The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1440: Ask the main sect

Asked Tian, ​​this piece belongs to the Taoist Heaven, and it is spread over countless worlds.

Located in the middle of the place, there is a world, no matter the area, or the light emitted from it is extremely bright.

The whole questioning of the layout of the heavens is the same as the way of asking for the growth of the Tao. The rest of the world represents the division of the individual. Like the stars, the world is the largest, that is, the main sect !

Above the sky of the world is a layer of smog like a tulle.

In the smog, there are faint pavilions and pavilions, carved and jade, which are one after another.

In the area near the middle of these buildings, there is a huge square. Above the square, there are countless white stone monuments!

The height of each of these stone monuments is uneven, the highest is close to a thousand feet, and the lowest is less than a hundred feet.

On one of the stone tablets, the old man with a crane and a child's face lying down, his eyes closed, seems to be sleeping, but below the stone tablet, there is a figure there, motionless.


After a long time, the old man’s mouth sighed and said: "That kid, what use is it for me?"

"Zong Nai Da Bi has existed since I asked Dao Zong, and the rules have already been fixed. No one can change it."

"Moreover, I am just a monument, and I have no weight in my words!"

When I heard the old man’s words, the figure on the ground still couldn’t afford it. “The old elder is too modest. If you don’t have any weight in speaking, then who else in our sect has a weight!”

"Moreover, what the disciples ask for is not a violation of the rules. It is nothing more than hoping that the elders will be able to delay the trial time of the mountains and seas."

"An elder, you and the ancient relationship is good, even if you do not look at the face of the disciple, you have to look at the face of the ancients, now Shan Hai asked the sect of the sect, but the young disciple!"

While talking, the figure finally looked up and revealed the face of a middle-aged man. It was Jiang Yun’s lord who asked Dao Zong, Dao Tianyou!

Nowadays, the place where Dao Tianyou is located is to ask the main lord of a place. Each stone erected here represents a branch of the Tao.

These stone monuments can be raised or lowered according to the comprehensive strength of each sub-sector, so that the main sect can know the general situation of each sub-discipline.

At that time, Dao Tianyou left the mountains and seas and passed the position of the sovereign to Jiang Yun. Jiang Yun did not live up to the hope of God Bless. In just a few years, not only did Shan Hai ask the Taoist stone to be from the first two hundred feet. It rose to more than four hundred feet, and it also gave birth to the light of asking, which caused the attention of the old man.

Coincidentally, at that time, the temple was just going to the mountains and seas to catch people. Dao Tianyou guessed that it might be Jiang Yun.

Coupled with the loss of the ancient and the old, the main sect sent a singer to go to the mountains and seas.

Although Daolier failed to stop Jiang Yun’s arrest, Jiang Yun and Yue Qing’s battle was very impressive.

And this is also one of the reasons why the Zong Nei Da, Shan Haijie asked Dao Zong to be picked up by the Lord!

It is a pity that although all the disciples of Shanhai asked Daozong were taken over by the main sects, every disciple in the sect was indeed very hard, but their overall strength was still weak relative to other sects.

After all, the mountains and seas are equivalent to a prison, in which no monks in the heavens are allowed.

Although he later asked Daozong's many disciples to leave the mountains and seas under the leadership of Jiang Yun, they went to the Great Wilderness across the sea and got rid of this restriction.

But in just a few decades, the strongest of them is just the heavens!

Others ask for the sect, the strongest even have a monk who is a Taiwanese, and a little weaker is also a Taoist situation.

Therefore, this Zong Nei Da, no one is optimistic about Shan Hai and ask the Tao.

However, Dao Tianyou does not think so!

He firmly believes that Jiang Yun will definitely be able to come back when Dabi.

As long as Jiang Yunyi returns, then Shan Hai asked Dao Zong to say that he can get the first, but at least he can guarantee that he will not be sent back to the mountains and seas.

However, the comparison of the big ratios is in the order of weak to strong.

Although Shan Hai asked Daozong, although it is not the weakest, the date of the test is also relatively high.

Dao Tianyou was worried that Jiang Yun could not get back in time, so he ran here to plead with the old man. He hoped that he could help and move the test time of Shanhai.

As for the old man who is responsible for guarding this forest, it is called An Chang.

Although it seems that he does not have any rights, in fact, he is one of the chief elders, and he has even reached the five-day robbery.

Just because the nature is lazy, so please come here to guard the Stele Forest.

Nowadays, Dao Tianyou has been here for a month. It is really a bit unbearable for An Chang. In desperation, he can only wave his hand: "Well, I am afraid of you, I will Help you to tell the lord, but if the lord does not listen, then it is not my business!"

Dao Tianyou suddenly smiled and said: "Thank you for your elders. If you are an elder, you will definitely have results."

After that, Dao Tianyou respected An Chang after a few resounding heads, and then he stood up and turned away.

With the departure of Dao Tianyou, An Chang slowly opened his eyes and looked at the back of God Bless, shaking his head and shook his head: "This kid is really attached!"

"But..." When it comes to this, An Chang’s gaze is moved to the seven of the many stone monuments in front of him.

The heights of the seven stone tablets are different, but the only thing they have in common is that there is gold light on them, and this golden light is the light of the light.

It is both a symbol of strength and a symbol of spirit.

An Chang’s gaze finally stopped at the shortest stone monument that reached a height of five hundred feet.

"I have seen the disciples who have been asked by the mountains and seas. To be honest, the qualifications are average. It is possible to let the divisions reach the fifth level. It is also due to their unity and efforts, but it is already the limit."

"But the light that has been asked has never disappeared, and it is getting brighter and brighter. This only shows that their sovereigns are getting stronger and stronger."

"Dao Lianer also said that their lord Jiang Yun is not simple."

"Well, I will say the last sentence for them, give them a chance, I will look at it, can this **** cloud bring me some surprises!"

When the voice fell, An Chang often grew up and his body shape disappeared.

After leaving the forest, Dao Tianyou immediately came to the transmission array within the main sect, stepped into it, and was transferred to one of the worlds!

The entrance is a mountain, there are several fine houses in the mountains, and here is where the disciples of the Taoist temples live.

Although they were taken over by the main sect, their identity and strength were not enough to really enter the world of the main sect, so they were arranged here.


As Dao Tianyou appeared in a hall, a group of people stood up in the hall.

Although Dao Tianyou is no longer a sovereign, when the mountains and seas asked the disciples to see the gods, they were all very excited.

After all, in the first battle of the Dao Zong and Sen Luo Ghosts before the advent of the mountains and seas, Dao Tianyou set an example and acted generously to death, so that everyone still regards them as sovereigns.

Dao Tianyou smiled and was in a good mood. He just prepared to tell the good news that An elders promised to help, but suddenly found that everyone’s faces were full of resentment, which made him suddenly smile and frowned. Road: "What happened?"

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