The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1432: The power of the three

Looking at the eyes that reopened his eyes and shone in his eyes, Zhan complained with a slight smile: "In fact, there is no hatred between you and me, and you don't need to fight like this."

"We can sit down and talk about it!"

In Zhan’s resentment, Jiang Yun obviously should have recognized the current situation and was moved by his own words.

However, responding to him, it is a group of eye-catching golden light rushing out of Jiang Yun!

A golden tree stands in the darkness of nothingness, gently shaking, and the numerous leaves on it sway with the sound of "sand".

"This is..." Zhan’s brow furrowed: "It seems to be the reincarnation tree of the reincarnation!"

"Yes, it is the tree of reincarnation!"

Jiang Yun’s voice finally sounded, and at the same time, under the golden light of the reincarnation tree, Jiang Yun’s hands had already made a very complicated print.

When Zhan’s grievances clearly saw the prints that Jiang Yun had made, the face that had always been calm and calm had finally had a touch of movement!

He already understands what Jiang Yun is going to do!

Because the strong man of the reincarnation he met in the past had also applied the same technique to him.

However, looking at this seemingly familiar scene, I thought of the reincarnation of the reincarnation who was still successfully defeated by myself. Even just being summoned by myself, the face of Zhan’s resentment was restored to calm.

"It seems that you still don't give up, even if you use this technique, you can double your strength at most, you are still not my opponent!"

Speaking of this, Zhan’s grievance shook his head and his face was helpless. It seemed that he could not understand why Jiang Yun had to do this kind of futile work.

Just as Zhan’s grievances shook his head, all the prints made by Jiang Yun’s hands had condensed into a golden palm.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also slowly said: "If you double your strength, maybe it is not your opponent, but if it is not doubled, it is twice, three times, or even more!"

When the voice fell, the golden palm slammed on the tree of the reincarnation, and suddenly the tree that was shaking was more intense.

In this swaying, on top of some golden leaves, there is a picture of a picture, and there is one in each picture... Jiang Yun!

When Zhan’s grievances clearly saw these pictures and saw the inside of Jiang Yun, the calmness that had just recovered from his face disappeared again and turned into a shocking color!

Even his eyes were suddenly contracted, blurting out and debut: "Impossible, you, how can you have so many reincarnations!"

The number of leaves on the tree of the whole reincarnation is endless, and at this moment, the leaves with the picture of Jiang Yun are revealed, there are hundreds of pieces!

Among them, Jiang Yun, who appeared on three leaves, suddenly raised his head.

Their eyes and Jiang Yun's gaze touched together, and there was a trace of almost transparent smoke like smoke in the body. It slowly rose from the heavens, left the picture, and directly fell into the golden palm. Among them.


Jiang Yun also lifted his palm and overlapped with the golden palm. With all the sleeves, all the pictures with his own reincarnation, together with the whole tree of reincarnation, disappeared.

Then, Jiang Yun looked coldly at the Zhan resentment, one word and one sentence: "Responsible for the reincarnation, the power of the Three Worlds!"

Jiang Yun clenched his palms!


With the sound of three extremely dull explosions, Jiang Yun’s body was surrounded by a gust of wind!

Just this gust of wind, let the face of Zhan's resentment can not help but change.

Because this is my own virtual world, I am the king here, but now, without my own consent, there has been a wind!

However, the shock of Zhan’s resentment is only the beginning!

This gust of wind not only appears out of thin air, but also wherever it passes, it will smash the cracks of the road!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s mouth also heard a violent drink!

In the screaming voice, a majestic breath emerged from his body and directly gathered into a more powerful whirlpool storm, sweeping away in all directions.


Those who stood behind Zhan’s resentment and were summoned by Zhan’s resentment, immediately touched the storm, and immediately smashed one by one.

Although Zhan’s resentment was intended to be recovered, his body was completely covered by an invisible pressure. He couldn’t move at all. He could only watch these figures blasting one after another, and his heart was bleeding.

Finally, when all the figures were blown up, another loud noise came, and the virtual world also exploded!

The figure of Zhan's resentment reappeared under the circumstance of the indefinite soul fire, regardless of whether it was the strongman of the reincarnation, or the old man of the Jiang family had disappeared.

In front of him, only Jiang Yun!

Looking at Jiang Yun at the moment, the deep heart of Zhan’s resentment finally burst into fear.

Although Jiang Yun’s appearance did not change at all, even the majestic smell of his body disappeared, but under Jiang Yun’s gaze, Zhan’s body was involuntarily shivering, above his forehead. It is also a cold sweat oozing.

He finally understood!

At that time, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, who was in charge of reincarnation, only recruited a reincarnation.

However, Jiang Yun is recruiting the power of the reincarnation of the third world, which is equivalent to increasing the strength of Jiang Yun by three times!

Moreover, it is not the original Jiang Yun's strength has tripled, but in the case of the power of the eternal demon, the strength has tripled.

So even if Jiang Yun himself does not know how strong his current strength is.

In the eyes of today, it is just like a cockroach ant.

Even, don't say this nine-color world, let alone the body of this ghostly beast, let alone the respect of the moon, even this vast endless world, it is difficult to accommodate yourself!

If you want, you can break this world right away!

At this moment, Jiang Yun could not help but have some regrets.

If you know that your strength can be raised to such an extent, you should stay in front of the Taoist, or use the reincarnation technique when you go to that passage.

However, Jiang Yun is just thinking about it. After all, these forces are not his own, nor can he be controlled anywhere, anytime.

In addition to being strong, Jiang Yun also has a clear feeling. Today, the strength of growth is too strong, which leads to the real cultivation of the real world and the body can not afford, so once you return to normal, you will inevitably be seriously injured.

Moreover, the borrowed force is already on the verge of dissipation, and it can be completely exhausted anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, I don’t have time now to feel how strong I am, but to quickly kill Zhan.

"Zhan complain, die!"

Jiang Yun stretched out a finger, just like an ant to crush an ant, and stretched over to Zhan, and Zhan repented and could not move, there was no possibility of escape.

Once this finger falls, then the grievances will die!

At this moment, Zhan’s grievances are suddenly and quietly saying: “Jiang Yun, are you sure, are you really a man of this world?”

"I think, I already know who you are and know your real life!"

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