The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1416: As a reward

Although this beast was clearly introduced into the ears of Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun was as never heard.

Because the face that appeared in the picture just appeared in front of his eyes!

The appearance of the face is not surprising, but it has a pair of extremely sharp eyes, like an eagle, even if the picture is separated, Jiang Yun can feel the sharpness in his eyes!

Such an eye, only one of the people that Jiang Yun has encountered so far has -

Far away, or, the road is far!

At first, Jiang Yun thought that the person who entered this passage was a drug god, and was later vetoed by the young soul. He also guessed that it should be a Jiang people.

I did not expect that it would be a far cry!

"How could it be him? Shouldn't he find the world of life and death and enter the dead world?"

Just as Jiang Yun was muttering like a nightmare, the young soul reached out and shook in front of him: "What is the problem, think about it later."

"I have something to tell you, but it looks like you don't seem to have time now."

Jiang Yun was only able to return to God, and the sound of the beast was just heard. It must have come from the spider who is taking the soul.

I was prepared to stop the spider from getting out of trouble, because the sudden awakening of the young soul was delayed.

Now, it is necessary to go.

Jiang Yun nodded and took a moment to ask: "When the drug gods left this picture, did you say that the person who recorded the picture, how was it?"

"No!" The young soul shook his head and said: "But I think, as long as he does not continue to go to the world, there will be nothing. After all, there are tribal sacred objects in the suppression."

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head.

For others, if you encounter a monster in the channel, you may choose to quit, but for the wilderness, he will only continue to move forward!

Even Jiang Yun can guess, the time to find this channel in the wild, it should be that he left the ancient world, and separated from Xiao Letian!

The desolateness at that time should indeed be to find a way to enter the dead, but under the yin, it was found this passage and entered it.

Moreover, since then, he should never go out of this channel again, and lost contact with Xiao Letian, so he will let Xiao Letian mistakenly think that he is entering the dead.

Then, there are only two possibilities for the far-reaching results.

One is to die in the channel and die in the hands of those monsters;

Another possibility is that he successfully passed this passage and entered the world!

For Jiang Yun, natural hope is the second possibility!

"Well, you are going to be busy, I will not dissipate for the time being, I should be able to stick to everything you have solved."

A smile to Jiang Yun, this young soul has flew into Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun is also taking a breath, although the picture he just saw has solved many doubts, but he still has more problems.

Only the most important thing now is to quickly stop the spider from getting out of trouble and deal with the remaining five monsters such as Zhan.

Forced to put all the problems in the heart for the time being, Jiang Yun's body shape is like electricity, rushing in the direction of Zhan Qiu.

After a while, Jiang Yun has already seen Zhan Qiu, who is still attacking the earth constantly. The cold road: "Zhan Daoyou, what are you doing!"

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, Zhan Qiu was not surprised, stopped the attack, and looked back at Jiang Yundao: "Not to delay the time for you, are you ready?"

When Jiang Yun nodded, the gods swept to the bottom of the earth, and saw the huge spider and the purple bamboo that had half bodyized into the body!

Obviously, this spider has already completed half of the soul.

Although Jiang Yun did not know how long it took for the demon to take the soul, but in the valley before, it took more than a month to crack the smog poison left by the drug gods.

After that, I met the long ion that was robbed of the soul.

This allows Jiang Yun to roughly calculate it, and the time of the demon beast will be at least a month.

However, I have just seen that Zizhu has been robbed of souls until now, but it has only been a few hours since then, and this monster has already been completed in half, which means that its speed has increased too much.

Therefore, you can no longer have the slightest delay, you must stop it, and then rush to the place where there is no soul, to summon the power of the sorcerer, kill all the remaining monsters.

Jiang Yungang had to withdraw his knowledge, but suddenly there was a very weak voice in the mind: "Jiang Yun, save me!"

It’s Zizhu!

Although it seems that Zizhu has lost its mind, it is actually not the case. Even she can detect the emergence of Jiang Yun’s knowledge.

When I heard the help of Zizhu, Jiang Yun was a little surprised, but he was not surprised.

After all, all the people who entered this time, except themselves and Wei Jiu, are all Taoist. Even though they are not the opponents of these monsters, there is absolutely no weak one.

"Give me a reason to save you!"

Jiang Yun is not a mountain boy who has just stepped out of Lushan. Although he still has a good existence in his heart, it is only for those he cares about.

Zizhu, obviously not in it.

Zizhu breathed a sigh of relief and said in a hurry: "In the medicinal herbs that Ge Song gave you, there is a poison, I can help you detoxify."

"That medicine, I did not take it!"

After Jiang Yun dropped this sentence, he was ready to take back his knowledge, and Zizhu followed closely: "Zhan Qiu has hidden his strength in the space stone that he gave you."

"As long as you crush the space stone, then this power will invade your body, and you won't find it. At that time, Zhan Qiu can control you with this power!"

This sentence is a bit out of Jiang Yun's expectation, and God immediately looked at his body.

After magnifying the gods to the extreme, sure enough, in the depths of the ocean of Dantian, there is a trace of power that is not your own!

However, Jiang Yun did not rush to dispel this power, but let it stay in his body.

In fact, let alone Jiang Yun has discovered the existence of this power. Even if it is not discovered, it is almost impossible for Zhan Qiu to control him through this power.

But in any case, the words of Zizhu are considered to be graceful to Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yunwei said: "I am going to kill a few other monsters now. If I can kill them, then you are still alive." I will find a way to save you!"

"Wait!" Zizhu hurriedly said: "I can't hold on for too long. You can't save me. You can help me take this ring out! In return, I can go with this monster!"

At the same time as talking, Zizhu did not agree with Jiang Yun, and suddenly a ring was flying out of the body.

And her move obviously made the spider aware, so she made a roar, letting the body of Zizhu tremble, and the face once again showed a very painful color.

After the ring left the body of Zizhu, the speed was extremely fast, with the sound of whistling, and instantly passed through the layers of the earth, and broke out, directly appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

It is not difficult to see that Zizhu used almost all the power in order to send the ring.

Suddenly flying out of the ring, Zhan Qiu was shocked, revealing the color of doubt.

Jiang Yun did not reach out to pick up the ring, but after sweeping through the inside of his mind, his eyes suddenly sighed slightly: "You came here for him?"

"Yes, he was already dead, but Zhan Qiu gave him a remedy for him to regain his vitality, so now I hope that you can take him out here."

At this time, Zhan Qiu also said: "Jiang Daoyou, this should not be given to you by Zizhu, what is inside?"

Zhan Qiu reached out and wanted to get the ring, but it was caught in the hands of Jiang Yun faster.

Jiang Yun simply ignored Zhan Qiu, but once again asked God to the Zizhu: "You just said, can you go with this monster? You, sure to do?"

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