The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1422: Easily

Prior to this, Jiang Yun’s chaotic body was not in the heart for Jiang Yun, but after seeing how Jiang Yun gave the battle force to kill easily, his heart already had a thick heart. Strong fear.

Obviously, I am not an opponent of Jiang Yun!

There is no need to answer the ambiguous body. Jiang Yun’s figure has already come to the front, and he has reached out and grabbed his throat. He lifted him up and his powerful knowledge has already rushed to his body. Among them.

At first glance, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy!

Because, under his knowledge, it can be clearly seen that the chaotic path has become a lizard-like monster, and there is a sense of fear and excitement.

Only the emotions can express their thoughts, only... shadow!

When the tail of this monster was ready to attack Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun’s body had several shadows to protect Jiang Yun, and he rushed into the tail of the monster.

This is why Jiang Yun always holds the hope of recovering the Tao.

These shadows actually entered the soul with the tail of the monster.

And this probably means that your own chaotic path is still saved!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun hurriedly sent his voice into the soul: "I am Jiang Yun, can you help me drive the soul of this monster!"

After those silences were silenced, they suddenly became excited again, and made Jiang Yun more certain that they could do it!

At this moment, Wang Yuanzhong and Wei Jiu, who had never shot, looked at each other and burst into a snoring sound, and then both rushed to Jiang Yun.

Wei Jiu and Wang Yuanzhong are very clear that knowing that they are alone cannot be Jiang Yun’s opponent, then Jiang Yun now seizes the opportunity of chaos and joins hands.

Moreover, after the lessons of the battle of the heavens, the two are no longer relying on the power of the flesh, but they have exhibited their own methods and used the implements!

Wei Jiu’s body was surrounded by a storm of a hundred square feet. The storm was filled with countless thunders and swept away toward Jiang Yun.

In Wang Yuanzhong’s palm, there was a bronze mirror of a palm-sized face, facing Jiang Yun’s distant view, and the mirror shot six bright blue rays.

Each light is not as thick as the arm, but when you look closely, the light is actually composed entirely of blue flames. Wherever you pass, there is a faint sound of ghosts and screams, and you go straight to Jiang Yun.

"Zhan Qiu, what are you waiting for!"

At the same time, Zhan's grievances also burst into a big bang, so that they have long forgotten to rob the soul, and they are stunned and watched Jiang Yun's Zhan Qiu returning to God.

Although Zhan Qiu has not dared to shoot Jiang Yun, but seeing Zhan's grievances filled with sharp eyes, it is to make his heart can not help but raise fear, even dare not violate the order of Zhan.

In desperation, he could only bite his teeth and stand up. He took out a printed decision with his hands and fingers, and began to try to provoke the body of Jiang Yun, the one that he left behind.

Although he also knows that this power should have been discovered by Jiang Yun, but he did not dare to approach Jiang Yun.

The three strong players also launched an attack on Jiang Yun.

In the face of the attack of three people, Jiang Yun smiled coldly, and suddenly there was a thunder mark in his eyebrows. He sighed in the mouth: "Ray, burst!"


With the export of Jiang Yun, you can see that all the thunders in the storm that had been sweeping from him have exploded.

Not only did the storm blow up, but the storm and Thunder that blew up turned around and turned to Wei Jiu!

Wei Jiu's face can't help but change, but he wants to hide, but it is not as fast as these storms and thunder. In a moment, the whole person has been wrapped up by his own technique.

Then, in the palm of the palm of the sky, there was a Tibetan sword in the palm of his hand. A black gas was entangled on the blade and he greeted the six beams of blue light.


Under the trembling of the Jiandao sword, the black gas suddenly exploded, and turned into countless black swords, not only greeted the six blue light, but also shot to Wang Yuanzhong!

Naturally, this black gas is the sword spirit!


With the sound of the bursting sound constantly, the six-way blue light collided with the black sword, and it was already blown up, and the remaining black swords almost came to Wang Yuanzhong.

Although Wang Yuanzhong's body is extremely powerful, these black swords that are illusory in the face of the illusion are simply unable to resist.

I heard the sound of a hole in the sound constantly screaming, and all the little swords all passed through his body in an instant, making his body become a sieve and riddled with holes.

As for Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun glanced at him with his cold eyes. After he reached out and pointed his finger, he saw that the levy of the emptiness came directly to his side, and Dingkou down, he easily covered it. stand up.

The power of the sorcerer's demon is not only to make Jiang Yun's physical strength soar, but to make Jiang Yun's overall strength soar.

Now his strength, dare not say that he can surpass the Tao, but at least in the context of humanity and isomorphism, there are not many people who can overcome him.

Therefore, between the light and easy, the three men's attacks have all been defeated, and in turn, injured two people, trapped one person.

After solving the three people, Jiang Yun’s face flashed a touch of joy again, because the soul of the body in front of the chaotic path actually began to separate slowly.

Obviously, the existence of those shadows has given hope to their own chaotic path.

It only takes a certain amount of time for this separation, and Jiang Yun is not likely to wait here, so it is very easy to take out the refining pen and draw a complete seal!

Although it has been a refining sorcerer for so long, it is the first time that Jiang Yun has actually painted this enchantress for the first time in his life!

As the seal of the demon was immersed in the body of the chaotic body, suddenly a scream was made in the mouth of the body, and all the repairs were sealed in an instant.

Looking at the body that had no threat at all, Jiang Yun gave a few words to the shadow and then threw it aside and turned to the sound of Wei Ji, which was being wrapped by the storm. Next.

Looking at the palm of the hand toward Jiang Yun, Wei Jiu did not have the possibility of dodging, the head has been caught in the hands of Jiang Yun.

However, just as Jiang Yun was preparing to crush the head of Wei Jiu, his mind suddenly sounded a fire-only voice: "Adult, it is better to send him to me and refine it into a demon!" ”

Demon Dan!

Jiang Yun slightly stunned, but even if he nodded, it was a better choice than killing Wei Jiu directly.

Wei Jiu’s body is repaired, and after being refined into a demon, once he is served, he will gain all his strength.

Of course, only in the current situation, Jiang Yun’s life can only make this Wei Jiu refining Dan.

Then Jiang Yun threw Wei Ji into the flameless lamp and came to the side of Wang Yuanzhong who had become a sieve. When he was about to throw him into the lamp, Wang Yuanzhong suddenly yelled out. Channel: "Jiang Yun, save me!"

Jiang Yun once again glanced, and the gods swept through Wang Yuanzhong's body and found that his soul also had the existence of a shadow. In this way, his situation was the same as that of the chaotic road, and there was still the possibility of recovery.

"Save you, I need you to recognize me after that!"

Wang Yuanzhong yelled wildly: "I recognize, I recognize!"

Jiang Yun is not afraid that Wang Yuanzhong will go out of his way, so as he treated the chaotic road, he sealed it and threw it aside.

After finishing all this, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the Zen Qiu who was covered in Dingzhong, but directly looked at Zhan’s resentment: "We finally met!"

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