The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1450: Magical power

These three people are naturally Jiang Yun, Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu who returned safely from the nine-color world!

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around. Although the valley here had been turned into a wasteland under the power of the blood robes, it is not difficult to see that this is the world that he and others left.

Jiang Yun’s mouth spit a long breath: “I’m finally back!”

Although Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu did not speak, but the face also showed the joy of the rest of the life.

When they first went to the nine-color world, they went over nine years. Now, except for Jiang Yun, only two of them finally returned safely.

Coupled with the incredible experiences in the world of nine colors, the two feel as if they are separated from each other, and their hearts are incomparably complex and full of emotions.

After a moment of silence, Zizhu first held a fist in front of Jiang Yun: "Jiang Daoyou, Da En does not say thank you, don't ever!"

Jiang Yun nodded and held a fist and said: "There will be a period!"

Although at the beginning, Zizhu and Jiang Yun were always in a state of opposition because of their mutual identity. However, after Jiang Yun knew the purpose of Zizhu to go to the nine-color world, he put down this opposition.

Zizhu is also very clear, if there is no Jiang Yun, it is impossible for him to come back alive, so in her heart for Jiang Yun, she is also not hostile, but full of gratitude.

Looking at the figure left by Zizhu, Jiang Yun opened his mouth, but after all, he turned into a silent sigh and did not say anything about the other party.

With the departure of Zizhu, Wang Yuanzhong also came to Jiang Yun's face, smiling, and cautiously said: "Adult, if you have nothing to send, I want to go home."

Jiang Yun nodded blankly: "Go!"

Hearing Jiang Yun’s answer, Wang Yuanzhong couldn’t help but glimpse.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun would not easily let himself go, but he did not expect that Jiang Yun would have promised so much so much that he could not believe it.

In fact, he did not know that although Jiang Yun accepted him as a slave, he really did not think about what he should do. After all, Jiang Yun has always been used to being alone.

Moreover, his strength in the Taiwanese territory cannot be used any more.

In addition, his body has the innocent seal left by Jiang Yun, then even if he dies, his soul will be controlled by Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun does not need him to be with him.

Looking at Wang Yuanzhong who stood still, Jiang Yun said again: "If there is a need in the future, I will go find you, let's go!"

Wang Yuanzhong came back to God and hurriedly said with gratitude: "Thank you, adults, thank you adults, adults can rest assured that I will never disclose half of the things about the nine-color world."

Jiang Yunxiao can't understand, this is Wang Yuanzhong's deliberate loyalty, but in fact he is not worried that he will talk everywhere.

Because Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu did not know the specific things at all.

What's more, even if they say it, it is impossible to enter the world of nine colors again.

After Wang Yuanzhong left, Jiang Yun was also ready to hurry, first find someone to inquire whether their own same door has returned safely, and then they have to hurry and ask the day.

However, at this moment, his ear suddenly sounded the sound of the towering spirit: "Wait!"

Jiang Yun turned around and looked at the old man who appeared behind him: "What else is there for the predecessors?"

The old man shook his head and said: "You kid, have you forgotten the illusion, I told you, will you pass the illusion of the **** people to you?"

Jiang Yun slightly glimpsed, if not the old man mentioned, he really forgot about it.

But immediately he smiled and said: "Predecessors, although I grew up as a grandfather, but I am not a person of the Jiang family, you will pass the illusion of the Jiang people to me, I am afraid it is not suitable!"

"What's more, this illusion should also require the unique strength of the Jiang people to display. You can teach me, I can't use it!"

The old man snorted and said: "You have been here with me. Now you are the same as the owner of the tower, and there is nothing wrong with mastering the illusion."

"As for the use of illusion, although it does require the unique power of the Jiang people, but this is simpler, it is nothing more than to send you a seal!"

While talking, the old man has reached out and pointed gently to Jiang Yun’s eyebrows.

But when his finger was about to touch Jiang Yun's eyebrows, he suddenly stopped and looked at Jiang Yun's eyes. "Your eyes seem to be able to use illusion?"

“Yes!” Jiang Yun nodded. “I have mastered a kind of Taoism, called the Eye of Six Desires, which can be used for illusion.”

The old man sighed and said: "If this is the case, then I will simply put the seal into your eyes and let the two combine, perhaps to make your illusion power stronger!"

Jiang Yun said a little hesitantly: "Is this... feasible?"

The old man smiled slightly: "It may not be feasible on others, but on your body, I believe that it should still be feasible!"

When the voice fell, the old man did not give Jiang Yun a chance to refuse. The fingertips had already had a colored light and shot directly into Jiang Yun’s eyes.

It is clearly visible that each of Jiang Yun’s eyes has a color imprint of a shape like a dragonfly.

And this also makes Jiang Yun realize that the color imprint in the original Jiang Yuerou's eyebrows is the seal!

Obviously, the more the number of seals, the stronger the ability to display illusions.

The old man looked at the imprint in Jiang Yun’s eyes: “Well, I am a good person to do the whole thing and directly help you to realize the power of illusion!”

The power of illusion is also one of the strengths of the Jiang people, and it is possessed by all the people. Unlike the power of reincarnation, only the spirit can be possessed.

Although Jiang Yun knows that the old man is a good intention, he still shook his head and refused: "This, forget it, seniors, I don't have so much time now!"

"Reassured, I will bring you into the illusion, with your qualifications, plus the foundation of the eyes of six desires, up to ten days and a half months can be done!"

The illusion of the old man can slow down the speed of time by ten times, stay in the illusion for ten days, and the outside world has passed one day.

"Moreover, you are going to participate in Dabi this time. The strength is strong and there is no harm to you!"

Jiang Yun admits that the old man is right, therefore, he nodded: "It can only be a day at most. If my qualifications are too bad to be comprehended, then I will talk about it later."

In this way, Jiang Yun let the old man enter the illusion with himself.


Looking at Dao Tianyou in front of himself, Dao Tianyun’s face showed a surprised color: "Teacher, what are you doing?"

Although the face was astonished, but Tian Tianyun obviously did not want to take the idea of ​​helping Tian Tianyou.

Dao Tianyou’s body trembled slightly: “Just ask the master to exalt your hand!”

After that, Dao Tianyou’s head hit the ground heavily!

In order to allow the demon disciples of Shanhai to appear in Dabie, in order not to let them down, Dao Tianyou, the lord of Shanhai, had already let go of his self-esteem.

Looking at the Taoist Blessing at the moment, the color of surprise on the face of Tian Tianyun slowly converges. After a while, it is only cold and cold: "Dao Tianyou, do you really think that I do not allow Shanhai divisional disciples to appear in When it’s big, just want to find a copy to make me stand up?”

This sentence makes the heart of Dao Tianyun can not help but tremble, and my heart has raised doubts.

I really think so, but now the road is clear, but there is something in it...

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