The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1449: I beg you

Although there is still nearly a month away from the Daoist sect, as a major event in the tens of thousands of tracts, a large number of monks have come from all directions, and they have rushed to ask Heaven.

After all, it is rare to have such an opportunity to bring so many monks together, so in addition to coming to watch the Daozie asked, this is also an excellent trading opportunity.

However, these monks who come today are only belonging to some small and medium-sized forces, as well as scattered.

The real big forces, such as the other avenues of the nine avenues, and some big families, even those who include the temple, will not appear on the day when the trial begins.

As a host, I asked the Taoist sects, and naturally sent a lot of disciples to receive the monks.

Tao Tianyou is one of them.

Although this made his heart a little dissatisfied, it is said that Tian Tianyun personally named him to go, so he could only bear it.

As for the various divisions that will be asked to participate in Dabie’s question, it is to seize the last month of this time and try to increase the strength as much as possible so that you can have a little more chance of winning.

The same is true for mountains and seas.

In fact, they were not too concerned about this big ratio.

Because they are the first to truly leave the world in their lives, let them realize the broader world, but also realize that the original one is the frog at the bottom of the well!

The size of this world is completely beyond their imagination. Their strength is not to be said in this thousand-dollar world. Even if they ask the Tao, they can only be regarded as the last.

Although the cruel facts made them a little helpless, they also had to admit that their skills were not as good as people, so they had little hope for the big ratio.

However, since being scorned by various sects, especially after the Tianyun sects seriously injured Lao He and Liu Tianren, they were unable to swallow this breath anyway.

Nowadays, every disciple of Shanhai and Zongzong is a war-torn battle. It is truly coming out of the sea of ​​corpse, and survived after the catastrophe!

Even if their strength does not work, it is definitely not a generation!

On the stand-alone fight, they are indeed not opponents of other disciples, but it is said that this time there is a group battle.

This allows them to finally see a glimmer of hope, or it may be their only chance to be proud.

They were able to walk from the Nanshan Prefecture of the mountains and seas to the Great Wilderness. Although most of the credit goes to Jiang Yun, they also have their own efforts and hard work.

In order to hone them, Jiang Yun specially handed them a set of methods - nine blood even the ring!

This is their greatest dependence!

Over the years, when they were in the Great Wilderness, except for their own cultivation, the rest of the time was a familiarity of nine people.

It is no exaggeration to say that today, these nine blood linings have been deeply engraved into their bones, integrated into their souls, so that even if they close their eyes, they can maximize their performance. power.

With this array, the nine Taoling teamed up, dare to fight the ground; nine landguards joined forces, dare to fight God bless; nine Tianyou teamed up, dare to fight!

Therefore, in the last period of time, they concentrated all their energies on the formation.

As for those disciples who will definitely not participate in the war, for example, those monks and disciples of the original medicine Shenzong, headed by Guan Yiming, began to refine the medicinal herbs for day and night, in case of emergency.

In short, now the whole mountain and sea are divided into the elders of Lanhua Zhaoxia and Zhuang, down to the ordinary disciples, everyone is sighed with relief, to vent this breath in the big ratio.

And the Taoist blessing that sees all of this in the eyes, as the day of the test is approaching, the heart is more and more bitter.

When Dao Tianyun was in the big picture, he was not allowed to order the demon family in the mountains and seas. Just like a mountain, he pressed his heart and made him breathless.

Although he has already discussed with Daolian, there is no way for Daolier to do this.

After all, Dao Tianyun is the next lord.

Defying his orders, even if he will let you go now, but once he becomes the lord, he will be able to break you into a world without a word.

In desperation, Dao Tianyou even looked at An Chang with a cheeky face, but An Chang was deliberately avoiding it, and also made Dao Tianyou really have nothing to do.

During this time, he wanted to tell this story to the disciples of Shanhai and Zongzong more than once, but they saw that they were almost all desperately trying to cultivate, but it was really impossible for him to open. Mouth, can only swallow the words back and forth again and again.

Today, Dao Tianyou once again came to the mountains and seas, and did not show up, but stood in the air, watching the people who are still conscientious.

After watching for a long time, Dao Tianyou suddenly hated a slap in the face, turned and left, returned to the main sect, and went directly to the residence of Dao Tianyun.

Standing at the gate of Dao Tianyun, Dao Tianyou waited for three days before he waited for the appearance of Dao Tianyun.

When I saw Dao Tianyou, Dao Tianyun frowned slightly, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction on his face: "Tianyou Shidi, if I remember correctly, now you should be in charge of receiving the Taoist friends who came to see me." Still have time to run to me?"

Dao Tianyou was full of faces and smiled at the heavenly movement. "Senior brother, I have something to discuss with you."

"what's up?"

"It's not a big deal. Is it about the last thing you told me, can you make a little change?"

Dao Tianyun put away the dissatisfaction on his face, and said with a blank expression: "How to change the law?"

Dao Tianyou cautiously said: "The strength of Shanhai and Zongzi can't be done at all. After the end of the big game, they will definitely be sent back."

"So I think, can the brothers and sisters be able to get through, when the ratio is greater, the demon people who are allowed to separate the mountains and seas will appear, but I can guarantee that all the demon disciples will not participate in the big ratio, only the ethnic disciples will participate."

"I just want them to see the strength of other divisions so that they can work harder after they return."

"As long as the brothers are willing to open the net, then the younger brother will certainly remember this kindness. In the future, if the brothers have any instructions, the younger brother will go through the fire and not leave!"

After listening to the words of Tianyou, Dao Tianyun looked deeply at Dao Tianyou. After a while, his face gradually revealed a mocking smile: "Teacher, can you say that if I don’t open this time, then you will Will not obey my orders?"

"No, no!" Dao Tianyou hurriedly waved: "Of course I don't mean this. It is the teacher who is wrong."

"Like this, brother, as long as you are willing to exalt your hands, then no matter what conditions you have, I will promise all the younger brothers!"

Dao Tianyun’s eyebrows sighed slightly: “Any condition?”

Dao Tianyou nodded: "Yes, any condition!"

"Ha ha!" Dao Tianyun suddenly laughed loudly and said: "God master, you are regardless of identity, strength, and I have the difference between heaven and earth, what do you think, what conditions can I propose to you?"

Having said that, Dao Tianyun’s smile suddenly rises, and there is a murderous voice in the voice: “I’m still the same sentence. When the ratio is big, if there is a demon in the mountains and seas, then don’t blame me. You are welcome!"

When the voice fell, Dao Tianyun had a big sleeve and turned around and left.

However, behind him, there was a "sound".

Dao Tianyou stumbled straight in front of Dao Tianyun: "Sister Tianyun, I, beg you!"


At the same time as Dao Tianyou’s squatting, in a certain world of the demon day, on a deserted plain, there was a ray of sunshine.

Among the Xiaguang, three figures came out!

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