The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1490: Same door killing

Seeing that Lu Yourong broke through the lightning of the sky, it was easy to come to the old man, and the mountains and seas were all excited.

In particular, Tang Yi, even lifted his fists.

The old man also changed his face. He did not think that Lu Yourong's magical power was actually above his eyes.

When he was unable to control it, he heard a muffled sound of "砰", and Lu Yourong condensed the whole palm of his hand and shot it on his body. He beat him and then withdrew three steps. .

It is a pity that Lu Yourong’s palm did not cause any harm to the old man.

However, the faces of the mountains and seas are full of expectations and hopes.

The attack of the old man could not hurt Lu Yourong, but Lu Yourong could easily find all the flaws of the attack by the advantage of the eyes. After a long time, Lu Yourong will certainly win.


However, Dan Daozi shook his head and said: "This little girl has a good eye, but it is not a real eye."

"If it is to face the same level of opponents, then it is not difficult for her to beat the opponent, but in the face of a moral monk who is higher than her, there is almost no chance of winning!"

"Especially since her opponent already knows her eyes are so powerful, then the next attack can completely use the technique, and by virtue of the gap between the two people, we can win."

Dan Daozi's voice is not big, but it was deliberately introduced into Bu Yi's ear.

After Bu Yi’s silence for a while, he shook his head gently: “Not necessarily!”

"There is no pure perfect thing in the world, including attacks, including the human body!"

"No matter how strong the repairs are, even if they are the top powerhouses, there will be flaws in their shots."

"Even according to the way each person cultivates, even the strongest physical training, there will be weakness in their bodies."

"As long as you find such a flaw, find the soft underbelly of the other side, and constantly attack, then you can wear a stone like a drop of water!"

When I heard the difficulty of Bu Yi, this round of Dan Daozi smiled slightly: "Do you know that Bu Daoyou already knows the result of this comparison?"

Bu Yi shook his head and said: "Everything knows the result in advance. It is not a pleasant feeling. There are many times when it is better to be confused."

Dandao nodded and stopped talking.

Although he agrees with Bu Yi's words, he knows that Bu Yi is not a real god. The result of this test should not be as he thinks.

Lu Yourong's one hit, but also the tension in her heart has been reduced a lot, the color of the perseverance in the eyes is also more concentrated, body shape, once again took the initiative to attack the old man.


Jiang Yun’s body shape had to stop because of the drinking of the nine monks, but his face did not have an unpleasant color. Instead, he screamed at them with a fist: “You are in the same door, asking the priests in the mountains and seas. , Jiang Yun!"

"In order to participate in the main sect, but because of the delay in the road, I am coming."

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, the nine same-doors stopped themselves to exercise their duties.

After all, it is impossible to let anyone enter at will during the period of the Lord Zongda.

However, since they have reported their identity and are the same door, they naturally will not be embarrassed.

As the voice of Jiang Yun fell, the nine monks looked at each other and each of them showed excitement.

Then, a middle-aged man in the late stage of the conversation converges on the excitement in his eyes: "Can you have a proof of identity?"


Jiang Yun hurriedly took out a ring from his arms. This was the ring of the lord who was given to him by the Taoist priest, and he handed it to the man: "Please look over."

After picking up the ring, the man turned over and looked at it for a while. He looked up and looked at Jiang Yundao: "You really are the lord of the mountains and seas?"

Although Jiang Yun was in a hurry, he could only nod his heart and endlessly, and nodded hard: "If you change it!"

"That's good, let's come with us!"

After that, the man turned and went along with the other four monks, and took the lead to ask the day, and Jiang Yun is naturally followed.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart is a bit puzzled.

Because the other party did not return their sovereignty to themselves.

It’s just such a small problem. Jiang Yun is too lazy to think about it. He now hopes to hurry to the scene of Dabi and quickly see the many same doors of his own mountains and seas!

However, just as Jiang Yun stepped into the moment of asking the heavens, a ray of light suddenly lit up, and while wrapping him, his body shape disappeared from the original place and appeared in a ridiculous world.

"here is……"

Suddenly transmitted, Jiang Yun did not have any accidents.

But looking at the ridiculousness around him and his powerful gods, I have already felt that there is no such thing as a slight fluctuation in the atmosphere. It is completely a dead world. It is not like a big comparison, but it is I was puzzled.

Jiang Yun is holding a fist in the five people who are also appearing around him: "You are the same door, please..."

Before he finished speaking, the man who led the head had already sighed out loudly: "Hands, quick fix!"

When the voice fell, five of the main disciples of the Taoist nature, Qi Qi launched an attack against Jiang Yun.

This sudden change makes Jiang Yun a fog.

I spent a lot of hard work and rushed back to ask God, and saw the same door of my main sect. However, it was not the enthusiasm of the same door to greet oneself, but the murder of the same door.

He naturally can clearly feel that the five people's shots are extremely fierce, not to learn or joke with themselves, but to really kill themselves!

"It’s hard to ask, what kind of major changes have happened to the Lord, and these people are not really master disciples. Is it here to catch all the disciples who are asking the Tao?"

This is the only possibility that Jiang Yun can think of at present. After all, he would not have thought that in the sect of the second home he would like to kill himself.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know if his thoughts were right, he couldn't help but kill the five people without rebellion.

The doubts on Jiang Yun’s face turned into coldness, and the eyes burst into the cold light of the sky. The eyes looked coldly at the five people: “I want to know the answer, grab you!”

These five master disciples are naturally the confidants of the heavens.

They had already recognized him when Jiang Yun had just appeared, and they had already received orders. At all costs, it was necessary to kill Jiang Yun and not allow Jiang Yun to go to Daby.

In order not to kill the wrong person, after repeatedly confirming that Jiang Yun’s identity is correct, they directly brought Jiang Yun to this place that had been prepared in advance.

Moreover, in their eyes, Jiang Yun is not a godsend, and he can't enter the eyes of himself.

It’s really easy to fight with Jiang Yun’s five talents.

It’s a pity that they don’t know that Jiang Yun is really easy to deal with them!

With Jiang Yun’s current strength, even if he does not use any technique, he can easily kill the Taoist monks by the power of the flesh.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of five people, Jiang Yun not only did not dodge, but took the initiative to welcome him, punching out like a dragon, with doubts in his heart, and at the same time smashed to five people.


"The younger brother is here!"

At the same time, in a certain world, a middle-aged woman suddenly looked up, and the beautiful face showed excitement and joy, but then, this excitement and joy turned into deep concern.

The beautiful woman bowed her head and looked at the one in her hand who was always held by herself. The figure flashed and disappeared from the place.

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