The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1485: World War I became famous

In the end, it was still the chief elder who had to stand up again, forcing his inner guilt and dissatisfaction, and waving his sleeves four times in a row, which extinguished the flame on the sect of the glazed priest.

And the lord's end is just like the same door he just had, and it was terrible to be burnt.

Although this made all the disciples of Liuli Zongzi all scorned with grief and full of resentment, they did not dare to speak.

Originally, they still thought about stepping on the mountains and seas, but now they are paying a price.

The serious injuries of the two strongest Supreme people have not only been eliminated, but they will not be used for a long time. Their grades will definitely be downgraded, and they will not be able to recover from it.

Even for a long time, they didn't have time to come back to Dabie.

No injury, this disciple of Shanhai, who returned from the turbid wasteland, has twice eliminated the strongest of the five grades with a single flame, and became famous in World War I.

Naturally, this also made everyone very impressed with him.

Even in the hearts of many people, I think that this is no harm than the Jiang Yun.

After all, no injury has not only been really asked, but also able to cast a pattern.

But such a monk, his strength is far beyond the realm, and the future is not limited.

Even if the Shanhai division is finally eliminated, there is a great possibility that it will be left in the main sect.

Especially among the other six-eighth-eighth grades, there are many people who are full of wars and look at him.

And these people are the strongest of each.

The appearance of harmlessness made them feel the threat, but it also inspired their war.

Each of them admits that they will not be better than no injury, so naturally they want to learn from him!

In addition to these people, the five elements of the Five Elements of the Taoist sects also said to themselves after a deep moment of innocence: "I remembered, the hole is not hurt!"

"The fire was told to me thousands of nights, a genius who can simultaneously repair the five elements!"

"In the past, Zong Bai took a fancy and planted the fruit. Later he was escaped. He did not expect to enter the mountains and seas and joined the Taoist."

"However, this is a good thing!"

"Now he has stepped into the Tao, even touched the road of fire, just don't know, how the other four lines of his feelings, and the five fruits in his body, still exist!"

"If you are..."

The words of the Five Elements were not finished, but his face showed a smile and he took back his eyes.


For the elimination of the glazed sects, Dao Tianyun’s face did not have the slightest expression, just nodded and said: “From this moment on, Shanhai is divided into six grades.”

"And, I will give you a privilege. When the third round of the sixth grade is started, you will compete with the division of the wheel!"

There are 20 divisions at each level. If there are two or two matches, the first round will leave ten divisions, then two or two pairs, leaving five divisions!

In this case, when the third round is compared, there will inevitably be a division that will have no opponents.

Nowadays, the words of Tianyunyun are equivalent to making this divided opponent into a mountain and sea branch!

"Okay, now, try to continue!"

After leaving this sentence, Dao Tianyun returned to his seat.

Although his eyes did not go to see the mountains and seas, but in the brain is thinking about how to eliminate the mountains and seas!

In particular, the strong strength of the injury-free show has deepened his idea.

If you really let the Shanhai branch get the first of the six-level division, by that time, he would like to face some pressure on Dao Tianyou or Jiang Yun.

However, in the six-level division, no one seems to be better than nothing!

After all, no harm has shown his true strength so far.

At this moment, the voice of Dao Tianyun suddenly sounded a voice: "Heavenly Master, did you encounter some trouble?"

When I heard this voice, Dao Tianyun couldn’t help but whisper: "Five-line predecessors?"

He did not expect that the five elements would contact him at this time, and he did not know what the other party had.

The voice of the Five Elements continues to sound: "I know, you want to destroy the mountains and seas, want to find someone to beat the wound, but worry that no one is his opponent, I can help you!"

Dao Tianyun’s heart is moving, and the voice is not moving: “Conditions?”

“Smart!” The five elements smiled slightly: “The condition is that no matter what method you use, you must leave this innocent and ask the main sect and give it to me!”

Dao Tianyun continued to ask a little puzzled: "The strength of the previous generation, want to take away without injury, should not be difficult? Why bother me to do more?"

The five elements are faint: "It is not difficult for me to take him away, but you can see that there is no good relationship between the two sides and the mountains and seas. There are so many strong people behind them."

"If I rush to take him away, then naturally it will cause dissatisfaction with these strong people, so I need you to help me!"

Even if it is the five elements, he is not willing to offend Dan Daozi, Bu Yi, Dong Bo and Yue Ruo, etc.!

Dao Tianyun did not directly agree, but asked: "I don't know how the predecessors can be sure to help me beat it without hurt?"

"I have a doll here. You can just find a six-level disciple and give him a doll. This doll will automatically blend with his soul, which will make his strength soar, and no one can see it! ”

"However, this person will die after the event!"


In the eyes of Dao Tianyun, a flash of light flashed across his face, and he began to watch the test on the platform.

At the same time, no injury but turned around and looked at Dan Daozi's side.

There, dozens of Confucius family headed by Kong Xuehai have all stood up, and each one is full of excitement.

Among them, there is a woman who has already burst into tears.

Dan Daozi looked in his eyes and shook his head. When he swung his sleeves, he sent the woman directly to the unharmed side.

Seeing this woman, the face that has almost never been expressionless is also a rare expression of excitement, shaking and whispering: "Dream!"

This woman is naturally a hole dream!

"Big brother!"

Kong Meng couldn't stand it anymore. He straight into the unharmed arms and burst into tears!

"Don't cry, don't cry, big brother is here, big brother is here!"

At this moment, the cold and coldness of all the wounds turned into tenderness, gently patted the back of his sister, and softly comforted.

Although he was very strange, why his family would appear here, and he joined the medicinal tract, and was favored by Dan Daozi, but he did not ask, but let Kong Meng cry in his arms.

After a long time, Kong Mengcai stopped crying and twitched: "Big Brother, if it is not Jiang Big Brother, our Confucius is gone."

Innocent way: "Ginger Brother?"

"Jiang Yun, Jiang Da Ge!"


When it was another day, no injury had already stood on the platform again, and looked at the opponent in front of him calmly.

The five-level contest has ended, and the six-level division has also completed two rounds of trials. Now it is finally the turn of Shanhai.

What they encountered was a thousand years of separation.

Coincidentally, this is also the birth of the light of the questioning.

At this moment, the two freckles standing in front of the innocence are but only the middle-aged man, named Liu He, who is the lord of the ages and the realm of the late Tao!

Although this person was not famous before, but in this big ratio, it stood out and brought great surprise to everyone!

In the past, there have been two divisions, and from the beginning to the end, only Liu He played alone, defeating his opponents four times in a row.

And, just use one trick!

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