The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1484: Six-level division


In the flame, the scream of the young man came.

Because of this strong flame, even if he could not kill it by how to cast it, he burned it so that everyone could clearly smell a faint smell.

Look at this flame, the place of the ancient demon, not to mention the starry river's brows are about to be screwed together, even in the black giant ship above, there is a woman's voice sings gently: "Weird things, how the summer Zhongxing And this is not hurt, the fire that was repaired is actually related to me?"

Standing in the same place without injury, his eyes looked cold and his opponents struggled in the flames, neither winning the pursuit nor extinguishing the flame.

And the discerning eye can see it, no injury, this is obviously revenge for Xia Zhongxing!

After only counting the interest, the man of the glass was finally unable to bear the burning of the flame, and shouted madly: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

However, it is as if it is not hurt, but still standing there, motionless!

Or the chief elders had to come out and wave their sleeves to fight the flames of the man.

However, under his wave, although the fire did indeed weaken some, but it did not go out, which made the old face of the chief elder can not help but slightly red, and looked a little surprised.

You must know that being an elder, at least the strong man of the five heavens and the robbers, can not extinguish the flame of a moral monk, which makes him quite embarrassed.

However, this is enough to show that a fire without injury is not an ordinary fire!

The elders waved two sleeves in succession before they finally extinguished the fire without injury.

At the moment, the man with the glazed glaze has been burnt like coke and is dying.

Until it was determined that the person was not dead, the elders looked at the face with no anger: "The other party has already conceded, why are you still burning the flame?"

No injury raised his head and looked at the elders and said: "This flame, I will only put it, it won't go out!"

"In addition, I am just defending! Who knows that he will be so waste!"


In this sentence, the elders who are completely blocked have nothing to say!

Indeed, no injury from beginning to end, but that is to raise a hand to fire a flame.

Moreover, it is not directly on the opponent's body, but to counter the storm released by the opponent!

So many people think that it is very reasonable to say no harm, not that he did not extinguish the flame in time, but his opponent is too weak!

After leaving this sentence, I have turned and walked to the mountains and seas.

The elders behind him, looking at his back, although very dissatisfied with the attitude of no injury, but can only be swallowed: "The second test, the mountains and seas win, the third test, group battle!"


But at this moment, another voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at the sound, I saw the place where the chief elders were asked, and an elder stood up slowly.

An often!

The elders who presided over the test looked at An Chang’s words: "An brother, what are you doing?"

An Chang is looking at the Tao Tianyun Road: "After the appearance of this group of disciples, the stone tablets representing their comprehensive strength have increased their Baiji!"

"That is to say, the comprehensive strength of the mountains and seas today should belong to the six-level division!"

This statement came out, the audience was dumb!

They naturally know the role of the Stele Forest in the main sect, but no one has thought that the level of Shanhai and Zongzong can be upgraded by one level.

However, this is actually not difficult to understand.

After all, everyone knows the strength of not hurting them. The moment they say the vows, they represent their official return, which will make the overall strength of the mountains and seas rise.

This is the case. It was the first time in the history of Dao Zong. So whether it is the elders in the Zong, or the Tianyun Yun is a bit worried, I don’t know how to deal with it.

In the end, it is still the way to see the mountains and seas: "What is your opinion?"

Although the level improvement is a good thing for Shanhai Zongzong, it is now a big ratio. If it is really classified into the rank of six, then the opponent will naturally be stronger.

Therefore, everyone's eyes are all looking at no harm!

It’s just that the behavior of the opponent has been easily defeated, and it has already made everyone aware of his strength. Naturally, he is the leader.

No injury has sat down on the knees, calmly said: "Be free! But before this, the glass is divided, must be eliminated!"

"what did you say!"

Among the glazed sects, there was a middle-aged man with a raging look.

He is the lord of the glazed sect, a middle-class strong man.

Although he also saw his own door without injury, but he is self-defeating than the non-injury, and he has a secret treasure, so he still waits for the group to defeat the wound and avenge the same door.

I didn't expect the Shanhai branch to improve the ranks, and it seems that the meaning of the Tianyun is also ready to let them advance, which has made him a bit disappointed.

Now, no harm, but also to let them split the glass, so how can he endure!

"Not convinced?"

Without a cold and cold smile, I also grew up and said: "As long as you can take me a trick, then I will eliminate the mountains and seas, you dare to pick up!"

This sentence of no injury, suddenly let everyone quiet again.

Although everyone admits that the strength of no injury is indeed strong, but after all, it is still a situation, but also a few lower realms than the other side.

Maybe no injury can beat the other side, but it is unlikely that anyone wants to come to defeat the opponent.

In the face of the innocent provocation, the sect of the glazed priest immediately sneered, screaming at the Taoist priest: "The disciple is daring, please let the seniors allow me to fight him!"

Dao Tianyun’s face showed a sullen color, and his eyes swept over the two men: “Since you are determined to fight, then I will not stop you, but remember, point to the end!”

As the voice of Dao Tianyun fell, the middle-aged man had already stepped onto the platform.

"Let's go!"

The middle-aged man looked cold and cold without any injury, and he did not talk nonsense. He sat up in the same place and raised his hand. He even had a very casual fire. He turned into a firebird in the air and rushed toward the other side. The past.

The same trick as just now!

Even after the fire was thrown out without hurt, he even closed his eyes and stopped looking at the results.

It seems that he has a very strong confidence, and the same one of his own, the other party can't get it.

However, for the lord of the glazed sect, the innocent act was a great insult to him, and he suddenly made a violent scream: "Nine winds!"

While speaking, a slap-sized bead appeared above his head, and nine gusts of wind came out of the bead, sweeping away toward the oncoming firebird.


The flamingo was swept under the hurricane of nine hurricanes, and it exploded into a sky... Firebird!

This scene, so that countless strong people can not help but all eyes wide open.

Because they see the most clearly, these firebirds are no longer flames, but lines!

The way of the fire!

Only the morality of the situation, just stepping into the three realms of no harm, even the random one-style technique has become a pattern of fire.

This means that no harm has touched the edge of the fire, and even he is very likely to truly understand the way of fire!

The face of the sect of the glazed lord suddenly changed. Where did he think that he had smashed the flame without injury and ushered in a real attack without injury.

Even though his realm is indeed higher than no harm, his feelings about the Tao are far from invulnerable, and he is simply unable to resist these flamingos composed of lines. They can only let them wrap themselves. .

In the fire, his equally crazy screaming voice came out: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

At this time, no injury is a self-talking saying: "I just said that this fire, I will only put it, it will not destroy!"

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