The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1497: Blooming flowers

For the strength of Jiang Yun in the end, although Roach did not know, but he witnessed Jiang Yun has killed two people.

Especially when killing the disciple of Tianyun, Jiang Yun was still struck by the sect of the Tianyun sect. This naturally made him difficult to judge. Jiang Yun was physically strong and his body was extremely fast.

Even though Jiang Yun is not a purely physical repair, at least he can't fight with his close body. Therefore, Roach does not give Jiang Yun a chance to get close to himself. The voice has fallen, and he has suddenly made a mistake.

Roach raised his hand and a silver long gun appeared in his hand. He shook hands and the gun tip swiftly rotated, bringing out a horrible force and stabbing toward Jiang Yun.

As the long guns crossed the air, all that passed was instantly shattered into nothingness, revealing a straight black line.

Around this black line, there are countless cracks that are as thin as hair.

Just as someone painted a black line in the air with a brush full of ink, but the force was too strong, causing the ink to splash a little.

The speed of the gun is also almost the fastest, and the distance between Roach and Jiang Yun has crossed the moment, appearing in front of Jiang Yun, and stabbing Jiang Yun's eyebrow!

For this gun, even some strong people who have just entered the road can't help but change.

Because even if they don't have the full grasp, they can take the gun.

This gun is not only fast and embarrassing, but the real scary thing is that this Roach even condenses all the powers on one point!

This also shows that Roach's manipulation of his own power has reached a very high level.

With one shot, there is almost no waste of power.

This gun is indeed amazing!

No wonder he will be called the first person in the Taoist world.

Unfortunately, Roach encountered Jiang Yun!

For the control of its own power, if Roach has reached a very high level, then Jiang Yun, has reached the peak of the level!

Roach’s gun is indeed a waste of power, but Jiang Yun can do this when he is in the veins.

Therefore, in the face of Roach, this is already close to his own eyebrows, Jiang Yan is calmly raised his hand, just sticking a finger, light Light point to the tip of the gun.


Jiang Yun’s finger, the accurate point of the gun point, heard a crisp sound of gold and iron crosses!

The next moment, the tip of the silver gun, like a flower bloom, suddenly burst open!

Moreover, the burst did not stop at the tip of the gun, but continued along the tip of the gun, filling the entire body of the gun.

Even the black straight strips that had just been passed through the silver guns in the air all burst open.

From a distance, it is like a series of black flowers blooming in the air, and in the twinkling of an eye, it comes to Roach's palm holding the handle.

The speed is so fast that Roach has not responded at all.

And Roach's end is that his body is also like a flower, starting from the palm of his hand, all the way to bloom!

The whole person leaped high and flew out, until it flew out of the distance of hundreds of feet, which fell heavily on the platform.

At this moment, Roach, although his eyes are so large, but there is no slightest look, empty eyes watching the sky.

And all the parts of his body, all turned into blooming flowers, bursting into bursts.

But most importantly, he is still alive!

Seeing Roach's appearance, almost everyone held their breath, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, just staring at the lying, Roche.

No one can believe that Jiang Yun actually used only one finger to make the first person under the Taoist ranks a waste.

Although Roach is not dead, at this moment he will certainly wish to die.

Because his cultivation has been completely abolished, even if Dan Daozi shot, I am afraid it is difficult to let him recover.

In fact, the result is exactly what he asked for, the reason is the sentence he just said - they are the first to visit the mountains and seas!

"This, what is this power?"

"How did Jiang Yun do it?"

"This is too horrible. With one finger, it is easy to abolish Roach, who is the first person in the world!"

After a moment of silence, the crowd suddenly blew up the pot, and the sounds of incomprehensible and shocked sounded one after another.

It’s not that their eyesight is too bad, but that Jiang Yun’s speed is too fast, and the precision of power control has reached a heuristic level!

Only a few people can see that Jiang Yun seems to point out only one finger, but that finger is the power of all his body.

This finger, even a world, will be easily poked by Jiang Yun, not to mention the body of Roach.

However, there is still one person who wants to see it more clearly than everyone else, or to feel more clearly.

This person is just like a fire!

Others only feel the power of Jiang Yun's body, but the moon is like a fire, but it feels Jiang Yun's finger, and the breath from the domain.

The feeling of being like a fire is not wrong at all. In addition to the strength of the flesh, Jiang Yun’s finger also contains the breath of the strongest force of extinction!

In the world of Jiu Cai, Jiang Yun accidentally borrowed the power of the eternal demon statue. At that time, the original King Kong magic pattern on his body was turned into a ruin.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that this ruined magic pattern would disappear with the disappearance of borrowed power. However, what he did not expect was that when he returned to normal state, he found that his body had left a few silences. Destroy the magic pattern.

These dead magic lines are hidden in the scars of the reincarnation seal that has been forcibly broken by him!

It is precisely because of the existence of these dead magic lines that Jiang Yun's physical strength has once again improved, and even the dead magic pattern can be moved to a certain part of the body.

Although this kind of movement can't reach the extent of the sorcerer's body, it is much stronger than the King Kong body, and it is not a Roach that can be followed.


At this moment, Jiang Yun’s calm voice rang again, and his eyes swept to the remaining 98 branches again. He did not pay attention to Roach on the ground.

Although Jiang Yun’s sentence is still extremely arrogant, but after seeing Roach’s end, I don’t want to talk about many disciples. Even many disciples of the main sect, along with some elders, are The face is shocking.

Although their strength is much higher than Roach, the flesh is much stronger than Roach, but even if they let them hard to pick up Jiang Yun, this will be somewhat threatened.

Especially for each of the sects, most of them just thought about learning Jiang Yun, but Roach, who has become a waste, has to let them have to squander it.

If you change to play on your own, the result will be the same!

Many monks may be really afraid of death, but they are not willing to become a waste!

Therefore, everyone naturally has hesitation and fear, and no one will dare to challenge again.

After a while, looking at the empty test bench in front of him, Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “When you bullied me in the mountains and seas, it’s not everyone who is scrambling, is it positive?”

"How do you face the challenge of Jiang now, but all of them have become shrinking tortoises, dare not appear?"

"If you alone can't dare to fight with Jiang, then you can have two or three people together, Jiang, don't mind!"

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