The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1428: Never seen

Although the strong people of the nine ethnic groups have disappeared, but the remaining eight, after leaving the yellow spring, have already launched an attack against Jiang Yun.

The strong people of the Xiao family are the fastest. On the way forward, the figure is also disappearing without a trace.

Jiang Yun’s face was condensed, knowing that the other party had already launched the power of looting, so one step was taken and the figure disappeared without a trace.


Just as Jiang Yun disappeared, he was just above his position, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound of earth-shattering.

Countless black lightning suddenly emerged from nothingness, dancing wildly.

Although avoiding these lightning attacks, but in the eyes of Jiang Yun hidden in nothingness, it is a shocking color.

Because of the way the Xiao strongman attacked, the same as the one he had previously seen in the picture of the far-off record, the same way of attacking the savage.

Xiao Letian, who is also a descendant of the Xiao family, is obviously not good at it. He may not even know the way of this attack. Otherwise, he should at least tell himself.

"The nine people, how many secrets are still hidden!"

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that he had a very good understanding of the Jiuzu, but now he finally realized that he actually knows not much!

But now Jiang Yun has no time to feel this, because the space around him suddenly began to collapse.

It is a force that is no stranger to him.

Absurd power!

The abbots also took the shot, and countless roads completely wrapped the space that Jiang Yun hid.

The power of his wild lines can make the space ridiculous and go to destruction.

If Jiang Yun can't come out again, he can only go with the space together, so in desperation, he can only quickly withdraw from this piece of nothingness.

His figure has just appeared, and he can't wait for him to see clearly. There is a sudden blackness in front of him, and there are countless fogs in his body. Even the vague roar can be heard.

The chaotic strong!

Jiang Yun's face is a bitter smile. It is not difficult to see that these nine strong people are also experienced in battles. The cooperation between them is so tacit, and the attacks are endless, and they simply do not give themselves a chance to breathe.

The chaos of these mists is not only as strong as the mountains, but also the power of the body can not be displayed!

"It turns out that the power of chaos, there is such a usage!"

At the same time that Jiang Yun’s mind turned this thought, his mouth was also screaming.

Although other forces can't be used, Jiang Yun also has the power of chaos!

The chaotic sun of Jiang Yundantian, now with a majestic chaos force, condenses into two palms, tearing the fog toward the front!


The fog is like a paper, and it is directly torn by the chaos of Jiang Yun’s palm, which also makes Jiang Yun out of trouble.

However, at this moment, from Jiang Yun’s chaotic yang, a strong suction suddenly emerged, and the fog that had already been split into two was even hard, along with the sturdy strongman in it. Inside, all inhaled the chaotic sun.

This sudden change allowed Jiang Yun to sneak a glimpse.

Because he did not continue to push the chaos of the chaos, it seems to be the attack of the chaotic sun.

Although doubts in my heart, Jiang Yun did not continue to think about it. In front of him, he had a huge black mouth, and he was also sucking his body!

In the hands of Jiang Yun, there was a refining demon pen, which was extremely fast to draw a complete life and death demon seal, and fell into the body of the ghostly beast in front of him.

Now, Jiang Yun only hopes that his refining magic will play a role in this summoned beast!


Feel the sensation of the horror of the deceased life and death in the body of the ghost spirit. Jiang Yun took a breath and looked at the ghostly beast: "Send you back!"


With the palm of Jiang Yun's palm forced to pinch, the death and death of the demon print suddenly blasted in the body of the ghost spirit beast, but also let the ghost body beast on the huge body, suddenly lit up countless criss-crossing light.

Every light is like a sharp edge, and it is easy to cut the body of the sacred beast into a number of pieces, let it disappear into nothingness.

I just solved the yin spirit beast, and waited for Jiang Yun to breathe. There is another force that doesn’t know where it originates. It suddenly falls from the sky and hangs over him, so that his body can’t move, but it’s not The controlled suspension is suspended.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, it was clear that a young man with a cold face was looking at himself and his lips were gently squirming.

Although there is no sound, but Jiang Yun can see through the mouth of the other party, the other party is saying - nine sacrifices!

Even, I can clearly feel that my whole person has been sacrificed by this strong performer.

For the Nine Sacrifice, Jiang Yun is naturally very familiar, but he never imagined that one day he would be treated as a sacrifice!

However, he also did not expect that the Nine Festivals can also directly treat the enemy as a sacrifice!

This is the real anti-sky!

Although I don’t know who the other person wants to sacrifice, I certainly can’t let him do it!

All the forces in Jiang Yun began to rise wildly, and the hard-pressed force that forced the body to forcefully opened a little, then threw the Tibetan sword in his hand, and screamed in the mouth: "Fantasy!"


Under the rapid tremor of the Tibetan sword, the sword spirit illusion came out, sitting on the sword body of the Tibetan Taoist sword, sitting on the sword of the Tibetan Taoist sword, and stalking the Tibetan strongman, and the speed was fast. It is like lightning.

Although the strength of the illusion is not as strong as that of the lonely, at this moment, the Tibetan sword has become a real Tao.

Avenue of the device!

The edge of the blade is not the strong one of the strong can resist, so he can only watch the Tibetan sword become a black light, directly through his own eyebrows, and the body collapses. Made nothing.


The disappearance of the mighty strongman allowed Jiang Yun to finally break free from the state of the sacrifice. When the figure fell to the ground, he quickly retreated and forcibly opened the distance between the remaining strong.

At this time, Jiang Yun was able to breathe a sigh of relief and look at the current situation.

The fighting that just happened, although it seems to have passed a lot of time, in fact, everything happens between the electric and the flint.

The nine nine-strong powerhouses were summoned from Zhan’s grievances, but it’s been a matter of time.

Today, the nine strong people have disappeared four, and there are five remaining, namely the reincarnation, the Xiao, the soul, the **** and the abandon!

As for Jiang Yun himself, although he is shocked, his power consumption in the body is extremely huge. Only half of the total is enough.

In the face of the nine top nine strong people, and the techniques they have applied are all that Jiang Yun has never seen before, and they can kill four in a short period of time. It is already what Jiang Yun can do. The ultimate.

The current situation for Jiang Yun is obviously still very unfavorable.

Even if he can kill all the remaining five strong players, his power is running low.

On the other side, there is always a smile with a smile on the side of the grievances, although the face is still tired, but summoning these nine strong, should not be his limit.

He must have spare capacity!

"If you want to deal with Zhan's grievances, you must first solve the five strong people of the five races."

"But solve them, I am afraid there is no power to fight with Zhan!"


Just when Jiang Yun pondered, the five strong men had already started the second round of attacks!

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