is watching them at the same time, but it seems to have experienced the reincarnation again and again, and once again realized the life in the second round of reincarnation.

In such a gaze, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand unconsciously, his hands are like wearing a butterfly, and he has made a more complicated print than the reincarnation.

These prints gradually merged into a golden palm!

With the appearance of this palm, in the picture in front of Jiang Yun, a scholar dressed in Jiang Yun suddenly looked up, his eyes seemed to cross the endless time and space, and Jiang Yun's eyes touched.

Under this kind of touch, on the body of Jiang Yun, who was dressed up by the scholar, there was a hint of transparent, smoke-like gas rising slowly from the heavens, and left the picture, directly into the Jiang Yun body week. In the golden palm of the suspension...

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