The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1491: Bloody rain


After five bursts of sounds, the five main disciples in front of Jiang Yun, all with incredible colors on their faces, fell down on the sky.

They did not think of it anyway, but this is only the lord of the small and sect of the heavens and seven heavens. The power of the flesh is so powerful!

Strong to the five of them, even the strength of his punch can not be taken.

Jiang Yun looked at the expressionlessly, and the seven squats were five people who were bleeding outside. The cold road said: "You really are the disciples of the Lord?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The first man would not be able to take the blood out of his open mouth and nod his head.

They can be accepted as confidants by the Tao, and naturally they have a bit of eyesight. Just as Jiang Yun can just feel the real murder that they radiated from them, they can also feel the killing of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun, really dare to kill them!

In the face of death, they dare to deny their identity. Perhaps this identity is the only card that they can wait for their lives.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

Jiang Yun’s murderous eyes are more powerful: “Give me an explanation that makes me happy!”

The reason why Jiang Yun did not kill them, although it does have reasons to care about the identity of the other party, but more importantly, he wants to know the real situation.


The first man was stunned, but he did not know how to explain it.

They dare not provoke Jiang Yun in front of them, but they dare not provoke the good luck.

Seeing their appearance, Jiang Yun is too lazy to talk nonsense, powerful gods directly enveloped them, began to search for the soul of these five people.

After only a moment, Jiang Yun’s eyes were soaring, and the words in the mouth were words: “Dao, heaven, luck!”

Naturally, Dao Tianyun did not think that these disciples that he had specially arranged were not Jiang Yun’s opponents, so they did not erase their memories.

Therefore, Jiang Yun knows the passing of things easily!

However, Jiang Yun still does not understand, this heir to the main sect, why is it inexplicable to kill himself, after all, he and he have never met, and have not even heard of his name.

But in any case, with this name, Jiang Yun is not difficult to know the truth of the matter.

As for the identity of the heir to the monarch of Dao Tianyun, it was directly ignored by Jiang Yun.


At this moment, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed coldly, and while he spit out a word in his mouth, he also raised his hand and pointed it in one direction.

However, when he saw the figure appearing there, the fingers that had been stretched out had already shrunk back, and the expression on his face was instantly solidified.

Immediately afterwards, this solidification melted instantly and turned into excitement and excitement. Jiang Yunlian’s voice was trembling: “Two or two sisters!”

Appeared, naturally it is the middle-aged woman, that is, Jiang Yun’s second sister, Situ Jing!

Since the end of the mountain and sea circles in the past, although Jiang Yun later saw the three brothers who died in their arms, and saw the masters who were looking for their own in the prison, they never saw their second sister again.

Now, finally meet!

The next moment, Jiang Yun's knees were soft and had fallen to the ground, and Situ Jing's face was also showing a gratifying smile. He hurriedly walked over and extended his hands to help Jiang Yun get up and say: In the year, the younger brother will not come innocent!"

Although Jiang Yun was not the kid who had been in the mountains and asked the Taoist priests at the beginning, but at the moment, I saw my own sister, or I saw the elders like the younger generation, so that I stood there, except for the excitement, I didn’t even know what to say. what.

"Little teacher, the second division gives you something!"

Situ Jing smiled slightly and took out a doll and handed it to Jiang Yundao: "Accept the second division sister, in any case, you must put this doll close to you, you can't take it out."

Although Jiang Yun did not understand that he and the second division had met again after many years, why did he give himself a doll, but since it was sent by the second division, he naturally accepted it.

While taking over the dolls, Jiang Yun also returned to the Tibetan peak of the year, the first time he saw his quiet second sister.

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly. At that time, the second division sister also sent himself a face-to-face ceremony, a stand-in character!

It is precisely because of the streak that he has set foot on the road of sword repair, and even saw the true identity of the figure in it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yungang wants to talk about the sword, but the eyes of the man in his hand are stunned: "Fire is a night!"

Situ Jing smiled and said: "The fire has been killed by you for thousands of nights. He is just a doll. Remember, take it with him, and you can't take it out anyway."

Seeing what Jiang Yun still wants to say, Situ Jing is waving his hand: "I know that you have too many doubts in your heart, but we will wait until later to say something."

"Now the mountains and seas are undergoing a big ratio. If this loses, then it will be completely eliminated, so don't say anything, go ahead!"

"In addition, beware of the good fortune, he has great hostility towards you, as well as the Taoist blessing, and the entire mountain and sea."

Road Tianyun!

I heard the name again, letting Jiang Yun flash a cold light in his eyes, and he couldn’t take it to the second division and said: "Where is the place to try?"

"I'll take you!"


On the test bench, the old man from the ages and Lu Yourong have been fighting for a moment.

Although it seems that he has been retired by Lu Yourong, it seems that only the merits of parry, there is no power to fight back, but all the attacks of Lu Yourong can not hurt him.

Especially the discerning person can see it. The old man is deliberately beaten. It is clearly playing Lu Yourong.

As Dan Daozi said, Lu Yourong did not have the strength beyond the realm, and the cultivation of the heavenly environment made her really unable to hurt the Taoist monks.

Finally, the old man sinned and smiled: "Little lady, although I really want to be beaten by you, but here is a big comparison, it is better to wait until the end, I will let you have enough!"

"Now, let me go first!"

When the voice fell, the old man had already raised his hand. He did not use any technique. He only relied on the exhalation of his own temperament, and he hardened Lu’s body.

Then the old man with a smirk on his face, reaching out and slowly stretching toward the undulating towering chest of Lu Yourong.

Lu has a shy face full of red, and he wants to open his mouth and admit defeat, but he can't make a sound, and even has a heart of death.

Although other disciples of Shanhai were also seen, they were not qualified to admit defeat for Lu, and they could only scorn the old man with anger and hate to kill him.


Just then, a voice full of anger suddenly exploded from the sky like a thunder!

Then, a scream was heard.

In the stunned by everyone, the old man with a sense of self-sufficiency in his face suddenly became stiff, and the whole person was uncontrollably rising from the sky, and the smugness on his face was turned into endless pain.

Because from his mouth, from his eyes, from his nose, his ears, from his thousands of pores, there is a drop of blood pouring out!

Only in an instant, the old man’s body has already rushed to the top of the sky, and all the blood in his body has finally poured out his body completely, together with his body, blasted open and sprinkled below!

In the midst of the **** rain, a figure slowly appeared, staring at everyone!

Although the face that looks young is not the slightest expression, but in the eyes, it reveals the murderous light that makes everyone feel cold in the heart!

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