The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1481: Say oath

At the same time that Jiang Yun finally got out of the realm of life and death, he asked Daozong’s big ratio, which is also in full swing!

This kind of inter-class comparison test, although each of the divisions is an opponent, but at the same time everyone is the same door.

Those who can represent their respective divisions are naturally elites of their own, and they all belong to the Taoist.

Therefore, in the trial, although both parties can use any means, they are not allowed to kill opponents.

Naturally, this also causes the time of each match to not last too long.

Especially in personal warfare, if the strength difference between the two sides is too great, even the outcome will be decided in an instant.

Only group wars will take a little time, but not too much.

Now that one day has passed, the comparison between the five grades has ended three rounds, which means that three divisions have been eliminated.

The fourth round of the test has already begun, and after the end of this round of trials, it will be the turn of the mountains and seas!

Although it is very fierce than the test bench, except for the two divisions of the battle, most of the people's minds are not on it.

The reason is because the grade of the division is too low;

This determines that there will not be too strong among their disciples, and the viewing of the fight will be reduced a lot.

Just like the six five-level divisions that have ended the test, the opponents who are the strongest players only have the pre-existing pre-existence, and the rest are God bless, the ground protection, and even the Tao Lingjing. This kind of strength is really unable to enter the eyes of everyone present. .

Generally speaking, when people are more than seven grades, they will be a little interested.

The second is that everyone is also looking forward to the test of Shanhai and Zongzi, especially everyone is thinking, will Jiang Yun come in time.

As for the people in the mountains and seas, there is no longer a mind to watch other contests.

In the eyes of other people, although the strongest of the six divisions is only a Taoist situation, for the Shanhai division, a morality is enough to kill all of them.

Although they are sitting next to Dongbo, although Dongbo also said that Jiang Yun should come, they are not accustomed to pinning their hopes on others. They still want to rely on their own strength to beat their opponents as much as possible.

Therefore, the hundred disciples headed by Xia Zhongxing have secretly discussed countless times, the first two contests, who should be sent to play.

In the end, it was decided to play by Xia Zhongxing and Zuo Haochen. After all, the strength of the two of them is the strongest among the people.

Xia Zhongxing took the initiative to ask for the first one, and Zuo Haochen was the second one.

Although for the group war, everyone still has a little chance of winning, but if the first two games are defeated, then there is no chance to usher in a group battle.

And their opponents, Liuli Zongzi also have no mood to watch other people's test, the eyes of the three thousand disciples are almost all staring at the mountains and seas, each person's face will be unobtrusive and provocative!

Even, they do not care about the existence of the Oriental Bo, do not care about the support of the strong people such as Dan Daozi behind the mountains and seas.

Because they also have the road behind them to support them.

Of course, Tian Tianyun was not willing to let go of Dao Tianyou and Shanhai, so when he was drawing, he not only deliberately let the glass of the glass be drawn to the 19th, but also secretly sent people to find the glass and gave them a sentence. words.

"In the scope of the rules, give me a good job to clean up the mountains and seas, not kill them, but also completely abolish those who participated in the war!"

Even Dao Tianyun has given them a lot of benefits.

Therefore, the current glazed sect is full of confidence, and I can’t wait to be able to play and compare with Shanhai.

In this way, the fourth round is over!

Two disciples of the five-level division, the winner smiled, and the loser left the bench.

There was also a white-haired old man on the test bench. It was one of the seven elders who were responsible for presiding over this big story.

The old man said with a blank expression: "The glazed sects and the mountains and seas are divided and played!"

The voice of the old man fell, and suddenly the emotions of millions of people around him became excited.

Although Jiang Yun has not appeared until now, and this is also a test that has no suspense in the end of the round, but everyone still wants to see this mountain and sea branch that has been highly anticipated before the big than yet. Do not bring yourself some surprises and surprises to these people.


On the test bench, a handsome young man looks forward to appearing, looking at the direction of the mountains and seas with contempt.

Naturally, he is the disciple of the glass and the disciples.

Although the appearance of this person was in the expectation of the people in the mountains and seas, after being told that the other party’s cultivation was done, the hearts of the people could not help but sink.

God bless the battle, there is no chance of winning.

On the contrary, Xia Zhongxing stood up calmly and just wanted to go out, but Dongbo, who was sitting beside him, pulled him and said: "I am going!"

Although Dong Bo’s voice was not large, it was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present, and millions of people were so shocked that they were concentrated on him.

Even Xia Zhongxing and others are stunned and look at Dongfang Bo.

In the palm of the hand, the identity is higher than that of the ancestral lord of the Nine Avenues. In this case, I would like to ask the Taoist priests to compete for a five-level disciple. ......

Faced with millions of gaze, Dongfang Bo’s face was extremely calm, and even stood up and changed his face: “How, I have said it twice, I’m also asking you Half a disciple, then I will fight for the mountains and seas, and of course!"

While speaking, Dongfang Bo is about to step out, and the chief elder on the test bench is hurried: "Wait!"

"What?" Dongfang Bo brows and wrinkles: "Don't tell me, ask Daozong to have rules, half a disciple can't participate in Daby!"

Although everyone can hear that Dongbo is entangled in the Hu, he is not related to Shanhai, and he is definitely not a disciple of Dao.

However, his identity is extremely honorable, even if everyone knows well, but no one dares to say anything.

At this moment, Dao Tianyun stood up and yelled at Dongfang Bo: "For the predecessors of the East, are you sure I asked Daozong half disciple?"

Dongfang Bo nodded and said: "Of course!"

"Good!" Dao Tianyun nodded. "But all the disciples who asked me to ask the Taoist sects will make an oath when they officially enter the sect."

"I must have set the predecessor of the East, so I will trouble the predecessors of the East and say the vows once again."

"As long as the predecessors of the East say the vows, they can naturally participate in the big ratio!"

I have to say that the words of Dao Tianyun really make Dongfang Bo dumb.

Although he knows to ask the Taoist vows that Zong is in the people, the patriarch is dead, but he is different from Jiang Yun. He is only a disciple of the ancients, but he lives in the Tibetan Peak and has not made an oath.

Therefore, he did not really join the question.

And vows this kind of thing, maybe some people don't care, just say it casually, but what is his identity? You can just swear.

Fortunately, Xia Zhongxing is a slight smile: "You don't want to make fun of the East's predecessors. Let me come here!"

After that, Xia Zhongxing smiled at the same door who was looking at his own eyes with concern. "I am going!"

"Be careful!"

"If you don't, don't give up!"

"Don't be hard!"

In the snoring of everyone, Xia Zhongxing crossed the East Bo and stood on the test bench!

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