The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1466: Waiting for my disciple

Nine bells rang, but it was divided into two sounds. This way of ringing the bell, let alone ask the Tao, even in all the big forces, it is the first time.

Although there may be a leak in the person who is responsible for ringing the clock, after missing it, I found that it was less, and then made up for it.

But this is almost impossible!

Under such circumstances, the disciples of Dao Zong should not make such a minimum mistake.

Therefore, everyone is full of doubts and puzzles, even Dan Danzi and others are like this, look at the sky!

This time, who will come?

Especially in the sky above the sky, the Tianyun Yun will not think that his nightmare is now officially started!

Under the gaze of everyone, ask the top of the main sect of the sky... a figure!

This is the second time after Jiansheng, only one person appeared!

This also made the heart of Dao Tianyun not a big jump, even involuntarily looked at the northwest corner below.

In the past two days, the northwest corner was extremely quiet and quiet, so that he almost forgot that there were two main sects of the sect.

But now, there is a strong person who came alone.

Moreover, although I still don't know why the bell is first and second, it is divided into two sounds, but in any case, a total of nine bells, it also represents the identity of the coming person, and the same as Jiansheng Dandaozi and others. !

This can not help but also made Tian Tianyun feel a trace of fear.

Although it is still only one person, the character of this person is obviously more stable than Jiansheng.

Even if it has already appeared on the sky, but still not rushing to the side, slowly came to the front of the road, and let everyone finally see his appearance.

Seeing this person, Dan Daozi’s face was first revealed with a smattering smile: “No wonder the bell is divided into two times. It turned out to be him!”

"Replaced in my medicinal tract, it is estimated that our bell will be divided into two rings."

When I heard the words of Dan Daozi, I asked in the confusion of Confucius after Dan Daozi: "The sovereign, why is this?"

Dan Daozi explained: "Because according to the cultivation and strength of this person, his status can only be equated with the elders of each avenue, and can only ring eight bells."

"But, he has a very special identity, even if we are, if there is something to ask for, he has to be a good word, so his identity is equal to our lords."

"Therefore, this asked the person who was responsible for ringing the bell. It was obviously the same whether it was ringing eight times, or nine times, but in the end, it was chosen nine times!"

Speaking of this, Dan Daoer shook his head and said: "Just I didn't even think that he would be interested in asking Daozong."

Although Dan Daozi gave an explanation, everyone is still confused and does not understand the identity of this person.

This is an old man, bent over and hungry, eyes closed, like a blind person.

Although his looks look a bit odd, there are not many people who know him.

Even if he didn't know the Tianyun, but his ear rang the voice of an elder in the sect, and he revealed his identity.

After listening to it, Dao Tianyun’s face could not help but change slightly, and hurriedly greeted him. He also respectfully said: “The younger generations are lucky, and they meet with Bu Yi’s predecessors!”

Bu Yi is difficult!

When I heard the name, most people’s faces suddenly showed a stunned color.

God operator, Bu Yi difficult!

Proficient in the practice of deduction, the real cultivation is the real world of heaven and earth, and the status is only the elders of the Nine Avenues.

However, I would like to ask him to take a handful of calculations. Even if the lord of the Nine Avenues personally went, he would have to be polite.

After knowing that the coming person turned out to be Bu Yi, everyone’s heart had the same doubts as Dan Daozi, and that is why he was also interested in asking Daozong’s Dabe.

Although everyone wants to have a good relationship with Bu Yi, but Bu Yi is hard and hard to eat, even the six parents do not recognize, but never even participated in a similar event.

Therefore, I asked Daozong this time, and did not invite him.

However, the Tao Tianyun brain standing in front of Bu Yi is not slow.

Since Bu Yi and the people are coming, it means that Bu Yi is asking the Tao as a different eye, and this is even more about asking the Tao. For himself, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you can make a good relationship with Bu Yi and get his favor, then the benefits will not be said in the future.

For the polite attitude of Dao Tianyun, there is no slight expression on Bu Yi’s old face. He just nodded and said: “The old man is not invited, and there are many harassment.”

"Where, the predecessors of the Bu have said that they have been heavy, and they have long been acquainted with the names of their predecessors. We would like to ask if they can come, and the predecessors can come, and they have asked me to ask the face of Daozong."

Dao Tianyun's face is full of laughter and flattering Bu Yi: "I will take the predecessor to go to rest."

"No need!" Bu Yi is posing with a hand: "I am here to wait for someone."

"Wait a person?"

When I heard these four words, Dao Tianyun’s heart couldn’t help but be a jump: “The people who waited for the predecessors, wouldn’t it be... Jiang Yun?”


Bu Yi’s answer made Dao Tianyun suddenly relieved: “I don’t know who the seniors will wait for?”

Bu Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know who I am waiting for, but I know that if she comes, she will go in that direction!"

While talking, Bu Yi was suddenly reaching out and pointing.

When Dao Tianyun looked at the direction of his fingers, he suddenly found that direction was...the northwest corner!

Bu Yi said: "She hasn't come yet, but she will definitely come, so you don't have to arrange me. If you don't mind, I will go there and wait for her."

After the talk, Bu Yi difficult simply ignored the road to heaven, and took care of his own feet, and went to ask the northwest corner of the main sect.

Because of the emergence of Bu Yi, and the direction in which he went, naturally, other people who have been rushed to these two days and other big forces have looked at them.

And when they saw the more than a hundred people sitting in the northwest corner, everyone’s eyes suddenly widened.

Some people even licked their eyes and wondered if they were blind.

In the invisible northwest corner of the most remote and inquisitive, the Dan Daozi and Jiansheng were sitting!

And now, there is another more difficult!

At this time, Bu Yi difficult has come to this northwest corner.

Although he closed his eyes, he arched the hand of Dan Daozi and Jian Sheng: "I have seen two sovereigns!"

As Jiansheng did not hear, he ignored it, and Dan Daozi also paid a courtesy.

Then, Bu Yi was nodded to Xia Zhongxing and others with a polite attitude: "Don't mind if this bad old man sits here, wait for an individual?"

Xia Zhongxing has already known the identity of Bu Yi from the mouth of Kong Xuehai. Although he does not know who the other party is waiting for, he certainly does not mind.

With Bu Yi's difficulty sitting down, Dan Daozi couldn't help but be curious. He simply asked by voice: "Bu Daoyou, are you not coming for Jiang Yun?"


"What are you?"

"Wait for my disciple!"

After that, Bu Yi suddenly looked up and looked at the sword with the same eyes closed with his closed eyes. He said to himself: "It’s no wonder that Situ Daoyou came but didn’t show up. It turned out that he had him. in!"

Shaking his head, Bu Yi is no longer talking, and asks inside the main sect, there is a bell ringing again!

After the bell rang eight times, everyone did not dare to speak out, apparently worried that there would be another ninth sound.

Sure enough, after a while, the ninth bell sounded, and it sounded again!

As the bell fell, a group of people appeared at the end of the sky, but the middle of this group of people, carrying a coffin!

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