The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1496: Direct challenge

As Jiang Yun said the last word, his gaze that passed slowly from everyone’s face finally stayed in the way of Tian Yunyun!

However, no one noticed this because they were all again shocked by Jiang Yun’s words!

The so-called challenge is just to give all the divisions, especially those that have been eliminated, an opportunity to prove their strength again.

And a sect can only choose one challenge object.

But now, Jiang Yun not only has to challenge all the other divisions, but also to challenge everyone in the division!

This means that he has to challenge ninety-nine divisions and challenge nearly 10,000 monks by himself!

Although among the millions of people present, whether they are familiar with Jiang Yun or those who don’t know anything about Jiang Yun, they don’t know how strong Jiang Yun’s true strength is, but such challenges are almost impossible for everyone. I am optimistic.

If all the monks of all the divisions are really just the strength of the glazed or the sect, then the challenge of Jiang Yun can be done.

Although it is impossible for all the divisions to really go to the stage and Jiang Yun to test, but even if the Tianyun division is not mentioned, among other individual nine-level divisions, there is also the existence of a strong Taiwanese.

Unless Jiang Yun's strength can reach the peak of Taoism, or higher, then he has the possibility to challenge success.

However, Jiang Yun’s cultivation is a realm, but only God’s seven heavens, even if he is concealed, it is also a bit unbelievable that he will have the strength of Taiwan’s peak.

Around the audience, I finally couldn’t help but uttered a voice of discussion.

"How powerful is this Jiang Yun in order to have such confidence?"

"Maybe he is deliberately so mad, the more it is, the more the other divisions and other masters do not see his depth, and therefore dare not compare with him."

"I don't think it is necessary. This person has killed two people since he appeared, and he dared to face the main elders, but let the chief elders take him without any means. This shows that he is definitely not the kind of deliberately mad. ""

"He must have the confidence to be able to overcome everyone, and he will release this statement."

At the same time, the elder who presided over Dabi did not want to have any dialogue with Jiang Yun, but he also had to stand up again: "You want to challenge, can!"

"But you have to wait until all the contests have ended and decide the best players at all levels before you can start the challenge!"

Jiang Yun still ignores the words of the elder, and the two eyes are only staring at the heavens.

The eyes of Dao Tianyun are also looking at Jiang Yun’s eyes.

Just a moment ago, he also received a report from his men. Five Taoist disciples entered the forest with Jiang Yun and asked to kill them. But after that, the five people disappeared without a trace. The cloud has appeared here.

This also made Tao Tianyun clearly aware that his five men should have died in the hands of Jiang Yun.

Even Jiang Yun probably already knew his existence and knew that he had issued an order to kill him, so he is now deliberately provoking himself.

Challenge yourself!

With the emergence of these four words, I can't help but smile.

How long has it been, no one dares to challenge himself.

For hundreds of years, still thousands of years?

However, I did not expect that, with his current status and identity, there are still people who dare to face themselves.

"Interesting, it's really more and more interesting. Since you want to provoke me, then I will give you a chance. Let me see what strength you have and whether you will provoke me!"

Thinking of this, Dao Tianyun gently coughed a voice: "Jiang Yun's words, in fact, it is not bad!"

As soon as I heard the opening of Tianyun, and even supported Jiang Yun, all the people couldn’t help but sneak a glimpse of it, and all of them closed their mouths, waiting for the words of the Tianyun Yun.

"The purpose of our big ratio is to find the strongest divisions, let them stay in the main sect, to enjoy a better cultivation environment, to be sheltered by our lords, and to encourage other divisions to work harder. ”

"In this case, there is really no great significance in the comparison of one case. It is better to follow Jiang Yun’s words and let them challenge each other."

"Who can fight to the end, that is naturally the strongest of all the divisions!"

“So, I announced that I will start the challenge directly now!”

"And, it is challenged by the mountains and seas. Others, who wants, the first to accept the challenge of mountain and sea?"

With the fall of Dao Tianyun's voice, not only did all the outsiders feel shocked, but even the elder disciples who asked the main sects were all face to face. They did not understand why Tianyun would support Jiang Yun's challenge.

However, Dan Daozi and other people who care about Jiang Yun's top powers have flashed a sneer.

The last sentence of Dao Tianyun is the "first one", and after the first one, there must be a second one, the third one...

This means that he not only agreed to advance the challenge, but also agreed that Jiang Yun would challenge all other divisions and all the disciples!

In this way, unless Jiang Yun really has overwhelming strength, otherwise, the wheel battle continues to fight, and finally wait for Jiang Yun, only the result of defeat!

Even, Dan Daozi and others are able to further speculate, the strongest Zongmen, Tianyun, or the sect of Tianyun, will definitely be the last to accept the challenge of Jiang Yun!

But even if they know, Dan Daozi can't say anything. After all, this is the first challenge that Jiang Yun initiated.

However, they are not too worried. Even though Jiang Yun is really defeated, his actions have proved his reputation.

And in the face of so many people, I have previously asked the chief elders to emphasize that the ratio is not allowed to kill the same door, then at least Jiang Yun will not have the worry of life.

What's more, there is still a place where the boss of Dongbo is sitting there. Although I don't know what the relationship between Dongbo and Jiang Yun is, it is obvious that he is very appreciative of Jiang Yun.

Then, after the end of the big ratio, even if someone wants to kill Jiang Yun, but there are the existence of these people, to keep Jiang Yun, and even the whole mountain and sea to leave this place safely, it is not a problem.

Therefore, what you and others are doing now is to take a good look at how many years ago, Jiang Yun, has grown to what extent.

Sure enough, just after the Tianyun Yun voice fell, the old man who had just returned to his region’s Tianyun, will suddenly stand up again.

However, under his sway, he regained his calmness and did not stand up. Obviously he got the voice of the Tao.

After him, there was already a middle-aged man who grew up and walked up to the test bench and stood in front of Jiang Yun: "Xingyuan Sedi, Roach!"

Xingyuan divided, seven grades.

And this Roach is also one of the best, the realm of the late Tao, the real strength is infinitely close to the Tao.

Although Jiang Yun’s attitude is extremely arrogant, his strength is obvious to all, so not everyone dares to come to the stage to accept his challenge.

Therefore, the first appearance of this Roach was obviously also inspired by others.

Because the two people killed after Jiang Yun appeared, they are all moral.

However, Jiang Yun’s killing is extremely easy, which proves that the situation is not necessarily his opponent in the later stage. Therefore, it is the first time for Roach, who is the first person in Taoist territory, to play. A temptation of cloud power.

Jiang Yun calmly stared at Luo Qidao: "Have you ever visited my mountain and sea?"

Roach smiled coldly: "Not only visited, but our Xingyuan is the first!"

When the voice fell, Roach suddenly raised his hand and took the lead in launching the attack!

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