The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1470: Life and death

Just inside the main sect, the bell rang for the tenth time, and Jiang Yun was already standing in the boundless emptiness.

However, the expression on his face slowly turned from expectation to disappointment, from doubt to dignity!

"This is definitely not the end of the world!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes swept over and his eyes narrowed slightly: “Here, it’s life and death!”

The border of life and death is said to exist in the realm of life, the only place where the living spirit can enter the dead world in a living state!

The original destiny was to find the realm of life and death, and wanted to enter the dead world from there, but in the end, he did not find the boundary between life and death, but found the channel connecting the world of the domain, and entered it, no news.

Jiang Yun also encountered a life and death world under the guidance of Ghostly, but that time, he did not really enter it, just let him know, in fact, the realm of life, whether in the realm or in There are many dead circles.

Because the two worlds of the dead world and the biological world are not completely independent, but they are connected to each other.

Even some areas can overlap together, and these coincidences are the boundaries of life and death.

In short, the life and death world is hidden in a very deep space, and it also contains the laws of life and death, so most of the creatures are not aware of it.

The reason why Jiang Yun did not really enter the realm of life and death last time was because he could not perceive it. He could only vaguely perceive the breath of death.

But at this moment, he is really sure that he has really entered the realm of life and death!

Because even if he does not use the knowledge of God and does not use the power of looting, he just stands here and does nothing. He can clearly feel that there is a chaotic atmosphere everywhere in this area.

This is the breath of life and death!

Even under the influence of these two breaths, all parts of the body, especially the appearance, are constantly changing.

Time is changed from young to old, but from old to young.

This kind of transformation is extremely fast. If you switch to someone else, I am afraid that it will not last long and the body will completely collapse.

Fortunately, the impact of Jiang Yun is not too big.

One is because his body is extremely strong and can withstand such changes;

The second is because of his life!

His life is not only far more powerful than others, but his life is not just a sign of life.

In his life, there is still a bonfire!

The smoldering fire is the unique fire of the dead world, representing the death!

Therefore, under the protection of the fire and the fire, Jiang Yun has been reduced to the lowest by the two breaths of life and death.

However, this does not mean that he can not worry.

Because of the changes in his body and appearance, Jiang Yun realized that -

"This life and death world, in addition to the law of life and death, actually contains the rules of time and space."

"Death is the speed at which time passes, so that life is going to die;"

"Life, that is, the speed of time has slowed down, and even the time has been reversed, so that the dead spirit can be revived."

Life and time!

A small circle of life and death actually contains four rules, and it is still the most difficult to understand and the most difficult rules to master.

It can be imagined that this life and death horror!

Therefore, if you spend too much time in the life and death world, and continue to be affected by the power of these four laws, let alone Jiang Yun, I am afraid that even the top powers such as Tao Zun have no confidence to ensure that they are safe and sound.

Feeling the change of the surrounding atmosphere, Jiang Yun continued: "Although it is called the life and death world, in fact, it is a life of nine deaths, even death!"

Because if the body collapses and represents death, then the remaining soul, unless it can leave the life and death world, otherwise, it will still be affected by the power of the four laws, and eventually collapses.

Naturally, he also understood the purpose of the old man to use the world, not to send himself into the world, but to send himself into the realm of life and death.

Just a world of media, just like a transmission array, the grotesque passage that you had previously placed should be a good place.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yun, the changing face expression has become extremely dignified.

Because if you can't find a way to leave this life and death and return to the birthplace, then there are only two outcomes to wait for yourself.

One is to enter the dead world directly, and the other is to directly fly out of the smoke!

Although these two results are not what Jiang Yun wants, if he really wants him to choose one, he still prefers to enter the dead.

After all, entering the dead world, at least there is the possibility of reincarnation.


For the dead world, Jiang Yun is ignorant, but his body has ghosts of ghosts. He wants to come here in Jiang Yun, he should have some understanding of this.

The ghosts who have always been hiding in the flames of Jiang Yun, but they dare not appear!

Because he is a purely dead spirit, this is also affected by the laws of life.

In addition, his strength is too weak, I am afraid that after it appears, it will immediately vanish.

"Adult, I told you the last time I knew it. I was also the first to enter this life and death, and the rest did not know."

Listening to the ghostly voice that is obviously shaking with great fear, Jiang Yun knows that he should not lie.

Since even the ghost did not know, Jiang Yun could only sit in the void and simply try to find out if there is any way to block this life and death.

Unfortunately, even if he hid in the looting, these two breaths can still affect him.

Even more than him, even the Leimu in the Taoist sect, the five small ones in the refining pen, the illusion in the Tibetan sword, and the snow in the top of the cloud, etc. It will also be affected by these two breaths.

This made Jiang Yun finally anxious, and only under the limit, they could only send them all into their own fires, which is to make their influence less weakened.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that this is not a long-term solution, and he must quickly find a way to leave.

Jiang Yun grew up and began to swim in this life and death.

The area of ​​this life and death is not big, only a few square feet.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like a transparent cover, suspended in the intersection of life and death.

"So if I break this cover, can I leave?"

Although I thought of this method, Jiang Yun did not dare to try it.

Let me not say whether I have the strength to break this life and death world, because after all, even if my own ideas are correct, it means that half of them may enter the dead.

Therefore, he can only decide to wait until it is really nowhere to go, and then try this method.

Just as Jiang Yun racked his brains to find the way to leave, in the depths of his life, he suddenly sounded an old voice.

"For him, this is a great opportunity to understand life and death and the rules of time, but this opportunity is a bit early!"

"However, it is not entirely impossible. After all, he has experienced the pain of death, and he once died and resurrected once, and there are fires and fires in the body..."

"In this case, I will help him once again. I can understand how much, just look at himself!"

With the fall of this old voice, Jiang Yun’s knowledge gradually blurred, but in front of his eyes, there was a figure!

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