The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1482: Three figures

Looking at Xia Zhongxing standing on the test bench, Dongfang Bo can only sit back and helplessly.

Although he is in the palm of his hand, it is impossible to really ignore the rules of any sect.

With Xia Zhongxing's playing, millions of people were quieter around the test bench.

Everyone is holding their breath, and their eyes are all concentrated on Xia Zhongxing.

Although the gap between Xia Zhongxing and the opposite man was made, everyone actually knew the final result, but still, they hope that Xia Zhongxing can bring some surprises to himself.

The people of Shanhai and Zongzong, whether they are three thousand disciples in the vicinity of the test bench, or other disciples in various positions in the world, are all secretly cheering for Xia Zhongxing.

In particular, a young man with a similar appearance and Xia Zhongxing, but pale and thin, even clenched his fist.

His eyes fixed on the figure of Xia Zhongxing above the marble in front of him, and there was a faint tear in his eyes.

His name is Xia, it is the son of Xia Zhongxing, and the innate soul is incomplete!

No one knows that as early as the evening before Xia Zhongxing took hundreds of disciples to the main sect, he went to Xiaqi specially, and the father and son stayed for a whole night.

Although Xia Zhongxing did not reveal any anomalies, but the father is Mo Ruozi!

Xia can feel it, his father, for this big ratio, has a mortal heart!

Their father and son are not the people in the mountains and seas, but they are counted by Xia Zhongxing’s brother Xia Zhongwu. They came to the mountains and seas under the accident.

In order to cure the soul of the summer, Xia Zhongxing opened a pharmacy, and thus met Jiang Yun. Since then, the fate of the father and son has been changed.

If there is no Jiang Yun, their father and son may have died in the mountains and seas.

Therefore, although Xia Zhongxing did not say anything in the past few years, in his heart, he always wanted to do something for Jiang Yun.

And now, the opportunity is coming!

At this moment, Xia Zhongxing standing on the test bench is very clear. If the Shanhai Sejong first loses, then this round of trials will definitely lose.

Even though there is still a chance of winning in the group battle, Zuo Haochen, who is waiting to play, is definitely not the opponent of the glass.

Therefore, this first game must be won, which is why he insisted on the first game.

Although Xia Zhongxing's eyes are on the man who looks at the glass in front of him, his mind is reminiscing about his own experiences over the years.

It was not until the voice of the chief elders was heard that he finally woke up.

"The comparison between the glazed sects and the mountains and seas is starting now!"

Xia Zhongxing gave a fist to the man in front of him: "Shan Hai Se Zong, Xia..."

Since the registration number, this is a ritual to be performed by both parties at each trial.

However, after Xia Zhongxing finished speaking, the man was smirking and interrupted: "Hey, the waste of the heavens in the district, I didn't know your name."

When the voice fell, the man had already waved his hand, and a huge storm of ten feet high suddenly flew toward Xiazhong.

Under the cover of this storm, Xia Zhongxing felt that his body was suppressed by a mountain and could not move.

The hair clothes all danced wildly, and let him know clearly that there is a big gap between himself and the other.

However, Xia Zhongxing certainly wouldn’t wait for it, so he clenched his teeth and whipped up all his strength.

Upon hearing the "Peng", a flame was lifted from his body and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Wrapped around him, the flames of the sky are also surging, and it has become a huge firebird, rushing to the storm that is coming on.

Looking at the flamingo, on the perimeter of the stands, several demon people belonging to the Taikoo Yaozu area suddenly squinted.

In particular, the Earth River, looking up at the ship that has been suspended above its own size, has become a giant ship of the size of a hundred feet, muttering: "This person is clearly a human being, how can it condense the image of the predecessors of Wuyang! ”


The flamingo and the storm collided together, and the firebird suddenly vanished, and the storm was almost unharmed with a whistling sound, and came to Xia Zhongxing.


Avoiding the inevitable, Xia Zhongxing, which was unstoppable, was instantly involved in the storm.

With the rotation of the storm, the body continually hits the wind wall formed by the storm like a rock, giving a series of crisp crashes.

Seeing this, almost everyone has shaken his head again and again.

This kind of trial does not need to continue at all. Xia Zhongxing is sure to lose.

Even if he has any cards, it is impossible to cross the huge gap between the power of God and the Tao.

However, they can also see that in fact, the strength of the disciples of the glass is not even required to be shot, and it is entirely possible to defeat Xia Zhongxing easily by his own momentum.

However, he not only shot, but also in this way, clearly is to humiliate Xia Zhongxing.

However, as long as Xia Zhongxing is not in danger of life, then unless he actively confesses his defeat, otherwise, the elders who presided over the test will not interrupt the test.

When the storm finally stopped, Xia Zhongxing’s body fell heavily onto the platform.

The clothes on the whole body have almost been turned into a strip of cloth. The exposed body is covered with countless traces of deep visible bones. The seven scorpions are constantly squirting six percent of blood, lying there, one at every turn.

Obviously, this is his opponent's mercy, no need for his life.

However, seeing the misery of Xia Zhongxing, it has increasingly verified the speculations of the people. This man is purely humiliating and afflicting him.

"Put it!"

"Xia Lao Ge, admit defeat!"

"Don't fight, lose nothing, there are two more games, we can definitely win!"

At this time, the people of Shanhai and Zongzong really couldn’t stand it anymore, and they rushed to Xia Zhongxing on the stage, hoping that he could quickly admit defeat.

However, the man did not give Xia Zhongxing the opportunity to admit defeat, and the palm of his hand rose. It was a gust of wind that caught up with Xia Zhongxing who could not move.

At this moment, Xia Zhongxing's mind is vague, but his mouth is muttering: "Zhongwu, are you ready to die with your third brother?"

As Xia Zhongxing’s voice fell, Xia Zhongxing’s body immediately sounded a voice: “Three brothers, are you worth doing?”

Xia Zhongxing spit out two words: "Worth!"


Xia Zhongxing’s body suddenly ignited the flame again.

However, this is not a fire, but he burned the flames of the Tao!

Xia Zhongxing burned his own Tao, as if burning his own life.

In this way, his strength will be able to increase in a short period of time.

Even though he is still not the opponent of the opponent, but next, he will blew himself!

To blew himself up, even if he can't kill each other, but he may be able to go with the other side, so that the first match of Shanhai Sejong will not lose at least!

This scene is beyond the expectations of everyone, and it makes everyone's face change.

Except for the summer, no one thought that Xia Zhongxing would choose this kind of staunch way.

Dongfang Bo changed his face and raised his foot. He was about to take it out, but at this time, there were three figures at a faster speed than him. He fell from the sky and fell on the test bench.

Among them, there is one person who directly reaches out and refers to the storm that wrapped up Xia Zhongxing. It easily disappeared into the invisible storm and organized the burning of Xia Zhongxing Dao Ling.

And looking at the three people who suddenly appeared on the stage, everyone was confused. I don’t understand how they can pass through the obstacles. They appeared on the test bench, and they didn’t know where they were sacred. Interference test.

The chief elders with anger said: "Bold, who are you!"

Three people, two men and one woman, heard the elder's words and spoke in turn.

"Shan Hai asked for the separation, Tang Yi!"

"Shan Hai asked for the division, Lu Yourong!"

"Shan Hai asked for the injury!"

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