The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1451: 睚眦必报

Although Dao Tianyou was puzzled, he did not dare to ask, but continued to lie there.

Dao Tianyun does not need him to ask, has already said: "You still remember, when we two once, go to perform tasks together, kill two monsters, at that time, you are still my brother!"

Dao Tianyou looked up and his face showed the color of his memories.

I did have performed the task with Dao Tianyun, and more than once, but now it’s a long time ago, but it’s already some people can’t think of it.

Dao Tianyun did not look at him. He said to himself: "At that time, you and I split up. After I killed the monster, I thought that in order to completely solve the problem of the monster, I completely annihilated its ethnic group."

"But, after you discovered it, not only did you stop me, but he also taught me as a brother."

"Even after the return of the ancestor, you will report the matter up and say that I am too smothered, do not have good thoughts, and I have been punished!"

When I heard this, Dao Tianyou’s eyes had reached the extreme, and his face showed an incredible color. He shook his voice and said: "Don't you remember this hateful thing because of this little thing?"

"Little things?"

In the eyes of Dao Tianyun, the cold light flashed: "It is indeed a small matter for you, but I am the most vengeful, and I hate people who are telling me!"

Dao Tianyou has already thought about it, and indeed there is such a thing.

However, everything that I did at that time was in accordance with the rules of the sect. Although the sorcerer should kill, but the disaster is not as good as the whole family, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, I did not expect that Dao Tianyou would have hated himself for the sake of such a trivial matter that he had already forgotten.

It is precisely because of this incident that he now deliberately points the finger at the demon disciples of Shanhai.

At this moment, Dao Tianyou looked at the Tian Tianyun in front of him, and for the first time in his heart, he had deep fear for his own counterpart.

Not afraid of his identity, fearing his strength, but fearing his character that must be reported!

With a strong breath, Dao Tianyou trembled again and said: "In the past, the younger brother was wrong. Today, I am insulting my brother to the brothers. I also hope that the older brothers will not remember the villain!"

"Hey!" Dao Tianyou’s head once again hit the ground.

Dao Tianyun watched him after a moment and said a little faintly: "Well, I am not so stingy. I can allow the demon of the mountains and seas to appear on the big ratio, but I want you to break one." Mean, and never let it recover!"

"In this way, you can remember a little longer!"


After hesitating, Dao Tianyou gave birth to one of his fingers and placed it on the ground in front of him.

Looking at this broken finger, Dao Tianyun suddenly lifted his foot, and stepped on it, and after crushing it hard, this laughed out loudly: "Go!"


One day later, Dao Tianyou appeared again on the sky of the mountains and seas.

Standing there, he closed his eyes, his body was shaking slightly, his hands were clenched, and he could not understand that his nails had penetrated deeply into his palm.

Today, there are only nine fingers left in his fingers, and this will always be the case.

Although there is still pain in the broken finger, it is far less than the pain in his heart.

At this moment, he has already had the meaning of despair.

Because he is very clear, even if he has broken a finger, but Dao Tianyun may not be willing to give up.

His real purpose should be to have his own life!

But I have no way.

Playing, not his opponent;

When reporting to Zongmen, no one will be offended for their own sake;

Even if you want to escape, it is impossible.

Once escaped, he became a sect of the sect. Since then, the earth is big, but there is no place for his own body.

"But it will die if you die. At least, I have exchanged the qualifications of the Shanhai-classified demon disciples to appear on the big ratio, and they have not been implicated in my involvement."

Thinking of this, Dao Tianyou spit out a long breath, his body relaxed, and his face even showed his usual smile. The long sleeves covered his palm with one finger missing, facing the bottom. The mountains and seas are slowly moving away.


At the same time, Jiang Yun's body shape has reappeared in the world of demon days.

Although the actual time has only passed a day, but in the illusion, he has spent ten days.

At this moment, the prints in his eyes have reached five, surrounded by his pupils, making his eyes look more like a monster.

This is the harvest of his ten days, not only successfully merged the seal with his own eyes of the six desires, but also let the number of seals reach five!

However, Jiang Yun can't take care of the power of his own illusion, but he is arrogant to the singer who is following his own appearance: "Predecessors, leave!"

The old man nodded: "Go, remember the highest realm of illusion, not because of the real thing, but because of nothing!"

"When do you want to enter the body of the ghostly beast again, come here and find me!"

Jiang Yun is no longer delayed, his body shape rises directly into the sky, and the world has already left the world in a blink of an eye.

The gods swept through the many worlds in the demon day. Jiang Yun chose a more monk of the monks and went to listen to the news.

After a while, Jiang Yun has already gained.

The demon of the demon sect, Zuo Qiuzi, personally led the team to ask the Tianguan ceremony, and it seems that there is something wrong, and it has already started in advance a month ago.

However, Jiang Yun did not hear the slightest news about his own door.

This makes Jiang Yun can not help but worry, because according to the Lou Ling, the same door of his own, was also sent to the demon road days a month ago.

If the blood robes are not followed, they may still see the blood robes, but if the blood robes are gone, then they probably have not been able to keep up with the demon sect.

In this case, they must go to ask the heavens with their own strength.

For a group of people who have never experienced the world, this journey is bound to be a bit difficult.

However, there should be no major problems with security.

After all, they are asking disciples of Tao.

When asked about the beginning of the Dabe in Zongzong, I believe that no one will take the initiative to ask the troubles of the Taoist disciples.

In any case, Jiang Yun has no way to continue to be distracted to find their whereabouts, only hope that they will meet each other within the day of asking.

Jiang Yun guessed it right, no injuries, etc. Although he did come back a month earlier than him, but the day before they arrived, the demon sect had already left.

Although they also found the demon sect, mentioning the names of the blood robes and Jin Ge, but did not receive any response, which allowed them to give up the original plan and ask for the day.

Fortunately, there is still some experience without injury, and when they leave the clear and turbid wilderness, they are also given gifts from the blood robes and others. They are not lacking in the spirit stone, so after understanding the route, they will pass through the transmission array. Asked the day to go.

No one knows where they are now, except for themselves.


Since there is nothing wrong with it now, Jiang Yun is no longer delaying, and he has found a transmission array directly in this world.

After paying the fee, standing in the transmission array, and watching the light of the transmission array have been lit up, Jiang Yun turned his head suddenly, his eyes looked at his right rear, and his eyes showed a sharp color!

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