The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1417: Shaped like Jiang Yun

“Yes!” Zizhu gave a positive answer: “So, you promised?”

Jiang Yun did not answer and asked: "Why can you be so sure?"

Unless you use the power of the sorcerer, otherwise, Jiang Yun has no way, even if he blew himself, he can't guarantee that he can kill these monsters.

However, now Zizhu actually determines that she can go with the monster, which makes Jiang Yun realize that perhaps, Zizhu already knows the weakness of these monsters.

Although Jiang Yun’s answer, let Zizhu hate to bite the teeth, but she now asks for Jiang Yun, so she can only swallow the voice: “Because its soul and my soul have merged half, so that I can clearly Feel its state."

"When I just said that I want to go with her, it is obviously scared, so as long as I am blasting the soul, I can go with it!"

"Now, do you still have questions?"

Jiang Yun’s face showed a faint color.

It seems that these monsters, although powerful, will become weak in the process of their soul-hunting.

This is the soft underbelly of these monsters!

It’s just that even if you know this weakness, it’s not very useful. After all, it’s hard to meet the chances of attacking when they are robbing the soul.

"In addition to the self-destruction of the soul-stricken person, I don't know if other attacks have any effect on these monsters."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s hand has appeared in the hands of the refining pen, and voiced it to Zizhu: “I’m not sure if I can save you, but if you feel that you can separate your body or soul, then grab it. opportunity."

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Zizhu said: “Would you like to save me?”

"You should thank you in the ring... he!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun spurted out a stream of blood, and the scented scented pen filled his own blood. He had drawn a demon print very quickly, and under the earth, the huge spider, shot away.

Among the rings that Zizhu hoped Jiang Yun took out, there was a man who died like a dead man.

And seeing this man, Jiang Yun understands that the purpose of Zizhu to the nine-color world is necessarily to resurrect this person!

This made Jiang Yun think of himself and think of Xueqing!

I am also trying to save Xueqing, so I will find the key to open the world at all costs. This kind of behavior is exactly the same as Zizhu.

What's more, I am much luckier than Zizhu.

Because Xueqing is not dead, as long as the drug **** predecessors are found, Xueqing must be able to wake up.

And Zizhu, although Jiang Yun did not dare to say that there is no such thing as a resurrection in this world, but even if she does, she is afraid to save her Taoist.

Because the soul of her Taoist priest has been replaced by a dying monster, this is the role of the medicinal herbs that Jane Qies gave her...


The seal of the demon did not enter the depths of the earth, and directly penetrated into the body of the spider, and the next moment, Jiang Yun’s face showed a touch of joy.

Because the seal of the demon has been successfully sealed off at least 10% of this monster!

Naturally, this also proves that when the demon is in the soul, it is also the weakest time.

Although this weakness still makes them difficult to kill, it is only for other monks, not for the refiners!

Even, Jiang Yun has already thought of the home for this spider!

Its destination is to be killed by life and death!

Next, Jiang Yun, like the long ion, began to crazyly put all kinds of enchantments into the body of the spider, constantly weakening the strength of the spider.

This made Zhan Qiu on the side look stunned, especially when he heard the painful beasts that came out of the earth, which made him feel awkward.

However, he did not stop Jiang Yun's shot. After all, he and Jiang Yun were in the same camp in dealing with these monsters.

Until a moment passed, Zizhu came with a pleasant voice: "It's going to die, I can leave!"

"Then you are ready to leave!"

With the fall of this sentence, Jiang Yun finally painted a nearly 60% of the death and death of the demon, into the spider's body.

Then, Jiang Yun’s palm was smashed!



I saw that the huge body of the spider suddenly trembled, and in this trembling, the figure of Zizhu finally got out of trouble.


With a loud bang, this huge spider, very fortunate enough to become the first demon killed by Jiang Yun with the death of the deceased!


Just as the spider died, from the center of the nine-color world, five screams of anger and shock were heard.

Jiang Yun put away the refining pen, and looked coldly at the direction of the voice: "Don't worry, it's your turn right away!"


There are so many worlds in the body of the spirited beast.

Some of these worlds still emit light, either light or dark, and some are bleak.

And in all the world, there is a very strange world.

This world, not only did not shine, but it turned out to be black!

The whole body is black!

Even if you don't look carefully, even if you pass by the world, you won't realize that there will be a huge world around you.

But when you stare at it, you will find that the world is black, because on the surface of the world, it is covered with a dense black shadow!

The number of these shadows is innumerable. They are stacked on the surface of the world, just like the ocean, completely obscuring the light emitted by the world and covering the world.

Suddenly, in the distance, there was a shadow that rushed over and slammed into the shadow of the ocean.

Then all the shadows were surging.

After the moment, in the center of the world, a humanoid shadow finally got out of the sea of ​​shadows underneath, just like standing out from the sea.

Moreover, the dark body of this shadow has also become solid at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even the vague face has emerged with five features, making his face gradually clear and turned into a young man!

This face, Herran and Jiang Yun are almost exactly the same!


The man’s mouth sighed a long sigh of relief. The face that was almost the same as Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile of excitement. He screamed and said, “The grown-up is coming, you, come with me. grown ups!"


As the man said this, all the shadows covered by the surface of the whole world suddenly boiled, and one by one also flew off the surface of the world, which was extremely exciting.

Although these shadows do not speak, but in each of the irregular bodies, there is a faint volatility.

They have a certain repair!

The departure of many shadows has also made this original black world gradually reveal its true colors.

A huge world that also exudes bright light!

Then, the man reached out and saw a black shadow flying in front of him.

"Where is the adult?"

After the black shadow was distorted for a few times, the smile on the man’s face was slightly stunned, and it instantly turned into a murderous murderous day. Even the eyes of the same eyes had the same fierce blast as Jiang Yun!

"That group of monsters, if you dare to be unfavorable to adults, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

"let's go!"

With this man's order, the countless shadows gathered behind him began to frantically.

In an instant, it has become a huge human figure in the size of a man.

The breath that came out of the huge body, although extremely complicated, but the water rose, faintly reached the Tao!

The man took a step, sitting directly on the top of the human figure, reaching out to the front, and spouting four words in the mouth.

"The world of nine colors!"

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