The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1489: finally reached

Seeing that Tianyun was already inspecting the injury for Liuhe, Dan Daozi naturally stopped his body, his eyes staring at the sky and carrying his back against his figure, his brow slightly wrinkled.

Although Tian Tianyun is an honorable person, he has never checked the wounds for other disciples before, but he just praised Liu He in front of everyone, and unabashedly expressed his appreciation for Liu He, then this time Personally checking the injury for Liuhe is a normal thing for anyone.

However, because of the difficult words, it is Dan Daozi’s doubts about Tao Tianyun’s behavior.

In addition, if Dao Tianyun really wants to check the injury for Liuhe, then he can go to Liuhe where he can check for no injuries.

However, he suddenly waited until he was ready to go!

"He seems to be unwilling to let me check the injury for the Liuhe!"

Dan Dao’s brows were slightly wrinkled and continued to sink into the air: “This Liuhe, according to other people, was not so strong in the past, but stood out in this test and showed that even if he knew him. People are surprised by the power."

"It is difficult, his strength suddenly becomes stronger, it is caused by external forces, or he has taken the medicinal herbs that can temporarily improve his strength."

"This is also normal. After all, such a test can be done without any means, even if it is discovered, it is no big deal."

"There can only be one explanation, that is, the method of the strength of Liuhe’s growth is unspeakable and cannot be exposed!"

"So Dao Tianyun didn't dare let me see Liu He's injury!"

After I understood this, Dan Daozi’s face showed a faint color, and he smiled coldly, and stopped going. He turned and walked back to his seat. He said to Bu Yi: “Bu Daoyou saw it. ?"

Bu Yi is just a smile, no more talking.

Because he has already opened his own eyes, he is staring at Lu Yourong than on the test bench!

Dan Daozi also knows that although Bu Yi is known as the **** operator, he wants to ask him to count it, which is costly.

In today's situation, he is able to stand on the side of the mountains and seas and tell these words to remind himself that it is already very valuable, so naturally no longer ask.

However, the blink of an eye for Bu Yi is to make Dan Dao’s heart can’t help but be a move.

From Bu Yi's appearance to the present, his eyes are almost always closed, but now he is a disciple who looks at the mountains and seas.

"It seems that this little girl is his disciple!"

Thinking of this, Dan Daozi's gaze naturally looked at Lu Yourong, very curious, what kind of person is, can cause interest in Bu Yi, and even want to be accepted as a disciple.

At the moment, Lu Yourong, although standing on the test bench, but the heart is extremely nervous, the body can not help but shiver slightly.

Although she and the non-injured Xia Zhongxing and others are the same door, she has neither the innocence that seems to be inherently calm, nor the age and experience of Xia Zhongxing and others.

The strongest non-injury, after paying the price of a serious injury, still finally defeated, if you are equally defeated, then the road of the mountain and the sea will come to an end.

Therefore, being watched by millions of people, it is also representative of the mountains and seas, bearing the hope of more than 300,000 same door, so that she feels tremendous pressure.

However, she also knows that although the strength is not the strongest self, it is the person who is most likely to help Shanhai to win the case.

Because of your own eyes!

Although my eyes can't see everything, but I can see the flaws of some techniques, and even see the soft underbelly of the opponent.

Even Tang Yi, who is more powerful than himself, is proud of his powerful body and can easily defeat him.

So, only stand by yourself.

Opposite Lu Yourong, there is also an old man who is out of the darkness.

Especially in the eyes of the triangle, when I saw the good face of Lu Yourong, it also revealed a sinister light.

This old man is within the division of the ages, the strength is second only to the people of Liuhe, the middle of the Tao.

The old man sneered and said: "Besides that there is no injury, the mountains and seas are really no one, so you can let a girl come up to try!"

Indeed, everyone else has such doubts.

The strength of Zuo Haochen, Tang Yi, etc. is obviously higher than that of Lu Yourong, but they do not play, but instead want to let Lu Yourong, who is weaker than them, play.

Lu Yourong did not hear the old man at all. She was still immersed in tension and constantly sucking her strength.

The old man could not see the tension of Lu Yourong, but also made his face more scornful. He shook his head and said: "Since you have no kind of man in the mountains and seas, then this friend is not as good. Come to me for a long time."

"As long as you follow me, you will inevitably guarantee that you will practice without worry in the future!"

"Fart!" Not waiting for Lu Yourong to open, Tang Yi could not help but scream.

In the turbid wilderness, he and Lu Yourong accompanied him for 50 years, and he was already like a Taoist, how to endure the old man’s slang words.

"Yes, don't be nervous!"

With the opening of Tang Yi, the people of Shanhai and Zongzong also opened their mouths and cheered Lu Yourong.

"Yeah, Lu Shijie, don't be nervous, even if you lose, it doesn't matter!"

"That is, the big deal is that the mountains and seas are, we have long wanted to go back."

Hearing the voices one by one, Lu Yourong finally came back to God.

Although she was still nervous, she still had embarrassment, but in her eyes, there was a touch of perseverance.

The old man simply ignored the shouts of the people, but stared at Lu Yourong: "Little lady, rest assured, I am the most pity, so I will be merciful to you!"

When the voice fell, the old man suddenly raised his hand, and saw countless blue lightning shot from his palm, intertwined into a power grid, and covered with Lu Yourong.


Looking at the oncoming grid, Lu Yourong’s black coixed eyes suddenly showed a fuzzy pattern.

At the same time as this pattern appeared, her hazelnuts began to fade away, just as it became transparent, which made her eyes almost white.

Seeing this scene, everyone naturally understands that there is magical power on the eyes of Lu Rongrong.

Even the lines that shrouded her on the coix seed are the lines!

It is only because of Lu Zhirong's realm that she can't reveal the lines clearly as if she didn't hurt, but it can be shocking to do so.

Dan Daozi suddenly realized that he had a deep look at his face, but he still looked closely at the difficulty of the test bench.

"Some people have rumored that this difficulty has been cultivated into a Taoist eye, and this little girl obviously has the rudiment of the Tao. It is no wonder that Bu Yi is hard to come and accept it as a disciple!"

With the change of Lu Yourong's eyes, the net of lightning that is impenetrable, in her eyes, has easily revealed several flaws.

In the next moment, Lu Yourong swayed and walked out of the power grid directly. He instantly appeared beside the old man, raised his hand and took a shot!


"Come on, finally arrived!"

Looking at the nine monks who are already close at hand, Jiang Yun is really unable to hold his heart.

He knew that these monks were asking the disciples of the Lord, and the place they guarded was to ask the entrance of the heavens.

As long as you enter the entrance, you can enter the questioning day and you will be able to catch up with the big ratio.

"There is a stop!"

At this moment, the monks suddenly screamed out and let Jiang Yun’s figure stop.

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