The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1492: I do not know

Everyone looked up, and millions of gaze all looked at this figure that seemed to come out of the **** rain!

Dao Tianyou suddenly grew up, his body trembled, and his fist clenched;

Dan Daozi smiled slightly and nodded slightly at the figure;

The coffin placed in the seat of the Yuan Yuanzong swayed slightly;

Dongfang Bo gave a sigh of relief and a smile on his face.

Bu Yi was also raised his head, and finally temporarily removed his gaze from Lu Yourong and looked at the figure. Among the pure white eyes, there was a shocking color;

The moon's gaze was almost sluggish, staring at the figure, his face showing a complex look, his teeth biting his lips hard;

Wu Xingzi, Dao Tianyun, Dao Er and others also looked at this figure, especially in the eyes of Dao Tianyun, but it also revealed the cold light!

Even the swordsman, who has always been closed since he came to ask for the day, is slightly blind at this moment and looks at the figure.

Really eye-catching!

"he came!"

"finally come!"

In a few whispers, all the disciples of the mountains and seas, after experiencing a brief surprise like others, finally returned to the gods and made a cry of earth-shattering!

"See the Lord!"

This fame has already spread throughout the whole day, and the lord Jiang Yun, who has spread all over the nine avenues and the various forces of the same size, finally emerged!

Under the cover of the blood, the appearance of Jiang Yun added a bit of blood, coupled with the fierce light bursting in his eyes, even more shocking in everyone's heart.

Especially the death of the old man, although there are millions of eyes in the scene, but the people who can really see the death process of the old man will not exceed tens of thousands.

Although Jiang Yun has already revealed his realm of heaven and earth, but in the eyes of almost everyone, Jiang Yun must deliberately hide the true cultivation.

A monk who is blessed by the seven heavens will not only be able to cleanly kill a strong mid-term, but also when he is shot, if others are not aware of the past, but the host who is responsible for hosting the test The elders did not have the slightest reaction.

Obviously, he did not notice the emergence of Jiang Yun at all, and did not feel Jiang Yun’s shot!

This is enough to illustrate the strength of Jiang Yun, absolutely inscrutable!

In any case, Jiang Yun appeared in the eyes of everyone in such a **** and shocking way. After all, there was no "disappointment" for everyone's expectations, and there was no disappointment.

At this moment, the chief elders finally came back to God, looking gloomy, facing the cold and cold words of Jiang Yun: "Who is here!"

Although he knew that Jiang Yun was coming, he deliberately asked again.

Jiang Yun did not care about him at all. His body shape appeared on the test bench and appeared on the side of Lu Yourong: "Lu Shimei, do you have anything?"

At the moment, Lu Yourong has tears in his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Yun standing in front of her, let her tears finally flow down, full of grievances and unwillingness to vent.

However, after shaking her head hard, the three words she said in her mouth were: "I'm sorry!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Do we still use such a guest between us?"

"There is nothing sorry, hard work, go back to rest, the rest, give it to me!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun swung a sleeve, and a soft wind rolled up Lu Yourong's body and sent her back to Tang Yi's side.

And the voice of the chief elder with anger also sounded again: "I am asking you, have you not heard?"

Jiang Yun turned around and looked at him coldly: "Shan Hai divided the patriarch, Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun is not far away, just rushed back to ask the main sect, and ushered in the hands of the main disciples to him, as well as knowing the inexplicable killing order of Tian Tianyun.

This made him have no good feelings for asking the main sect.

Even if it weren't for the emergence of the second division, Jiang Yun could kill the world all the way.

Therefore, when he was outside the world, he saw the smirk on the face of the old man who had been divided, and there was a meager move. The anger could no longer be controlled and vented to him.

"Jiang Yun!"

After the main elders repeated Jiang Yun’s name, the tone was even colder: “Since I asked the Taoist disciple, do you not know the rules of Dabi, and you are not allowed to kill each other, and you are not allowed to interfere with the test. !"

"As a sect, you are not only late, but you have violated these rules as soon as they appear. You can sin!"

At this time, millions of people are all silent, listening quietly to the words of the chief elders, but also want to see, Jiang Yun is ready to answer.

After all, the elders said that it is not wrong, let go of everything else, just Jiang Yun shot to kill the old man, is a big sin.

After the elders finished, Jiang Yun was calm: "Since you know that I am coming late, it should be clear that Jiang first came here to ask the day, the first time to participate in the main sect, So for this big ratio of rules, I don't know!"

I don't know, Jiang Yun will push all the responsibilities!

Although everyone is well aware, Jiang Yun can not be called a reason, but it is also impossible to refute.

From a remote place, even a demarcated sect of the wilderness, it is impossible to know the rules of Dabi when he was alone in the situation of a few days later.

Jiang Yun went on and said: "In my eyes, I just saw that my door was being bullied or even insulted."

"This elder, I would like to ask, if you change to you, if you don't know anything, see this scene, would you choose to inquire about the rules first, or first to save your own door?"


Jiang Yun’s counter-question suddenly made the elder dumb and did not know how to answer.

Dongbo, where the mountains and seas are divided, is a smile that appreciates: "The younger brother is really grown up, not only has the strength become stronger, but the goodness of the tongue is also quite true to me, and it is beautiful!"

After the elders spent a long time, they returned to Shinto: "Even if you have to save the same door first, but you don't have to die!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I didn't expect that he would be so weak!"


The elders are so angry that their bodies are shaking. This answer is very similar to the harmlessness of a few days ago.

This mountain and sea are divided up and down, how are such people!

"Well, you are not guilty, but this comparison test, you have lost the mountain and sea, and eliminated the big ratio, can you accept it?"

The words of the elders will finally return to the shock of everyone from the appearance of Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun was the hope of all the disciples of Shanhai and Zongzong, although Jiang Yun did bring great shock to everyone, he finally came a step later.

Even if he does not save Lu Rongrong, the Shanhai division will certainly lose, and this means that the Shanhai division has been eliminated!

In this regard, Jiang Yun just smiled, simply no longer care about the old man, his body shape, appeared in the area of ​​mountains and seas.

After seeing the faces of the disciples of these two disciples, Jiang Yun has no good feelings for the main sect. Naturally, it does not matter whether he can let the mountains and seas remain here to practice.

The sky is big, and some are better than the days of asking for strength.

Now he wants to talk about the old with his own friends.

However, waiting for Jiang Yun to open, he has discovered that Xia Zhongxing and his innocence lying there are unconscious, and even the powerful gods have seen the wounds that have never healed in Laohe and Liutianjian.

This made the smile on his face suddenly change the cold and said: "Who did it?"

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