The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1471: Some stubborn


Although Jiang Yun’s mind is already vague, he can still recognize the figure that appeared in front of him, that is his grandfather Jiang Wanli.

Grandpa’s face still carries the usual kindness, his body is slightly stunned, his hands are behind him.

Just like when Jiang Yun left Jiang Village, he used his eyes full of gratitude, watching Jiang Yun deeply, standing there, motionless.

Although Grandpa's body did not move, his appearance, his skin, his hair, every organ in his body, every part, but in the eyes of Jiang Yun, grew old at a very fast speed.

Looking at Grandpa's constant old age, Jiang Yun's heart is extremely anxious.

He wanted to make a noise and wanted to reach out to stop it, but at this moment his body was bound by an invisible force and could not move.

His mouth is also unable to produce the slightest sound, so that he can only watch the grandfather a little old, become old and old, and will become a wood.

Until the grandfather's entire person has completely collapsed, turned into countless sand, dissipated in nothingness.

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to understand what was going on in the end, there was another boy in his face who looked like he was only seven or eight years old.


This is the master of Jiang Yun, old age!

Just like the grandfather, the master named "not old", in the eyes of Jiang Yun, changed from a boy to a young man, became a middle-aged person, and became an old man until it was destroyed.

Next, one after another, Jiang Yun's familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Master, two sisters, three brothers, Jiang Yuerou, Xia Zhongxing, Dao Tianyou...

Everyone is in the eyes of Jiang Yun, from young to aging, from aging to nothingness.

And the disappearance of each figure can make Jiang Yun feel a painful pain, a sadness that is difficult to suppress, a desire to stop them from disappearing!

However, he can't do anything!

This is the biggest torture for him.

Jiang Yun couldn't feel the passage of time, nor could he calculate how many personal shadows had disappeared in front of him.

He just vaguely felt that everyone who seemed to care about his life had all appeared.

However, at this time, there is another figure in front of him.

This figure is Jiang Yun himself!

Jiang Yun can only watch as he approaches the aging from a young age, until he completely turns himself into nothingness from his own eyes.

With the disappearance of his own figure, the pain, sorrow, and eagerness of Jiang Yun’s heart finally reached the peak and reached the limit!

So that his vague mind seemed to understand something faintly, but he could not grasp it. In a hurry, let his mouth, which could not make a sound, suddenly spit out a simple syllable: "Death!"

The release of this syllable made Jiang Yun find the way to vent, and the mouth began to utter a whisper like a nightmare: "Death, die, die!"

But in this way, it is obviously still impossible for Jiang Yun to completely vent his inner feelings mixed with sadness and pain.

Therefore, his body that could not move, he also moved, and stretched out a finger, madly writing in the air.

As his fingers dance, the same "dead" word appears one after another.

Moreover, once these words of "death" appear, they will condense and scatter in the air, and more and more.

In the eyes of outsiders, what I saw was the word "death", but in the eyes of Jiang Yun, the ones that I painted at my fingertips were just those who had appeared and disappeared.

Jiang Yun really is like crazy, his mouth is constantly chanting and dying, his fingertips constantly writes out death...

In this way, I don’t know how long it has been in the past, and I don’t know how many “dead” words have been gathered in the air, and I heard a loud bang from “Boom”.

All the words "dead" suspended in the air suddenly burst into flames and turned into a turbid river - Huang Quan, which completely swallowed Jiang Yun's whole person.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s body once again sounded the old voice: “There is still some reluctance!”

"Although this experience has been extraordinary, the sentiment of life and death is still too one-sided."

"You can only see death, but you can't see life!"

"This opportunity is precious, but at most he can only feel the skin of the law of death."

"Even, he may not even be able to feel the fur. If he can't wake up, he will be immersed in the law of death forever, so... death!"

"And, he also wants to hurry up. In his current state, he can't live in this life and death for too long. Otherwise, he will still die in the end!"

With a touch of emotion, the old voice quieted down. Only Jiang Yun still repeated the sound of "dead", and it was constantly coming out from the yellow spring wrapped around him.

"Death, die, die..."


Asked within the main sect, no one speaks, only the tenth bell rang, echoing in this vast world.

Although they have experienced several shocks since entering the main sect, now all the shocks are not as good as the tenth bell heard at the moment!

The bells are ten, although in the nine avenues, there are indeed days in the avenues, but so far, no one can really hear it!

The lords of the Lianjiu Avenue can only provoke the bells and sounds at most, and it is conceivable that they can make the identity of the people who are ten-belled.

In the vast majority of people's perceptions, only one person can afford this tenth bell.

It’s just this person, but it’s never appeared in the Nine Avenues and the Avenues.

However, today, within the main sect of this question, the tenth bell sounded, and naturally it made everyone feel extremely shocked.

Is it really that person is coming?

At this moment, everyone only feels that their breathing seems to have stopped, no matter where they are in the world, they have stood up involuntarily.

Even Dan Danzi, Bu Yi, and so on, are no exception!

Even the unruly, always with the maddening color of the Earth River, the face is also rare to become dignified.

The people of Shanhai and the Taikoo Yaozu naturally recovered their silence and looked up at the sky.

Asked within the main sect, there are still one figure after another emerged, standing behind the road, a total of six people, each person's body exudes a very strong atmosphere.

They are among the main sects, and their strength and status are second only to the six elders of the lord.

The appearance of the six elders did not attract too much attention.

However, Dan Daozi and a few strong people looked at the six people, but the face was revealing doubts.

Because it is well known, there are seven elders who ask the main sect, but now there is one less.

Especially the lord who asked the Tao, even though it has not appeared yet...

As for the Tian Tianyun, the face that has been excited for a long time is red, the body is slightly shaking, and both hands do not know where to put it, and continue to take deep breath.

It seems that this is the only way to suppress the excitement of his heart at the moment.

Of course, not everyone is so excited and shocked. Only Jiansheng is still sitting there with his eyes closed, and his face has no expression from beginning to end.

It seems that he does not care about everything about the outside world.

In addition to Jiansheng, there is also a coffin, which is still lying there quietly.

When the sound of the tenth bell finally fell completely, I asked the end of the sky of the main sect, and it really appeared... a figure!

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