The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1431: Call the power of the virtual

Although Zhan’s grievances have not moved, Jiang Yun, who stood by, did not dare to shoot immediately, until he saw two colorful vortexes in his eyes.

Jiang Yun knows that this should mean that Zhan’s grievances have been successfully brought into the illusion by the old Jiang people.

The opportunity is precious, Jiang Yun naturally will not miss, suddenly raised his hand, condensed the punch of the whole body, toward the Zhan resentment that has no defensive power at all.

This punch, if it can hit the Zhan resentment, even if it can not be directly killed, but it will definitely make him suffer.

Once Zhan complained of serious injuries, even if the borrowed power disappeared, Jiang Yun believed that he had the ability to pack him.

However, when Jiang Yun’s fist is about to touch Zhan’s body, Zhan’s face is like a solid face, but it’s a smile, and slowly closes his eyes!

With the closed eyes of Zhan's resentment, the nine colorful vortex in his eyes naturally disappeared, and the heart of Jiang Yun suddenly became heavy.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the rush of the old Jiang people: “Not good, fooled!”

Obviously, the illusion of the old man has not been able to bring Zhan's grievance into the illusion.

However, even if the illusion fails, but at this moment, Jiang Yun is like an arrow on the string, had to send, so only the fist that has gathered all the strength in his hand, still slammed down.

But at this moment, the eyes of Zhan’s resentment finally closed completely.

What Jiang Yun didn't think of was that with the closed eyes of Zhan's resentment, his eyes turned out to be suddenly black!

Everything in the body, whether it is the soul of the soul and the reincarnation behind him, or the close-knit Zhan resentment and the old Jiang people, all disappeared in an instant!

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like being close to his own eyes, falling into a illusion, and also being himself...

Then, Jiang Yun’s fist was squatting in the air, and he was empty. The Zhan grievance in front of him really disappeared.

The next moment, when Jiang Yun took back his fist, the gods had already turned into eyes, suspended above his head and swept toward the surroundings.

The strong sense of God at the moment of Jiang Yun has transcended the limits of his past. In the twinkling of an eye, the knowledge of God has covered a full range of millions of square feet.

However, in such a large area, there is nothing!

There is no life, no matter, and even all kinds of powers do not exist. Some seem to be only the darkness that cannot see the end.

Jiang Yun is already sinking into the water, knowing that he must have been brought into a world that he does not understand by the power of Zhan.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun said to himself: "No matter where it is, it must be a space. If you smash the space, you should be able to leave."

As the voice fell, Jiang Yun continued to use the knowledge of God to look more closely at the darkness around him, looking for flaws, and began to prepare to attack the surrounding area.

However, at this moment, in this darkness, the voice of Zhan’s resentment suddenly sounded.

"Jiang Yun, you don't have to work hard, you don't always want to know, what power do I have?"

"I can tell you now!"

Despite the sound of Zhan's complaints, Jiang Yun has already covered his own consciousness in the direction of the sound, but still has nothing to gain.

The voice of Zhan’s resentment continues to sound: “What I master is the power of voicing, the place where you are now, the virtual world!”

"You can think of this as a world, a world that belongs to me, and everything I summoned is born from here."

"Of course, I am not able to summon anything as I want. The premise must be that this thing has been branded by me, or that I am killed and killed by me!"

"For example, he!"

With the fall of Zhan’s resentment, in the darkness ahead of Jiang Yun, he suddenly came out of a big man with a tiger’s back.

The naked body is covered with countless scars, and each scar is as alive, constantly squirming.

"His name is Dongyang. It is a monk in our world. It is similar to your physical training. The strength is probably like the humanity and context in your place."

"And he!"

In the darkness of Jiang Yun's rear, he also walked out of a middle-aged man, holding a large knife in his hand that was much higher than his body.

The blade is covered with streaky rust stains. It looks ordinary, but it has a very strong breath and it seems to be able to smash at any time.

"His name is Qingyun. Under this knife, you have passed through endless life. It is also a situation of humanity and isomorphism."

"And he, he, he..."

In the voice of Zhan's resentment, in the darkness beside Jiang Yun, there are always one person after another.

Until the end, Jiang Yun’s body has already appeared in hundreds of figures, and some people have beasts!

Although their eyes are all gray, like the soul of the dead, but each body, the breath that comes out is extremely majestic.

This also makes it difficult for Jiang Yun to judge their strength, at least in the context of humanity and isomorphism!

These are not only those who have been killed or branded by Zhan, but they are now able to be summoned from this virtual world by Zhan’s resentment.

At this time, the hundreds of figures suddenly appeared at the same time and said: "Although your strength is not good, you can't enter my eyes, but I am very interested in you, so I am going to give you a chance to let you Also become one of them!"

Looking at the hundreds of slowly moving towards his own figure, Jiang Yun really wants to treat them all as illusions, as if he is trapped in a fantasy.

But feeling the incomparable real atmosphere that each of them exudes, Jiang Yun knows that they are not real, but at least they have the power of a battle!

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun’s heart has sunk to the bottom.

Even though these people are not as strong as the previous nine, the number of them is hundreds of them!

If you are in perfect condition, there is no way to fight with these hundred people!

This also made him finally realize that even if he borrowed the power of the sorcerer, he put on all his cards, but he is still not an opponent of Zhan.

The power of Zhan's resentment far exceeds his own imagination, surpassing his own cognition, and even surpassing this piece of heaven and earth. It is simply not the existence that he can compete against!

It is no wonder that the strong people of the nine can't kill them, they can only be held.

Now, if he puts him out, it will bring a terrible nightmare to this world.

However, I have no choice but to do it myself. If I don’t want to be one of these people, I will only take the initiative to end my life immediately!

"I have tried my best!" Jiang Yun could not help but slowly close his eyes.

The figure of Zhan’s resent appeared in front of hundreds of figures. Zhan’s face looked at Jiang Yundao with a smile: “Don’t rush to die, in my virtual world, no matter how you end your life, you It will still be one of them."

"However, I said, I am very interested in you, so now, I want to talk to you!"

"I can make you stronger so that you can really get the power of the silence you borrowed."

For Zhan's resentment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to it, but when he heard this sentence, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly opened again, and a bright light appeared in his eyes.

"No, this is not my limit, I can still become stronger!"

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