The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1404: Responsible

The ruin of the nine places, the wild map and Lu Lun looked at the eternal demon statue that had just returned to the depths of the nine places, and his face showed a hint of envious envy.

Lu Lun’s tone was a little dissatisfied: “Jiang Yun’s kid is just a diamond body. How recently, the call to the demon statue has become more frequent.”

The wild map has a similar feeling and nodded: "I have been thinking about this issue all the time. I have to know that even the top-ranking strong people of the Mozu family, such as the old people of the Mozu, can only provoke the smashing of the demons, not at all. May motivate the power of this truly sinister golem."

"But this Jiang Yun, not only the temptation of three times and five times, but the power released by this sorcerer is also getting stronger and stronger. I really can't figure out how he did it!"

"If the Mozu of that year can have such a person, then the Mozu will certainly not be defeated!"

When he heard the wild map mentioning the past war, Lu Lun couldn't help but sigh: "In fact, the nine people at that time have indeed gone down."

"Don't say the Mozu, among the Nine, but if there is a true sacred object that can be motivated here, we will not fall to this point."

"Don't mention it in the past!" The wild map reached out and took a picture of Lu Lun's shoulder: "Now there is a **** cloud!"

"Since he has become the lord of the nine places and can motivate the power of the sacred image, then it may not take long before he can motivate the other eight sacred objects here."

"At that time, the Taoist or the Taoist temple, no one in this world will be his right..."

At this moment, in this quietly restored nine places, suddenly there was a violent shock again, interrupting the words of the wild map.

Naturally, the two also closed their mouths, and Qi Qi looked at the direction of the shock.

At first glance, the ruins are eccentric, and Lu Lun is shocked.

Because of the shock, it is the relic of the reincarnation, the tree of reincarnation!

Although the shock of the reincarnation tree is not intense, it is the first time they have seen it!

The wild map suddenly glared at Lulun: "What are you doing?"

"No, not me!" Lu Lun hurriedly shook his head.

Awkward brows wrinkled: "Is it Jiang Yun?"

Lu Lun also failed to answer the question of answering the map, and his body swayed and hurried back to the tree of reincarnation.

Only a moment later, Lu Lun’s voice full of excitement and shock came out of the tree: “Someone, someone who showed the strongest technique of my reincarnation, actually led the tree of reincarnation!”

The wild map is a bit stunned: "What is the strongest technique of your reincarnation?"


At the same time, Jiang Yun, who is in the tree of reincarnation, has a golden palm that has been condensed by the seal and has been overlapped with his own palm.

The scene in front of him disappeared, and he opened his eyes and looked at himself as a palm made of gold. His eyes were unobtrusive and revealed a surprise color!

From his mouth, he even spit out four words: "Responsible for the reincarnation!"

"In the palm of reincarnation, summon the reincarnation that I have experienced, and let my own reincarnation, like a avatar, be integrated into one's own world!"

Jiang Yun never imagined that in this tree of reincarnation, which is not known to the predecessors of the reincarnation, in addition to a large number of reincarnation forces, it actually hides the strongest technique of the reincarnation.

Although he still doesn't know what kind of benefits he will bring to his own reincarnation, the power of this technique is beyond his imagination.

Reincarnation, it is completely illusory.

Not to mention the integration of reincarnation, and even a lot of creatures, do not believe in the existence of reincarnation.

But now, the reincarnation of the reincarnation is to let Jiang Yun know that reincarnation does not only exist, but through this technique, it can be combined with the reincarnation of one's own life without being limited by time and space.

Moreover, although this kind of integration can only be a temporary improvement of strength, the reincarnation of a certain world will not disappear, but will still exist in time and space, so that you can continue to merge next time.

This is the real reincarnation of your own!

Looking at his golden palm, although Jiang Yun is a bit reluctant to reincarnate now, but in order to better understand the power of this surgery, he still clenched his palms.


With the bursting sound of the ear, Jiang Yun clearly saw that the golden color of his palm was pouring into his body like a tide, and his face was once again showing ecstasy.


Lu Lun said with excitement: "The strongest place in this technique is that no matter what life and power you are calling, the strength will become the same as you when they merge with you in this world."

"In short, you can summon a world of reincarnation, your strength will double, summon the two worlds to reintegrate, and your strength will double."

When I heard this, the face of the wild map was naturally shocked, but he still shook his head in disapproval: "The power of this technique varies from person to person."

"Because the number of cycles of each creature can't be endless, some people don't even have a reincarnation."

Although Lu Lun was a bit unhappy, he had to admit: "Yes, but if anyone can have dozens of lives, or even hundreds of reincarnations, then the power of this technique can be described as against the sky!"

The waste map nodded: "Since your reincarnation has such a powerful technique, why have I never heard of it?"

Lu Lun looked up at the wasteland and said: "Don't you know that we are not only the reincarnation, but the strongest skills of the nine people have all been lost?"

The wilderness figured: "I only know that the most powerful technique of my abandonment has been lost. I didn't expect the nine people to be like this?"

Not waiting for Lu Lun to answer, the eyes of the wild map suddenly stood bright: "Then you said, will Jiang Yun get this technique and just showed it out, so it caused the shock of the tree of reincarnation?"

"I also hope that he is, but if it is him, I don't know how many times he has a reincarnation?"


"The strength has doubled!"

After the reincarnation of his own scholars, Jiang Yun clearly felt the improvement of his own strength, and this also made his eyes show the color of expectation.

Because, just those pictures that he saw under the influence of the power of reincarnation, although not counted, but rough and rough, at least there are dozens, even hundreds of!

If you can integrate all the reincarnations with your own life, then your own strength...

Jiang Yun shook his head and forced himself to pull out from this unrealistic fantasy.

Although the power of this technique can be described as against the sky, it is not so easy to display, and it must have a strong reincarnation.

The power of reincarnation, since it is not the power of this world, then want to get, at least for the current Jiang Yun, do not know where to get.

“Perhaps, the true tree of reincarnation can provide endless reincarnation!”

"However, the real tree of reincarnation is in the ruin of the nine places. I am afraid that only when I step into the Tao, I can provoke the tree of reincarnation."

In any case, it has been a great harvest for the reincarnation.

Just when Jiang Yun was ready to step out of this tree of reincarnation, he suddenly found out that in his mind, in addition to the newly-recognized practice of reincarnation, he even had a set of himself that he never saw. Past printing...

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