The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1448: Anxious

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that as the soul of the virtual soul was swallowed by himself, it would not take long before he could completely complete the nirvana of the fire.

However, I did not expect that it has passed another month, and the sixth Nirvana of my own life has not ended yet!

This also makes Jiang Yun anxious.

Because it is less than a month away from the beginning of the question.

Even if I am now able to return to the demon day with the help of the Lou Lou Ling, even if everything goes well, it is difficult to ask the day at the beginning of the big than.

As a result, all of Jiang’s original plans were disrupted.

He had thought about it, at least to go to the clear and turbid wasteland, and the blood robe to tidy them, especially the Xiao family to see one side, but now there is no such time.

Fortunately, the Lou Lou Ling also told Jiang Yun that Jiang Yun’s speculation on the runes carved on the tower was not wrong.

Those runes are the reincarnation seals that the Ginger Linggong later added to control the use of the tower.

Therefore, Jiang Yun, who has now broken a total of 46 scars, is actually the same as the owner of the tower.

Although you can't control the tower to appear anytime, anywhere, but as long as you return to the last place where the tower projection appeared, you can connect with the spirit, and summon the projection of the tower to enter it!

This means that as long as there is time, Jiang Yun can enter the body of the ghost spirit again.

After knowing this, Jiang Yun’s heart was a lot better.

When the end of the big ratio, I found the key, and after seeing the grandfather in the world, they will enter here again.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that although he thinks very well, but his side, the plan will never catch up with change.

Maybe after you have actually completed these things, you will be tired of other things.

But now, there is no way for himself, and he can only continue to wait anxiously for the end of his life.

When it was three days later, Jiang Yun finally completed his sixth nirvana of his life and opened his eyes.

With the eyes of Jiang Yun's eyes open, Jiang Ying's eyes suddenly brightened, just want to speak, but in the eyes it has already seen a faint golden light rushing!

Jiang Yun’s life fire rushed out of the body, not only has it changed from the original red color to the pale gold color, but the coverage area has reached a thousand squares!

Six times Nirvana, although Jiang Yun's life is still not comparable to the drug **** predecessors, but in addition to the drug god, who can surpass him, there should be few in this world.

For the burning fire of the group, Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu couldn’t help but sigh.

Even if they see it with their own eyes, they can hardly believe that this pale golden flame will be a life-like fire!

This also makes them simply unable to imagine the vitality that Jiang Yun has now has reached.

Jiang Yun himself nodded with satisfaction, and his life was not only a growth of life.

In particular, the flame engulfed by Nirvana is a soulless soul of the soul sacred object, and at the same time, it allows not only to manipulate the soulless fire, but also the gods and souls are also rising, and have greatly improved.

God's knowledge is no longer just the shape of the eye, but has become an illusionary trip. Once it is completely solidified, it will become the deity of the Xiao people!

In addition, Jiang Yun's cultivation is also from the original Tianyou four-level environment, and even rises to the third level, and in one fell swoop to the heavens and seven heavens!

Although most of the credit is due to the power of the sorcerer's demon, it also carries a lot of yang power when it comes, but even Jiang Yun did not think that the belongings belonging to the nine sacred objects, reincarnation Among the trees and the undecided soul, it also contains a lot of power to the sun.

Such a large amount of yang power was absorbed by him in more than two years, which made his cultivation a rapid improvement.

Coupled with the power of calling the virtual and the reincarnation of the reincarnation, Jiang Yun’s current strength can be said to be the same.

In short, this trip to the nine-color world, Jiang Yun's harvest is really incomparably rich.

However, now he has no time to check his own gains, but his eyes are on Wang Yuanzhong: "Would you like to leave with me?"

The reason why Jiang Yun did not ask Zizhu is because he had promised Zizhu before, as long as he can solve the problem, he will bring her together.

And Wang Yuanzhong, now equal to Jiang Yun's servant, so Jiang Yun deliberately asked.

Wang Yuanzhong nodded and nodded, he was so easy to escape, of course, not willing to stay here, want to quickly return to the real world.

"it is good!"

Jiang Yun raised his hands and made a mark in the air, flying toward Wang Yuanzhong.

This is the print of nothing!

Although Wang Yuanzhong wants to dodge, but knows that if he avoids it, he will always be trapped here, so he can only clench his teeth and let this mark enter.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "Reassured, as long as you obey, this imprint will not have any effect on you!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun reached out and gestured, and all the poison and shadow of the smog in Wang Yuanzhong’s body were recruited.

Shadow, Jiang Yun naturally let it return to the big forces, and the smog poison, Jiang Yun is the income of the body.

The smog poison contained in the small world laid by the predecessors of the drug gods is now in the body of Jiang Yun.

It is just that the other side of Jiang Yun’s body has been used up, and the toxicity of the smog is unusual.

Even the refining pharmacists are difficult to unravel, so Jiang Yun will certainly not waste, and he will have a hole in his body.

After packing everything, Jiang Yun’s gaze finally fell on Jiang Ying’s body, and his face was unbearable and unbearable.

This is the situation he is most unwilling to face. He has to leave the prison, but he wants Jiang Ying to stay here.

Instead, Jiang Ying stood up and smiled at Jiang Yun’s body. “You don’t have to be like this. The young soul said that his home is to rekindle the fire for the adults.”

"So, my destination is to solve all the problems for adults."

"Adults rest assured that even if Jiang Ying is broken, he will never let a monster escape from here!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "What is your destination, I don't know, but definitely not here, not for me!"

"I just want you to be here, not to ask for your life. If you really meet an opponent that is difficult to deal with, then immediately give me away."

"Remember, you must live anyway!"

The reason why Jiang Yun will say this is because he already knows whether to call the virtual or not, and he is worried that the call will come again from the channel.

Although Jiang Ying has a natural restraint for the monster, but Jiang Yun does not dare to let him take the risk to deal with the virtual, after all, the power of calling the virtual is too terrible.

Jiang Yun’s words made Jiang Ying’s face show a moving color, and nodded hard: “Jiang Ying knows!”

Jiang Yun reached out and placed a shot on Jiang Ying’s shoulder. “Trust me, one day, I will take you out of here to see the real world and enjoy the true freedom.”

Jiang Ying smiled and said: "Jiang Ying waited for the arrival of that day!"

Jiang Yun took back his palm and looked at the long-awaited squatter: "Predecessors, let's go!"

Now, Jiang Yun can only hope that his own test of Shanhai and Zongzong can delay some later, so that he can arrive in time!

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