The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1439: a grand event

If at this moment, Jiang Yun can clearly see this scene, then it will certainly feel like a deja vu.

Because when he was in the **** world of the prison, when Jiang Yun was robbed by blood, there was also a person who helped him to complete the three nirvana of the fire, and sacrificed his life.

That person is the disciple of Yao Shen, Ye Tianshi!

Nowadays, in this nine-color world, a new soul created by Yao Shen also uses his life to help Jiang Yun complete the sixth life of Nirvana!

In the body of Jiang Yun, the soul of Jiang Yun’s life has been swallowed up and he is looking for the soul of Jiang Yun.

When he wants to come, Jiang Yun’s fire is swallowed by himself, and then the soul of Jiang Yun is naturally the hand.

However, he had already circled the body of Jiang Yun for several times, but even the soul of Jiang Yun was not found anywhere, which made him feel puzzled.

"Generally speaking, the soul is hidden in the fire of life. Although Jiang Yun will separate the fire and the soul, but I have swallowed his life, how can he not find his soul?"

"Where is it hiding?"

Just when he was confused and confused, there was a sudden flash of fire in his eyes, which was extremely fast and came straight toward him.

Although the flame is raging, but the eye is seen at a glance, this is just a soul fire generated by the soul body igniting itself.

"Burning yourself wants to save the **** cloud? It's really not self-reliant!"

Even Jiang Yun’s fire is swallowed by himself, and wherever he screams, he will put other people’s souls in his eyes.

In the face of this soul fire, instead of not dodging, instead of opening his mouth, he swallowed it directly into the body without any politeness.

But in the next moment, the complex face will suddenly change!

Because this group of soul fires into the body, he rushed directly to the fire that had already been swallowed by himself, even extinguished, and blasted.

A lot of flames sprinkled down, and even Jiang Yun’s fire was like a resurgence, and suddenly a Mars was lit!

"How is this going?"

Rao is calling for the strength of the virtual power, and the knowledge is wide, and I don’t know that in this domain, there is a family of the soul family who has created a method of life and nirvana!

Extinguishing the fire of life does not mean the end of life, but is to be born in Nirvana!

With the re-ignition of Jiang Yun's fire, almost instantaneously, this Mars turned into a prairie and suddenly burned again.

And the fire is more vigorous and fierce than before, and even in turn will evoke the virtual, together with the undecided soul fire to wrap up.

"not good!"

Sudden changes, the awakening of the virtual face suddenly changed, clearly felt that there is a powerful power of engulfing and fusion in the fire of Jiang Yun covered by the body.

Although calling the imaginary immediately began to struggle to resist, but he was already extremely weak when he was fighting with Jiang Yun, and he has not had time to recover, so he is not an opponent at all.

Gradually, his mind began to blur, and consciousness began to smash...

Jiang Yun, started his sixth life of Nirvana!

At the same time, Jiang Ying’s hanging heart was finally halfway down.

Because with the young soul immersed in the body of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's body actually revived and was extremely powerful.

This shows that Jiang Yun’s life is at least saved.

However, Jiang Ying still does not dare to relax. Not only has he always sat by Jiang Yun’s side to protect him, but the overwhelming shadow is also the water that surrounds the entire nine-color world. Nothing is allowed. Interrupted to Jiang Yun.

As for Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu, their ears heard Jiang Ying’s voice.

"You two, each sitting down, a little instigated, dead!"

After seeing Jiang Ying’s process of killing thousands of monsters in an instant, they dared to defy Jiang Ying’s orders, so they rushed to sit down and did not dare to move.

However, there is an old man suddenly appearing beside Jiang Yun and Jiang Ying.

Jiang Yinggang just wants to shoot, but after seeing the old man’s appearance, he can’t help but whisper, asking in a doubtful voice: “Grandpa?”

The old man smiled and said: "I am not Jiang Wanli, but when your grandfather is qualified, Jiang Yun is fine!"

What emerges is naturally the spirit of the building.

With the disappearance of the unsettled soul fire, he also gained freedom and finally entered the world of nine colors.

Although this is not a fantasy, but his true appearance is similar to Jiang Wanli, so Jiang Ying will admit his mistake.

Jiang Ying was a bit puzzled when he heard the old man, but he could feel that the old man was not a bad person, so he nodded: "The grown-up should be fine."

"That's good, you are here to guard him, I am going around!"

After that, the old man carried his hands and began to stroll slowly in the world of nine colors.

While watching the scenery around, the old man continued to express his emotions in his mouth.

For this nine-color world, he is more clear than anyone else, but this is the first time he really entered this world and saw the true face of it.

However, the nine-color world is now completely unrecognizable. In the same year, the prisons of the nine ethnic groups have almost disappeared.

After a while, standing in the white mist under the **** cloth, the old man’s gaze was to look at Jiang Ying, who was sitting in the distance, saying to himself: “Although this prison has almost lost its function, this is The kid and his shadows are able to restrain those monsters."

"When Jiang Yun wakes up, see if Jiang Yun can let them continue to stay here. Only in this way can you keep the peace of this world forever!"

In the voice of the voice, the figure of the old man gradually became blurred until it disappeared.

In this way, this nine-family prison, used to hold the nine-color world from the demon-stricken beast, finally completely restored the calm.

Under this calm, the time lapses slowly, and in a blink of an eye, more than two years have passed!

In the two years, except for those shadows that are constantly moving away, everything else is still in a state of rest.

Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu are still sitting in the same place. Although they dare not shake, but by this opportunity, they also just cured their injuries.

Now the injuries of the two have already healed, and all the attention is naturally concentrated on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun, until now, has not awakened.

Beside him, Jiang Ying has been waiting there, and even his eyes have not closed, always watching Jiang Yun firmly.

Although Jiang Ying didn't know why Jiang Yun didn't wake up for so long, what is the situation now, but I feel the more and more powerful vitality that Jiang Yun has radiated, but it makes him feel a little bit.

As long as Jiang Yun’s life is unhindered, no matter when Jiang Yun can wake up, he will always stay here and will not leave in one step!


For two years, it is really not a long time for the monks. Outside the nine-color world, there is no peace in the thousands of roads in this field. No major events happen.

However, in a few months, this piece of heaven and earth is about to usher in a grand event!

That is one of the nine avenues who asked Daozong!

Although the ratio is only limited to asking the ancestral sect, as one of the nine avenues, the number of sects of the sects is tens of thousands, and the family sects and so on are even more enormous.

In addition, it is good to ask Daozong's popularity. Therefore, every time Zong Nai Dabi will invite other major forces to come to observe.

Naturally, for the invitation of the Taoist sect, all the forces will not refuse, and they will also go to the ceremony with their young families or young masters in the sect.

Therefore, although it is only a big ratio, it is actually a great opportunity to understand each other's strengths between major forces.

Just as Jiang Yun was carrying out his sixth life-giving nirvana in the world of Jiu Cai, among the thousands of Taoist circles, there were already numerous monks who went to ask the Taoist sects!

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