The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1423: Thank you for your help.

Although Jiang Yun accepted the power of the sorcerer's power, Zhan's grievances did have some panic, but in the process of Jiang Yun's one-fifth battle, he gradually recovered his calm.

Even at the moment, facing Jiang Yun’s provocative words, his face showed a smile and nodded. “Yes, now we really meet!”

For the calm of Zhan's grievances, Jiang Yun's heart can't help but have doubts.

Because I can see it, the calm of Zhan’s resentment is not pretending.

And this means that after seeing his own power, Zhan’s grievances are not worried.

Nowadays, all his men have been killed by their own killings, and they have been arrested, making him a lonely man.

Even if he turns and leaves now, he will continue to be detained in this colorful world, and I am afraid there will never be an opportunity to get out of trouble.

Therefore, Jiang Yun really can't think of it, and there is still something to rely on in his grievances, which will make him so calm!

Such doubts have caused Jiang Yun’s heart to tangled.

It is reasonable to say that now that I am so hard to obtain such a strong strength, then I should kill this Zhan grievance before the power has disappeared, thus completely solving the threat of this group of monsters to this world.

However, looking at Zhan’s grievances, there is no fear of it. Jiang Yun is worried about whether the other party has any intrigues.

If he really rushed to shoot him, would it just happen to trap him?

At this time, Zhan complained again: "Now, we can talk about it!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly threw the doubts in his heart to the side temporarily. The cold road said: "Now, Jiang did not want to talk!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already stepped straight and stepped into the soulless fire!

Jiang Yun only knows that the power of being integrated into his body now will disappear in a short time. So no matter what reliance and tricks this jealousy has, he can completely subdue the other party.

"Well, let me see, how powerful you are today!"

Seeing Jiang Yun enter the soul fire, Zhan’s face smiles unchanged, and opened his mouth, spewing a faint gas from his mouth, and condensed into another jealous grievance in the air!

Just like a avatar!

Zhan complained with a slight smile: "You also saw that I am inconvenient to move now, so I can only fight with you in this way!"

Jiang Yun can also see it. Although Zhan’s grievances are bound by the indefinite soul, he can’t move, but after so many years, the unresolved soul fire has been weakened, so this allows him to shoot in this way. .

For this avatar of Zhan's grievances, Jiang Yun did not have the slightest contempt.

After all, after seeing the process of killing Wei Jiu and others, the other party still dared to let the avatar fight with himself. This is enough to show that he is very confident in this avatar.

The grievance of Zhan’s grievance suddenly reached out and saw a majestic demon rushing out of his body, almost covering the range of the soulless fire!

Then, from this demon, a variety of screaming screams suddenly emerged, and began to madly boil, instantly condensed out countless monsters, Qi Qi Yangtian issued a loud voice.

This sound alone is deafening, so that Jiang Yun feels that his soul has shaken!

Although Jiang Yun killed the long ion and the spider before, the roar of the other party made Jiang Yun feel the same, but at the moment, Jiang Yun, under the blessing of the power of the sorcerer, still has this. The feeling is enough to show that the strength of this grievance is really extremely powerful.

However, Jiang Yun only glanced at the monsters that turned out to be enchanting, and then directly swayed the scented demon pen, drawing a complete seal of the demon in the air, and rushing toward the sinful sage of Zhan.

Instead of wasting time with his avatar here, it would be better to directly seal his deity.

The seal of the demon print rushed into the body of Zhan resentment without any accident, but Jiang Yun’s face was suddenly changed.

Because the seal of the demon is like a mud cow into the sea, disappeared in the body of the Zhan resentment, did not play the slightest role.

"The means of refining the demon!"

At the same time, Zhan’s grievance is still a smile: “Although the identity of the refining sorcerer is indeed very powerful, it does not mean that all demons can be checked and balanced!”

"My identity and origin, not you, not even what any creature in your world can imagine!"

"So, I advise you, don't rely on your means of refining the demon!"

These words make Jiang Yun's heart can not help but jump!

Indeed, the refining demon should be only the product of this piece of heaven and earth that he lives, so the role of the demon family in another world will definitely be weakened.

Especially this jealousy, since he is called the Lord by other monsters, his identity is bound to be more noble than them, so it is not difficult to understand the refining magic.

With the fall of the sorrowful voice, there are countless imaginary monsters that are only condensed by the demon rushing toward Jiang Yun.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold light flashed, and the refining demon pen was once again drawn, drawing a life and death demon seal, and diffusing away toward these monsters.

The result is still invalid!

This makes Jiang Yun understand a little bit of the reason why this grievance is not fearful. It turns out that his identity as a singer is not a threat to him.

However, even if you do not use the identity of the refining sorcerer, your current strength should also have a battle with him!

"From the fire!"

In the mouth of Jiang Yunkou, there was a lot of flames rushing out, turning into a fire, and greeted those illusory monsters.

The same fire, from the hands of Jiang Yun now, the power has skyrocketed several times more than before.

Countless fires easily penetrated the illusory monsters, burned them into nothingness, and continued to slam into the blame of Zhan.


All the flamingos slammed into the body of Zhan's grievances, and when they slammed them back, they again had countless monsters of the same kind that were filled with monsters.

The sheer volume is just like overwhelming.

Jiang Yun reached out and painted his own eyebrows and thunder, and screamed out loud: "Ray!"

There were countless thunders in the air, and they again defeated these monsters.

When Zhan complained that there were a lot of monsters in the body for the third time, Jiang Yun’s heart felt a bit wrong.

Because of this swearing attack, it is clear that there is no threat to himself, and it can even be said to be vulnerable.

It looks like it is just to consume your own aura.

Although such an approach can indeed consume its own aura, but the blow to Zhan’s grievances is not weakening his strength?

Despite the doubts in his heart, Jiang Yun did not dare to relax.

After all, the monsters that are condensed by the demon, if they really don't care about them, they also have certain strength.

Seeing that Zhan’s grievances once again condensed a large number of monsters, Jiang Yun was really tired of such endless entanglement, and gave up the technique of exertion. The figure was directly raised and rushed toward Zhan’s grievances.

Jiang Yun condensed a punch of all strength, and slammed into the body of Zhan's grievances.


In the loud noise, the body of Zhan’s grievances, together with all the monsters, finally collapsed completely.

But at this moment, a burst of smug laughter suddenly sounded from the side: "Thank you for helping!"

Jiang Yun’s heart was shocked, and he hurriedly followed the sound. He found the Zhan’s sorrowful deity. The chains that had been entangled in his body and condensed by the infinite soul fire collapsed.

The deity of Zhan’s resentment slowly stood up.

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