The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1467: Three possibilities

Close to the horizon!

The four words that were heard by the spirits of the robbing of the emptiness made Jiang Yun’s body tremble.

Then, in the mind of Jiang Yun, the black giant door that he had seen before was disappeared and disappeared.

When I saw the giant door, I had a weird feeling. It seemed that after I stepped out of the darkness, I did not continue to fall into the seam, but entered a closed container.

However, at the time, all of my attention was focused on the old man, so I didn't think too much about it.

But now, the spirit of the smashing of the singer, even said the words "the feet of the world", this makes Jiang Yun figure out why he has such a strange feeling.

"The black door, is it the end of the world?"

It is the second sacred object belonging to the Xiao nationality.

According to what Xiao Letian said at the beginning, there may be anywhere in the world, and it may even be by your side, but you can't see it at all.

Just a stone's throw away, it's like the end of the earth!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and thought about it. His face showed the color of enlightenment.

"The old man was able to follow me with the help of the world, so I didn't feel the slightest."

"Even, the area that I finally came out of the darkness of nothingness is actually all under the cover of the world."

"That is to say, I am not entering the transmission array, but the world of time..."

"Is it right now that I am in the middle of the world?"

In the voice of self-talk, Jiang Yun’s eyes gradually light up!

It’s a prison, and it’s all the non-obedient people of the Nine!

Including the grandfather Jiang Wanli and other people in the village of Jiang, also included the drug **** predecessors.

The whole world, according to Xiao Letian, was divided into nine spaces, which is equivalent to having nine entrances.

If you don't know where the grandfather and the drug gods are specifically locked up, if you want to save them, you must find the nine keys.

Now Jiang Yun has two keys on his body, which are from the Five Elements and the Pharmacists.

And this time he rushed back to ask the day, in addition to attending the big ratio, he also hopes to get the key to ask the Tao.

But if you are now in the middle of the world, you don't need to look for other keys.

Even, you may be sent directly to the space where Grandpa or the drug **** predecessors are in!

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun more curious, what is the identity of the old man and their group.

"It’s a prison to be taken away by the Tao, and the old man can control it. This is enough to show that he is the master of the Tao!"

"Just, Dao Zun handed over the nine keys to the custody of the Nine Avenues. Although I did not touch all the Taoists, the old man and the person who was last chased by me should not be disciples of the Nine Avenues."

"How high is the status of the Nine Avenues, and even if they follow me, they will not be so sneaky."

"Not to mention, I have not heard of any of the nine avenues who are good at space."

"But since it is not one of the nine avenues, why can he control the world and even send me into it?"

"So it seems that there are only three possibilities for this."

“The first possibility, they are indeed one of the nine avenues;”

"The second possibility is the key to the world, not nine;"

"The third possibility is that even without a key, there is a special group of people who can control the world..."


Just when Jiang Yun’s thoughts arrived here, there was a shocking sound in his ear.

He can also clearly feel that the channel that he is now in is always at high speed has finally stopped.

This also makes Jiang Yun's heart unable to speed up the beating.

Even, he has a little faint expectation, will he soon see Grandpa and see the drug **** predecessors?


The passage of Jiang Yun’s body suddenly exploded, and Jiang Yun was placed in a void.


Asked within the main sect, watching the group of people coming from far and near, with their clothing, most people have actually recognized their identity.

But everyone does not understand why they carry a coffin?

At this moment, the road is still in a sluggish state.

The reason for his sluggishness is not the group of people who are coming to him in front of him, but still thinking about Bu Yi, who has just stepped into the northwest corner and has already sat down in the mountains and seas.

Although Bu Yi difficult has personally admitted that the person he has to wait for is not the Jiang Yun, but the people he waited for are obviously also related to the mountains and seas!

This means that if you really want to kill the entire mountain and sea, then it will be confusing.

Offended the drug Dao Zong and Jian Zong, Dao Tianyun is not afraid.

Because even if he wants to kill the people of the mountains and seas, he will definitely stand on a rational point of view, so that Dan Daozi and Jian Sheng can not find a reason for interference.

But Bu Yi is different!

Although Bu Yi is a loner, the strength is not very high, but with his proficient plan of deduction, let everyone in this world dare not offend him!

Because everyone wants to know in advance what will happen to their future, they want to know in advance how to avoid these disasters.

The stronger the strength, the more so!

And those who can achieve their hopes are only difficult!

Offended Bu Yi, as long as Bu Yi is a word, I believe there will be countless strong people willing to sell for his life!

As a result, Dao Tianyun had already thought of a good plan and had to change again.

"Since this is easy to wait for people who have not yet appeared, and it is not that Jiang Yun, then big deal, I will let him go."

"If I just killed other people, I believe he will not interfere."

As the thought passed, the group of monks carrying the coffin had already come to the front of the heavenly movement, and the Tao Tianyun finally returned to the gods, and piled up a smile full of faces to meet.

"It turned out that the predecessors of the Yuanzong ancestors visited the Taoist priests.

Return to Yuanzong, one of the nine avenues!

Although Dao Tianyun also saw a coffin carried by these monks in Guiyuan, but deliberately pretended not to see, and did not ask.

There is still a puzzle in his heart, that is, among the many monks who belong to the Yuanzong, the highest status is just an elder, but why is the bell of his own sect ringing nine times?

Moreover, it is also the first eight after one!

At this time, a young man came out of Guiyuan, and some people recognized that it was one of the Taoist sects.

The man bowed his hand to the Heavenly Fortune, and after a few simple greetings, he said: "I also want to tell the lord of the sect, the patriarch of the ancestors did not come with us because of temporary problems."

"Therefore, his old man may not be able to catch up with the beginning of the nobles, but he has already set off and should arrive in a few days."

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that the lord of the Yuanzong ancestors had to come, I am afraid this is the reason why the bells will be the first and the second.

Dao Tianyun’s eyes are also a bright light: “The noble lord can come in person, then I asked Daozong that there is light on the surface, rest assured, I must bring this sentence.”

"Well, I still invite your predecessors to go to rest first. When your lord is here, I will arrange for people to inform you in time."

The man nodded and said: "Okay, but the Taoist friends don't need to bother. I heard that the sects of the sects have arrived. I don't know, where is Shanhai Zongzong now?"

"We can go directly to Shanhai and Zongzong!"

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