The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1442: Not allowed to appear

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Dao Tianyou’s long breath that he was just about to spit out couldn’t help but sneak back.

What are you afraid of?

Although Dao Tianyou wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it, he immediately turned and left, but knew that it was not good for himself, so he could only turn around and look behind him!

Behind Dao Tianyou stood a middle-aged man, a pure white robe, handsome and elegant, like a scholar who read a poem, and there are three black crickets under his jaw.

Seeing this person, Dao Tianyou’s face showed a smile, and he held a fist and said: “It turned out to be the brother of Tianyun. It’s been a long time no see!”

Come, it is the road to heaven!

Don't look at the appearance of Tianyun seems to be similar to Dao Tianyou, but in reality his real age is much smaller than Dao Tianyou.

Even the original God Bless is the brother, but the way to practice, the strong is respected, so the Tianyun Yun has long relied on his fast-growing strength, which in turn became a god, and became a brother of all the same disciples. .

Dao Tianyun smiled slightly: "I have something to find a younger brother."

“Oh?” Dao Tianyou’s face showed a curious color: “It is said that Tianyun’s brother is currently retreating, and it’s hard to break through the storm.” So come and share this good news with me?”

There is a bit of sourness in the tone of Dao Tianyou.

Dao Tianyun has already been attacking the heavens and the people, and he himself, although he is also practicing hard after returning to the main sect, but now it is only a blessing.

Don't say that there is no time to go from the robbery of heaven and earth. Even if you want to break through the situation, you can't enter.

As a result, Dao Tianyou was a bit blaming why he had taken the name of God Bless in the beginning. This seems to mean that his own cultivation is bounded by his own name and will always be in harmony with his own name.

Dao Tianyun smiled and shook his head and said: "Where there is such a good breakthrough in the five-day robbery of heaven and earth, I just heard that my disciple of Tianyun is divided, and it seems that there is some friction with your disciple of Shanhai, so it is specially Come to the younger brother and pay for the sins of the disciples."

"Ha ha ha!" Dao Tianyou couldn't help but laugh loudly: "The brothers are heavy, and they ask the disciples to learn from each other. They learn from each other, and there are wins and losses. It is a common thing, and why should you apologize?"

Dao Tianyun nodded: "If you really only ask the disciples between the disciples, it does not matter, but I heard that there are quite a few demon in the mountains and seas!"

As soon as I heard this, Dao Tianyou’s heart was sinking slightly.

The tone of Dao Tianyun suddenly became stricter: "God master, I don't know how you were the master when you were in Shanhai, but the demon was a disciple. This has already violated me. Ask the rules of the Tao!"

"Now they are living in the day of asking for the demon, but when the ratio is over, the major forces will come to observe the ceremony. I don't want those demons to be corrupted at the time. I asked Daozong's reputation and asked for me. The smeared black."

"So, I now solemnly tell the younger brother that when I am older, I don't want to see the emergence of their demon people, even one can't!"

"If the younger brother is embarrassed to open them, then don't blame me for being a brother who doesn't miss the same door, and don't give your brother a face!"

After saying this, Dao Tianyun went straight to the left, leaving Dao Tianyou, who was full of resentfulness, standing there!

Although it is true that Dao Zong does not accept the Yaozu as a disciple, there is no clear rules for the rules. Therefore, in fact, this matter is completely big or small.

Nowadays, even if the lord did not speak, the Tao Tianyun came out to warn God Bless, when the ratio of Shanhai was not allowed to appear, this made the heart of Dao Tianyou really incomprehensible.

Even Dao Tianyou thought of it. The reason why the disciples of Tianyun’s disciples dared to go to the door to injure Lao Hei and Liu Tianren would be the behind-the-scenes instigation.

The importance of Dabi to the Shanhai division is self-evident.

Moreover, the strength of the mountains and seas is weak, and the demon is half the number. If the demon is not allowed to appear on the scene, then the mountains and seas will not be compared.

Because there is no chance of winning, participation is just a shame!

"This is how to do!"

Dao Tianyou’s brows were screwed together.

Despite his anger, he also knows that Tianyun will definitely say it.

Because Dao Tianyun wants to erect his own prestige through this big ratio, it is also a stepping stone for him to become a lord in the future.

When the ratio is big, if there are demon people in the mountains and seas, then he will definitely take them to work without hesitation!

However, if you really tell this news to the disciples of Shanhai, it is estimated that they will immediately blow up the pot.

If there is another irrational demon anger to shoot, then it is very likely that they will not be waiting for the beginning of the big sect, they will be directly killed by the main sects!

To make matters worse, even if the Shanhai branch is now out of the big ratio, it is impossible.

It is true that the division does not participate in the big ratio, but it is limited to the divisions that do not enter the questioning day.

Nowadays, the mountains and seas have been personally connected by Daolian, and they have no qualifications for abstaining. They must be compared.

"Look for the lotus to discuss it!"

Although Dao Tianyou knows that even Dao Lianer has to give her a few points of luck, she will not have any effect, but now she is really nowhere to go.

Now, Dao Tianyou misses the ancient age!

If the ancients are not old, then there is a sentence from him, let alone the heavenly luck, even if the sovereign is obedient.

It is a pity that the ancient age is like the evaporation of human beings. Until now, no one knows his whereabouts!


In the ancient times of the Tao, Xiao Letian looked at the Oriental Bodao who had packed everything in front of him: "Dongfang, do you really think about it?"

"Think better!"

Dongfang Bo nodded with a smile and said: "Although I don't even ask the disciples of Dao Zong, but the master and the Taoist sect have some origins, and the younger brother is a disciple of Daozong, so this time asked the Daozong Boss I have to go!"

"If the younger brother can come back, then I will cheer for him. If the younger brother can't get back, then I will lead him to ask the Dao to participate in the big match!"

"This!" Xiao Letian scratched his head and said: "You participated in the big ratio for Jiang Yun, and it is estimated that the sovereign will not agree."

Although Dao Tianyou did not know the origins of the ancients, he did not know the origins of the three disciples of the ancients, but Xiao Letian was very clear.

Dongfang Bo, that is the road to the world!

All the upper bounds are owned by the Oriental Bo.

Asking the lord of the main sect, unless the brain is in the water, will agree to let Dongfang Bo participate in the sect of the sect.

Dongfang Bo continued: "He wants to disagree, then I will come to my master!"

Suddenly, Dongfang Bo suddenly looked at Xiao Letian and said: "Xiao brother, I am also disturbing you a lot of time here. To be honest, I really see the relationship with Xiao Xiong. I didn’t know enough at all."

"You can rest assured, wait until the end of the big ratio, if nothing happens, I will definitely come back here and Xiao brother to drink the words, then we will talk over the night..."

Waiting for the words of Dongfang Bo, Xiao Letian has already hurriedly smiled and said: "This, the Eastern brother, this is going to ask the heavens, the road is far away, so you still have to leave as early as possible, but don't miss the big ratio, I am now Just send you away!"


Almost at the same time that Dongfang Bo left the ancient world, one of the thousands of Taoist circles named Luofu, a white-haired hunchback old man with his eyes closed with a few copper coins in his hand, sighed. A tone, a middle-aged woman standing in front of her, asked the same question.

"Do you really think about it?"

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