The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1427: Jiuqiang strong

As Zhan’s words continued, his voice and appearance changed from old to young.

After he had finished all the words, he had completely restored his original appearance.

Obviously, the power of the sword is not playing any role in him.

However, Jiang Yun did not care about the change of Zhan's grievances, but suddenly appeared cold in his eyes, and he asked: "Who is the abandonian who you said?"

The sword of the sword is not created by Jiang Yun, but created by the wilderness!

Moreover, in this world of heaven and earth, who can perform this technique, Jiang Yun wants to come, it should be only himself and the wilderness.

Therefore, the barbarians of Zhan’s grievances should have entered the passage and went to the world.

The wilderness was after the departure of the ancient times, and went to that passage. If Zhan complained that he had seen him, it would only be in that passage.

Although Jiang Yun knows that the strength of the wild is certainly not weak, but it is still worse than Zhan's grievances, it is impossible to be an opponent of Zhan's resentment.

If the wilderness really had to deal with Zhan’s grievances, then I am afraid that I am already dead.

Zhan complained with a slight smile: "Don't be nervous, I don't know who he is, because I have never seen him, it was my men who saw him!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly understood and felt a sigh of relief in my heart.

When the wilderness encountered a monster in the passage, and interrupted the record of the picture, then he must be strangled with the monster.

Although I don’t know if the wilderness eventually killed the monster, crossed the passage, or died in the hand of the monster, but there must be a monster that escaped from his hand and became a fish.

Even through the passage, I entered the world of the nine colors, so the grievances can know the existence of the wild.

Zhan complained and asked: "You care so much about him, how, what does the abandonian have to do with you?"

"It's hard, you are his disciple?"

In fact, Jiang Yun can indeed count as a faraway disciple, but in the illusion, he has again accepted the wilderness as a disciple, and passed it to the desperate swordsmanship, so even he is a bit uncertain. Between yourself and the wild, who is the master and who is the disciple.

However, these things, Jiang Yun naturally will not tell Zhan resentment, and no longer speak, but deeply watched Zhan.

Although the skill of the sword is not effective for Zhan's grievances, at least Zhan's resentment is still in the small space.

Seeing that Jiang Yun did not speak, Zhan complained and continued: "He is good, you are worth it, although this technique really makes me a little amazing, but it is not enough to kill me!"

"As for the space that binds me, it seems to me to be like a play."

While speaking, Zhan’s grievances have already lifted their feet and stepped out, and they have already left the shackles of Taoism and re-established themselves in the normal space.

"It's over!"

"Call, nine people!"

Hearing the three simple words spit out in Zhan's grievances, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly couldn't bear the heavy jump, looking at the rolling fog around, slowly condensing the nine figures!

These nine figures, some, have beasts, and even fog.

Although their appearance, age, and dress are all different, Jiang Yun immediately recognized them when they saw their first sight. They came from the Nine!

The monster that is shaped like a dragonfly and has a volume exceeding a few feet is the ghost of the beast;

The scorpion and the face are covered with black diamonds, which are the Mozu people;

That is like a mist, and there is a huge dragon in the looming stunned people!


There are nine color imprints in the eyebrows, and the old man who is similar to the grandfather Jiang Wanli is the Jiang people!

Although Jiang Yun has experienced the illusion, even in the illusion, he has not seen all the nine.

However, I did not expect that at this moment, in the prison under the nine ethnic groups, I actually saw all the ethnic tribes!

However, they should have already died long ago.

Because they are all the same as the long ions that Zhan complained of, the expressionless, gray eyes, as if they were summoned from the dead.

Although their physiques seem to be illusory, but through the fight with Zhan's resentment, Jiang Yun already knows that Zhan's grievances have the power to summon anything from the emptiness, including the creatures.

Moreover, everything that he summoned is almost the same as the real thing, even the same.

Jiang Yun did not know whether the nine people of the nine ethnic groups established the people of this prison or the nine people who had dealt with Zhan.

But it is not difficult to imagine that the strength of each of them must be extremely strong, and it should be the strongest among the nine people of the year!

Can you have an odds for yourself, with one enemy and nine, facing the strongest of the nine races?

However, Jiang Yun also noticed that with the appearance of the nine ethnic groups, Zhan’s face showed a trace of exhaustion.

Obviously, summoning the tribes of the nine ethnic groups is also a small burden for him.

"If I can defeat this strong family of nine, then it should be possible to kill the grievances, not much time, quick fix!"

Realizing the situation in the present, Jiang Yun’s eyes burst into fierce light, reaching for a finger, and another Huangquan circled out and circled the eight figures.

As for Jiang Yun himself, it is a high-profile physique, like lightning, which appears directly in front of the Mozu people who are covered with diamonds.

Since the Mozu is good at the power of the flesh, and the power of silence that he has borrowed from now has already made his physical strength the strongest, then naturally he starts with the Mozu.

"excuse me!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun condensed all the power and smashed toward the other side.

The Mozu also raised their fists, and with the lifting of his fists, all the magic lines on his body turned out to be all alive, swarming over his fists, faintly forming a whirlpool, and Jiang Yun’s fists slammed together.


The sound of the impact, the earth-shattering, the pure flesh force that erupted, swept away around.

If this kind of impact occurs in other worlds, then this single punch is enough to destroy the earth.

After the two fists collided, Jiang Yun’s body squatted back three steps, and the Mozu people in front of him stood still, but there were countless cracks on the body until silent. It collapsed, turned into countless pieces, and reintegrated into nothingness.

Although a boxing defeated the Mozu people, Jiang Yun's own body is also turbulent, especially the fist is slightly numb.

This also reminds him of what he just said, although he can lead the power of the sorcerer, he can exert the power of the nine people, but he will not really use it!

The physical strength of the Mozu people is certainly not as good as the present, but the other party can use the surge and cohesion of the magic lines to make the power soar.

However, now Jiang Yun can't think about it, and solve one, there are eight people, so he hurriedly looked at the thousand Huangzhang.


However, as he looked at it, it was a burst of sound, and the thousand feet of Huang Quan suddenly collapsed, revealing eight of them!

Obviously, these eight strong men from the eight ethnic groups, although they are the same as the soul, but their strength is much stronger than the previous war force.

This painless technique can't deal with them at the same time!

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