The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1418: Finally met

"Dead, dead?"

In the white mist of the sky, Zhan Qiuyan’s eyes widened and he looked at the earth underneath, although it seemed to have not changed, but in fact, the land that was almost hollowed out inside was full of shocking colors.

Although Wei Ji said that Jiang Yun killed two monsters, Jiang Yun admitted to killing one, but Zhan Qiu still did not believe it.

Until now, the sound of the earth-shattering loud noise and the five roars from the center of the world made him realize that Jiang Yun actually killed another monster.

What's more, he has just witnessed the whole process of Jiang Yun killing the monster.

Not only is it extremely fast, but from the beginning to the end, Jiang Yun has not used any other means except for the practice of refining.

This made him shocked, but also flashed the light of the Greek wing, secretly glad that he did not find the wrong person.

Jiang Yun should really be able to kill the rest of the beast and save his brother!

Zhan Qiu will certainly not know that the reason why Jiang Yun can kill this monster, in fact, most of the credit is attributed to Zizhu.

Although the monsters will be extremely weakened when they win the soul, they can terminate the process of reclaiming the soul and restore their strength at any time.

Thanks to the danger of Zizhu flying away from the soul, it is also the soul of her own, which locks the soul of the spider, so that it can not end the soul, and can only continue to bear the attack of Jiang Yun in a weak state. This was finally killed.

Although Zizhu did not say it, in order to invite meritorious deeds, Jiang Yun was a refining demon, and his knowledge was extremely powerful and natural.

At this time, a figure appeared beside Jiang Yun, it is Zizhu.

At this moment, the purple bamboo, although there is no trace of blood on the face, but the eyes are the joy of the rest of the life.

However, when her eyes saw Zhan Qiu on the side, all the expressions immediately turned into hatred, and I swept away Zhan Qiu coldly, and I looked at Jiang Yun.

"Thank you!" Zizhu clenched a fist at Jiang Yun and deeply worshipped.

Jiang Yun threw the ring in her hand to her: "Now, we are not owed!"

Jiang Yun did not tell the real situation of the man, because it would inevitably make the purple bamboo unbearable, it would be better to let her always hold such a hope.

After picking up the ring, the face of Zizhu showed a gentle color, carefully attached the ring to his chest. After a moment of silence, this was followed by Jiang Yun: "If you are going to kill other monsters now. I may not be able to help you."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "No, you can find a safe place to hide!"

Although Zizhu escaped, but the state is very poor, it is impossible to have a battle.

Zizhu nodded, turned and left, and Jiang Yun looked at the back of her departure, suddenly said: "There is a round stone in this white fog, you wait for me near the stone, if I can kill those Wicked beast, then, I will take you out of here!"

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, the body of Zizhu shivered slightly, but did not turn around, nor did it open, so it disappeared into the white mist.

Zan Qiu, who also looked at Zizhu’s departure from his back, took back his eyes and said coldly: "Can we go now?"

Although he didn't know what happened between Jiang Yun and Zizhu, he couldn't see the two. Now they are clearly standing on the same front and excluding themselves.

After Jiang Yun looked at him, he sat down with his knees: "I just killed a monster and I need to wait a little longer!"

Looking at Jiang Yun's calm appearance, Zhan Qiu could not help but frown. "Don't you be afraid of them coming over?"

In this regard, Jiang Yun just closed his eyes with a faint smile.

In Zhan Qiu’s thought, Jiang Yun could not know the situation in the center of this circle, but he did not know that when Jiang Yun merged his knowledge into the stone tablet, he clearly saw it.

Zhan resentment is in the boundless soul of the fire, unable to move, and the Weizhou and Jiuzi are busy with the full force to break open the blockade of the soulless fire, it seems that can not be distracted, so Jiang Yun is a fearless kill The spider.

Moreover, now that the spiders are dead, they still haven't come over, which naturally makes Jiang Yun more determined.

However, what he is doing now is not to restore his strength, but to attack the four lines of Jin Ge that they gave themselves with the rest of the four lines!

After all, it takes a certain amount of time for the lines to break through the scars!

However, after only counting the money, Zhan Qiu shrugged his shoulders at Jiang Yun: "Sorry, I am afraid that there is no time to recover. They let me catch you right away."

Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through a large number of lines in the body that were madly hitting the scars, and secretly estimated the next time. After confirming the time, I nodded and said, “Yes!”

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun actually stood up and simply walked forward.

Looking at the calm, I couldn't see the slightest shade of Jiang Yun, and Zhan Qiu's eyes flashed a hint of jealousy.

However, when he raised his hand and the **** slid gently, the color of the taboo on his face suddenly vanished.

With a slight smile, Zhan Qiu also took a big step and chased Jiang Yun. While walking, he said, "Ginger Doo, don't forget that you were caught by me, so it's good, we have to pretend it?"

Jiang Yun said coldly: "You don't have to install it, even if they don't know what happened here, but if you are present, let me kill a monster. Do you think they will trust you?" ”

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and glanced at Zhan Qiudao who had caught up with himself: "I still say that Zhan Daoyou is not worried about me, so I want to do fake drama, really leave some control in my body. The means to live with me?"

"Ha ha!" Zhan Qiu suddenly burst into laughter: "Jiang Daoyou cares a lot, with the strength of Jiang Daoyou, let me not say whether I can leave the means without being noticed by the Taoist friends, even if I can, I have no courage."

Listening to the laughter that Zhan Qiu clearly used to cover up, Jiang Yun smiled coldly and did not speak again.

Just in his own Dantian, the slightest force left by Zhan Qiu was slightly shaken, and it must be what Zhan Qiu did.

Jiang Yun did not speak, and Zhan Qiu naturally closed his mouth.

In this way, the two walked through the white mist, and only a moment later, the end of the white fog could be seen in front.

Jiang Yun secretly took a breath, and once again glanced at his body, he walked out of the white fog without hesitation.

Zhan Qiu also took a strong breath and pressed his inner nervousness and anxiety.

In fact, he also understands that these monsters have never trusted themselves and cannot trust themselves.

They just need someone who works for them, so this finds themselves and even leaves themselves.

Now, whether you can save your brother, whether you can live, and leave this colorful world, it depends on whether Jiang Yun can kill those monsters.

Set the god, Zhan Qiu followed Jiang Yun, and also walked out.

In front of Jiang Yun’s eyes, there was an unresolved soul fire that had been seen in the ring, and five people inside and outside the soul fire!

With the appearance of Jiang Yun, the Zhan resentment in the center of the soul fire has suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold light appeared in his eyes, which shot straight on Jiang Yun’s face.

"We finally met!"

Jiang Yun is also watching the other side, this is the strongest demon who just shook his gods out of the stone with a look!

Just as Jiang Yun looked at the other side, his body and face were flying fast and spread a black line, and accompanied by a strong breath, went straight into the sky.

Above the sky, there is a huge whirlpool, just the entire soulless fire, and the five monsters inside and outside the soul fire, completely enveloped!

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