The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1441: Tianyun

There are four people in the hall, namely Lan Huazhao, Xia Zhongxing, Mei Yuxi and Zuo Haochen!

For Dao Tianyou, all four people remained silent and did not say a word.

After Tian Tianyou’s eyes swept four people, he finally stayed in Lan Huazhao’s body: “Blue elders?”

Among the four, except Lan Huazhao, who first asked the Taoist peak of the Taoist school, the other three were later asked to join the Tao.

Xia Zhongxing came from the clear and turbid wasteland. Mei Yuxi was the lord of the original medicine god. After the mountain tyrannical catastrophe, with the help of Jiang Yun, the drug **** was merged into the Taoist sect, and she became the elder of the Taoist sect.

Zuo Haochen was originally a wild slave in the Great Wilderness. It was also the first Tianyou monk that Jiang Yun saw in the mountains and seas.

When Jiang Yun left, Lan Huazhao served as the sergeant and was responsible for handling the affairs of the sect. So at this moment, Tianyou would send an inquiry to Lan Huazhao.

Lan Huazhao’s face was difficult to say, and hesitantly refused to speak. Mei Yuxi, who was still on the side, sighed: "In fact, there is nothing. Yesterday, there were other people who came to visit us. Everyone had some disagreement in speech. The result was Move your hands."

"Old Black and Liu Tianren were both beaten and injured!"

Although Mei Yuxi has said as much as possible, but Dao Tianyou has already understood!

When Jiang Yun went to ask Daozong, he was told when he participated in the disciplinary assessment. He asked Daozong to be a Terran sect, and did not accept the addition of the Yaozu!

However, since Jiang Yun became the sect, and when the mountains and seas robbed, the demon scorpion of Lushan Mountain entrusted all the Yaozu in the 100,000 莽 mountain to Jiang Yun, so from then on, asked Daozong Inside is the coexistence of the Terran and the Yaozu.

In this case, when there are mountains and seas and the Great Wilderness, no one will feel that there is anything wrong with it. Even if it is to ask the original humanistic disciples in the sect, such as Lan Huazhao and others, they have already regarded those Yaozu people. The same door.

After all, they have been fighting side by side. It took eight years to ask for the way to go through the road of no return and reach the great wilderness. The feelings between each other are extremely deep.

However, here is the main lord!

As for the case of Shan Zong, who asked the patriarchs, although the main sects did not say anything, some of the elder disciples among the sects, as well as many of them, could not stand.

Especially when they learned that Shanhai asked the branch to have a light of asking for directions, and seemed to have received some special preferential treatment, the heart was full of embarrassment and dissatisfaction.

What's more, all the sects belong to the same way, but they are actually opponents.

As a result, some disciples will take the initiative to come to the mountains and seas by visiting and learning.

For these people, Lan Huazhao and others are reluctant to have more troubles, and the strength of themselves and others is not good, so they can bear with them and try to avoid conflicts.

Although Dao Tianyou knows these things, he has no choice. After all, he is only a normal disciple within the main sect.

Moreover, every time before the big comparison, the things that the disciples have learned from each other have happened from time to time. As long as they don’t really make a big noise, they will do too much, and the main will not pay attention to it.

Needless to say, some of the sects of the same year have become the backbone of the main sect, so these sects will actually receive some special care.

Therefore, Dao Tianyou can only let the disciples of Shanhai and Zongzi consider it for the overall situation and try to be patient.

However, such tolerance has not only brought peace, but has made more and more of the divisions even worse, so that almost all the disciples who ask the Taoist sect think that Shanhai is very bullied.

However, fortunately, there is also a secret care of the children in the mountains and seas, so these sub-classes have not done anything too outrageous.

However, just yesterday, there was another disciple who came to the door. Not only was the attitude and speech extremely rude, but it was also a contempt for the Yaozu in the Shanhai branch.

In the end, the two demon people, Lao Hei and Liu Tianren, were really angry, and they moved hands.

As a result, the skill is not as good as people, both of them were seriously injured!

This naturally made all the disciples of the mountains and seas mad at the roots, and wished to fight with them at that time, and finally was suppressed by Lan Huazhao and Xia Zhongxing and others.

Even so, Lan Huazhao is equally angry.

Originally they saw Daolian, when they were told that they would be taken to ask the main sect, they were all happy, thinking that their fate would be changed from then on.

Where can I think of it, I came here and asked the truth, although the cultivation environment here is indeed much better than the mountains and seas, but the treatment I received was that they really couldn’t stand it, and would rather return to the mountains and seas.

Looking at the gloomy people, Dao Tianyou frowned and asked: "Which is the source?"

Lan Huazhao replied: "Sky Yun Zong!"

These four people, the face of Dao Tianyou also suddenly gloomy.

If it is another sect, then he may be able to mediate with his own discipleship.

But the Tianyun is divided, not to mention him, even Daolier can only close one eye with one eye.

Because, behind the Tianyun division, there is a master disciple to support!

This master disciple is called Dao Tianyun!

Dao Tianyun, when he was born, has a blessing of the road, and his qualifications are outstanding. He is a true genius!

So it will be named Tianyun!

Not only is it a congenital body, the road to repairing the road, it is smooth sailing, there is no slight bump, any realm is a natural and natural breakthrough, and if it is not exaggerated, he will go out and bend to the waist.

Long before Dao Tianyou went to Shanhaijie as the sect of the sect, Dao Tianyun was already the chief confessor. If there is not much accident in the future, it must be the next lord.

The Tianyun sect is the sect of Dao Tianyun who once went to serve as the lord!

The Tianyun division was not originally the name. It was because of the appearance of Dao Tianyun that the whole branch was even changed, even with the name of the world.

When Dao Tianyun served as the sect of the sect, the Tianyun sect climbed from the first level to the seventh level, and the same light was born.

Today, the Tianyun division has become a nine-level division, and there are many masters.

Coupled with the support behind Dao Tianyun, all the disciples are well-informed. This time, the Zongnai ratio, the final winner will inevitably be the Tianyun division!

Therefore, it is known that it is a Tianyun division that has seriously injured Liu Tianren and Laohei, even if there is no way to even the gods.

After a moment of indulgence, Dao Tianyou sighed, and did not conceal the situation of the Tianyun division.

"They beat you, it is impossible for you to avenge your vengeance, but you don't have to be too angry, because I have a good news to tell you this time."

Upon hearing this, Lan Huazhao’s eyes suddenly brightened: "Is there any news of Jiang Zongzhu?"

"Jiang Yun’s news is not there. However, I have asked An An’s elders to come forward and postpone your test time. So, maybe I can wait until he gets back!”

After listening to the so-called good news of Daoyouyou, the faces of the people showed their disappointment.

Since Jiang Yun left the mountains and seas, they have no news of Jiang Yun.

Today, they are actually not pinning the hope of Daebi on Jiang Yun’s body, just want to know if Jiang Yun is well.

Dao Tianyou was also aware of the idea of ​​everyone. He smiled and shook his head and said: "Well, I will go first. I may be busy during this time, so I am afraid there is no time to come. You should be careful."

After leaving this sentence, Dao Tianyou left in a hurry and returned directly to the main sect.

Standing outside the transmission line, Dao Tianyou just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but his voice suddenly sounded a voice: "God brother, long time no see!"

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