The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1495: My rules

In the vast world, there is silence, only the voice of Jiang Yun is constantly echoing in the ears of everyone.

And looking at the person standing alone in front of the mountains and seas, with one person's strength to seek justice for his entire disciple disciple, this makes those who even hate Jiang Yun, but at the moment they have to Conquered by his style.

What a domineering, how arrogant, how confident!

Everyone in the mountains and seas, whether it is the three thousand disciples who have stood up around the platform, or the rest of the disciples in various parts of the world -

At this moment, each of them is full of excitement, the eyes are red, and at the same time they can't help but stand up. Since they came to ask the days, they have to bend down the spine and raise the head that has to be lowered. In the eyes, it is also showing a confidence!

With such a sovereign, they are extremely proud and proud, so that they do not need to be a low-key person.

Even, they feel that they have done a lot of wrong things in their lives, but the only thing that has been done right is to join the Taoist sect. No, it is the mountain and sea sect that joined Jiang Yun!

Weak meat and strong food are indeed the unchanging rules of survival, but this does not mean that the weak must be humble and knee-shouldered, and the inferior to the strong.

The weak, you can also raise your head and face any strong!

For the elders and all the disciples who were present, Jiang Yun’s words were such that they were already extremely ugly, and it was even more difficult to see the extreme.

Jiang Yun clearly said that he did not listen to the words of the elder, and did not put the whole subject in the eyes!

However, it is still the same sentence, no one dares to stand up at this time to accuse Jiang Yun of the wrong.

As a lord, for the disciples under the door to seek justice, it is natural!

"Good!" The elders smirked and laughed: "I will see today, how are you going to give you the justice of the Shanhai branch?"

After the talk, the elders no longer talked, turned and walked away.

Anyway, his task is only to preside over this test, and Jiang Yun’s actions, since he does not interfere with the Tianyun, then he is lazy.

Even if Jiang Yun violates the rules, there will be other people coming out to solve the problem.

When he saw the lord of the Tianyun Sect who still stood there, he suddenly screamed: "You are still standing here, don't give me back!"

Apparently, the elder's anger at Jiang Yun was all vented to him.

Although the lord of Tianyun’s sect is extremely high, and he is deeply favored by Tianyun, but he is not as courageous as Jiang Yun, dare to face the main elders.

Therefore, despite the anger in his heart, he can only hate Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, if you have the courage, when you challenge the game, you will take your mountains and seas to challenge our Tianyun division!"

This is the only opportunity he can think of for Jiang Yun.

The challenge can only be a low-level challenge.

As a nine-level division, Tianyun can only wait for people to challenge them, so he deliberately said this, in order to stimulate Jiang Yun to challenge them.

Jiang Yun still ignored him, but stood there, calmly waiting for the answer of the Earth River.

At the moment, the Earth Star River is also stunned. I don’t know if I should say it or not.

Even if he feared that the world would not be chaotic, he did not expect that because of his own words, Jiang Yun would kill another person in the eyes of the public.

Naturally, he finally realized that if he continued to talk about it, then everyone who said himself would probably die in the hands of Jiang Yun.

At that time, waiting for Jiang Yun, will be the entire request for the main sect!

Therefore, he did not dare to say it.

In the boundless silence, there was a sudden sound of a trembling voice: "Ginger brother, we are not wronged!"

The person who speaks is really old!

Among the mountains and seas, the most violent demons of the character, at this moment, even said such a sentence.

And as the voice of the old black fell, among the disciples of the three thousand mountains and seas, there began to sound one after another.

"Yes, the sovereign, the Lord is good to us!"

"The sovereign, there is no division to bully us!"

"Sovereign, come back, we are willing to turn the mountains and seas with you!"

Among these voices, the three thousand disciples of the mountains and seas have been rushing toward Jiang Yun, and some people’s faces have already burst into tears!

Obviously, they don't want Jiang Yun to go to compete with other sects because they wait for others, and then they will be punished by the main sects. Therefore, they would rather swallow all the grievances they and others have suffered.

Hearing the words of everyone behind him and seeing the squatting of everyone behind him, Jiang Yunqi could not know their kindness.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun slowly raised his right hand, carrying a ring on his finger, slowly said: "This ring represents the sovereign of the mountains and seas."

"I am the sovereign of the mountains and seas! Our sects must follow my rules!"

Although Jiang Yun has always been low-key, he is not willing to show off the limelight, but he really inherits his master's short support and speaks out!

At first he didn't want to take over the position of the lord who had been handed over to him, but when he really took it, he made up his mind and would go with all his strength to bring all the disciples of the Tao.

He has indeed been doing this all the time, and he has done it.

However, he never imagined that his own mountains and seas had passed through the road of no return, and had smashed the mountains and seas, but now they should give them a better cultivation environment and give them safe shelter. Within the main sect, I have received the insults I have never had before.

If you fail to appear in time, if you can't justify them, then they have no other way than to continue to silently endure.

Therefore, at this moment, he has already got rid of it.

He does not care that this is the site of the main sect, and does not care that this is the time of the Lord.

What he has to do is just like he told everyone. He wants to walk with him over 300,000 lives and deaths, to discuss and negotiate.

This is the rule of his Jiang Yun!

"Old man, say!"

The calm voice of Jiang Yun seems to have a magical power, falling into the ears of the Earth Star River, and even let the gods of the Earth Star River have a sudden embarrassment.

So that he was completely uncontrollable, he finally said: "Xia Zhongxing was injured when he was comparing with others, but the person who injured him has been injured."

With the opening of the Earth Galaxy, among the audience, some of the top powerhouses have a strange color.

Because they can clearly feel that among the four words Jiang Yun just said, the power of the soul is hidden, as if with the meaning of incitement, the land and the river can not bear, this will be answered.

Only Dan Dao nodded quietly, and only he knew best. Jiang Yun was sure to cultivate the practice of the "Soul of God" that he gave him, and it has already made a small success!

The voice of the spirit is still going on: "Without injury, it is hurt by the Liuhe, who is divided by the ages. The two are also the same, so you may not be able to report the enemy!"

"As for the division of the mountains and seas, it is too much. Among the ninety-nine divisions, at least two-thirds of the divisions have been provoking!"

Every word that Dixinghe said would make Jiang Yun’s chill on his face deeper, making the fierce light in his eyes brighter.

After the completion of the Earth Star River, Jiang Yun’s eyes slowly swept through the moment at this moment, and all the people around the test bench, then coldly said: “I heard that there is still a challenge in this big match? ”

"Since the big ratio, which is the strongest of the sects, then in fact, the previous trials between the various divisions do not need to be carried out, it is better to see which of the finals can finally win."

"Jiang, it represents the mountains and seas, and challenges all the divisions in the room, all ... the same door!"

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