The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1472: Intriguing

So far, it is only Jiansheng and Bu Yi, who came alone to ask the Tao.

This is the third now, and this has made people increasingly believe that their own guesses about the identity of this person are correct.

Tao Zun!

It is possible to ask the singer's welcoming bells to be ten rings, only the strongest of the heavens and the earth, the supreme sage!

This is also the reason why everyone is shocked and excited.

If it is fortunate to see the true arrival of the Taoist true body, what a glory.

In the eyes of all people with hope and excitement, the figure at the end of the sky is slowly moving, and walked over to the place where Dao Tianyun and others stood.

However, with the approach of this person, and the appearance of the other party who can already see the others clearly, the excitement and shock on their faces are all confused and stunned.

However, there are also a few people who have a bitter smile on their faces.

For example, Dan Daozi!

Dan Daozi smiled at the same time, and his face was even more relieved. He spit out a long breath and shook his head. "It turned out to be this girl!"

Asked the six elders of Dao Zong and Dao Tianyun, even more stunned, looking at the moment at this moment, the beautiful young woman standing in front of them!

This woman not only looks very beautiful, but also in her eyebrows, there is a round of silver imprint shaped like a bright moon, which adds a little mystery to her.

Even though many people have not seen the true meaning of Taoism, at least they can know that Dao Zun can never be a woman, and she is still such a beautiful woman.

What's more, although this woman is beautiful and temperamental, it is only a matter of nature.

This naturally makes them even more puzzled. Who is this woman, and it is difficult to have a very close relationship with Dao Zun?

Otherwise, why can you let the bells of the Taoist sect ring ten times?

At this moment, the beautiful woman's face is also with a sense of surprise and doubt, looking at the Tian Tianyun and the six elders standing in front of him, and the numerous silent figures standing underneath.

Obviously she is also puzzled, her own appearance, why did it cause such a big squad!

At the same time, the voice of Dao Tianyun, also in a state of sluggishness, also sounded an old voice: "The identity of this woman cannot tell you, I can only tell you that she is surnamed the month, and you will see the meeting of the younger generation. Let's go!"

When I heard the old voice, Dao Tianyun finally came back to God. This is a reminder of the elders of the sect.

However, he did not hear the elder's reminder to greet the guests immediately, as in the previous few times. Instead, he said in the almost impatience of the voice: "An elder, you, are you kidding?"

"This little girl, I haven't been high since I was repaired. You don't even tell me about her identity. Let me hold her a gift to her."

Dao Tianyun is indeed extremely unconvincing. If the identity of this woman is really the lord of a Taoist or the lord of heaven, then it will be worthwhile to see him as a younger.

However, now that the elders are in a situation where they do not even tell each other's identity, they will let themselves be a gift of the younger generation, which will allow them to be willing.

The voice of the elders sounded again, and there was a bit more unpleasant in the tone: "Her identity, you are not qualified to know!"

"I can only tell you that her father is on an equal footing with Dao Zun. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a junior, but if you anger her, I ask the Tao to be in danger!"

Asked among the main forests of the main sect, the Angkor sitting on the top of a stone tablet, holding a palm-sized bronze bell in his hand, touched his chin and said: "Oh, no wonder the lord asked me to be responsible for knocking. Clock!"

"What happened to the big ratio this time, all of them are all these people!"

"Thanks to me, I changed it to other people. I am afraid I can't recognize a few. I have to anger any of them. I asked Daozong to eat and leave!"

I got a reminder that I was always there, and the heart of Dao Tianyun suddenly jumped.

Although he still does not know who the woman's father is, he knows that he will not lie to himself.

Even his heart has been spinning fast!

"There is a strong presence with Dao Zun, how powerful is that!"

"If I can become a son-in-law with this woman and become his son-in-law, it doesn't mean that I can possibly become... Dao Zun!"

Thinking of this, Dao Tianyun’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he reorganized his clothes. His face showed a smile and strode to the woman’s face. He held a fist and said: “In the next way, I will see the moon... senior!"

Come, naturally, the moon is like a fire!

Although her identity and cultivation, she really couldn’t afford to ask the Taoist sect for ten times, but her father’s monthly esteem was the same as that of Dao Zun, so An Chang was after she recognized her. It will ring the bell ten times, which is regarded as respect for the moon.

The existence of Yuezun is related to the secret of another piece of heaven and earth, and it cannot be rumored. Therefore, Anzhen’s true identity in the moon is not telling Tianyun.

For most of the other monks, as with Tian Tianyun, no one knows even the moon, and naturally he will not know the identity of the moon.

In the face of the Tianyun Yun’s visit, although the moon is still in flames, there are still doubts in her heart, but she is simple in character, and she is too lazy to think about it. She has waved her hand: “Be excused, ask you something!”

Dao Tianyun straightened up and smiled and said: "There are things for the seniors, but please tell me."

The month went straight to the question and asked: "You asked the way, there is a man named Jiang Yun who hasn't come yet?"

Jiang Yun!

The smile on the face of Tian Tianyun suddenly solidified, and the eyes flashed a bit of murder!

Even though he has become accustomed to a lot of big people because of the mountains and seas, because Jiang Yun came, but at this moment even the father is comparable to the Taoist woman, it is also for Jiang Yun, which makes him in mind for Jiang Yun, except In addition to killing, there is even more sorrow!

Dao Tianyun tried to maintain the smile on his face: "I would like to ask if the seniors are looking for Jiang Yun, why is it that he has offended or offended his predecessors?"

When he wants to come, perhaps Jiang Yun is a erotic, once faintly in front of the woman, so the other party is now coming to seek revenge.

Waiting for the moon to answer, the Dan Daozi in the distance finally said: "Moon girl, please come over here!"

If the previous people were still a bit suspicious of the fact that they could enjoy the ten-rings of the moon, then when they heard Dan Daozi’s name for her, this suspicion suddenly vanished.

Lian Dan Daozi is a peer-to-peer for this woman, and the state of affairs is still full of politeness, which is enough to show the identity of the woman, at least with him.

When I heard the voice of Dan Daozi, the moon was just like a fire. "It’s so good, you are here, I still wonder if you will come!"

After the end of the month, the moon was no longer in the air, and the body was swayed, and went straight to Dan Daozi, and fell into the northwest corner!

The voice of Dan Daozi also completely ruined a little hope in the mind of Tian Tianyun.

Because Dan Daozi is the only person who explicitly admits that Jiang Yun is his little brother, then since the moon is like a fire and Dan Daozi also know each other, this is enough to show that there is no hatred between the moon and the fire.

A beautiful woman ran to ask Dao Zong to find a man, not for revenge, then the relationship between the two is naturally intriguing.

Looking at the figure of the moon like a fire, the road can not help but burn in the fire, the heart is even more gnashing teeth: "Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, you will appear soon!"

"Only killing you, destroying your mountains and seas, can only eliminate the hatred of my heart!"

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