The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1592: From face to point

When Jiang Yun was in a coma, he tried his best to see the person who spoke. It was because he heard the voice of the other party. It was a bit like a nameless name!

When he tried his best to open his eyes, although he saw only a vague figure, he could definitely be sure that the other party was indeed unknown!

For the nameless Tao, Jiang Yun’s heart has extremely complicated feelings.

Because according to the various clues he has collected, the nameless name is probably the father of Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun himself always thinks so.

However, after seeing the nameless name, the other party did not know himself at all, but also because of the death of Dao Tianyun, the killer of Jiang Yun.

This also makes Jiang Yun really disheartened, even into a state of madness, and will not hesitate to go with the other side.

As a result, Jiang Yun was not dead, but he was brought into the world by the powerful soul in the body.

This world, named no name!

When Jiang Yun knew the name of this world, he once suspected that the world would be related to the namelessness of the road.

However, even if there is doubt, he did not deliberately seek evidence, because he does not want to have any relationship with the nameless, there is any entanglement.

But the vagueness of the characters, and the unknown power in the body at the moment, and the words left by the other party, let Jiang Yun finally understand that his doubts are correct.

This world is not only related to the namelessness of the Tao, but even to the world of the nameless.

Or, it is a world that has been arranged for himself for many years, a place of refuge.

The vague figure, naturally, will not be the real nameless, but his avatar, perhaps his knowledge.

As for why the powerful soul wants to bring himself to this world that is not named, it is certainly not a coincidence.

Either because he and the Tao did not know the name, or when the Tao was no name to kill himself, he reached an agreement with the Tao, and deliberately brought himself here.

That is to say, when you come to this nameless wasteland, the name is known, and you are still paying attention to yourself.

Even... protect yourself.

Jiang Yun once captured two Taoist monks. Through the search for their souls, they know that Dao Zun has issued an order and sent a large number of monks to find their whereabouts.

Even though the nameless wasteland is no longer eye-catching, but the number of monks looking for their own is huge, there will surely be many people who can discover this nameless wasteland.

Surprisingly, apart from the two Taoist monks, in the past nine years, no other monks have entered this unknown wilderness.

Jiang Yun didn't think much about it before, but now I want to come. I naturally understand that this is a nameless intention to protect myself and prevent the entry of outsiders.

The reason why the two monks are coming in is probably just to let them know how to perceive the Tao.

In the end, the Tao did not name the fingers that helped him against the Tao, but he also showed up and gave him such a magical power.

Even all that he did did not want to let himself know.

If you didn't open your eyes at the last minute, then you probably would never know the truth of the matter.

These thoughts, like the lightning in the mind of Jiang Yun, made his heart again a five-tone.

"You killed me once, but they have protected me for nine years, saved me once, and even gave this power to me, between us..."

Jiang Yun’s words are abruptly stopped and there is no way to continue.

If the name of the road is not his father, then it is a resentment between himself and him, and they do not owe each other.

But if he is really his father, the relationship between the father and the son can be summed up with simple words of grievances.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun forcibly threw all the thoughts in his mind for a while, converging his mind and focusing all his attention on the power in his body.

This power, whether it is called the power of assimilation, or the power of Linyi, Jiang Yun is well aware, it is the power of the domain!

Destroy the domain, do not cultivate the Tao, only repair a variety of strange, incredible power.

Up to now, Jiang Yun has contacted twelve kinds of forces from the demise of the domain, namely the power of the Nine, the power of nothingness, the fire of the moon, and the power of assimilation.

Except for the power of the beasts of the spirits, he has not mastered them, and the power of the moon spirit has specific power. He does not know, and the other ten forces have been obtained.

Therefore, although the power of this assimilation was his first contact, he did not feel that he was strange.

The power of destroying the domain, the outsider wants to master, must have a medium, something like an introduction.

This kind of thing is either grain or print.

For example, the wilderness of the wild, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, the magic of the Mozu, and so on.

The same is true of the power of assimilation. It is necessary to have the seal of assimilation first.

This kind of imprint, Jiang Yun has already perceived on his own eyebrows.

In Jiang Yun’s thought, it should be that after he was in a coma, the Tao did not name himself.

But in fact, he didn't know that this imprint was when he was sitting on the top of the mountain and was in a state of confusion. The road was named when he knew what he was confused and when he assimilated himself into him. Quietly left.

With this imprint of assimilation, and then want to master the power of assimilation, it is naturally much simpler.

The power of assimilation, the feeling of giving Jiang Yun, is actually similar to God.

However, this power is more precise than the knowledge of God.

Under the cover of this power, everything can be completely decomposed to form a simple assimilation pattern.

When Jiang Yun just started practicing the method, he did not understand the difference between surgery, law, technique and Taoism.

Later, the Axi of the Xue people gave him a simple explanation, let him understand that surgery is a point, the law is the line, the road is the face.

One side is bigger, it is also composed of countless points.

Taoism, in fact, is still composed of a variety of techniques.

The process of monks practicing various techniques is from point to line, from line to surface.

But the power of assimilation is just the opposite. It divides everything from the surface to the line, and then from the line to the point.

As long as you master all the points that make up a certain thing, and then arrange the points in the same order, the same arrangement, the assimilated lines, and draw on another thing, then you can make these two things completely assimilation!

The whole process, like the copying in the painting, draws the same thing according to the basic composition of something.

This assimilation has two functions. One is to make this thing become another thing in the eyes of others and in the knowledge of God.

Another role is to integrate one thing into another!

Of course, there is a deeper effect, which is to completely change the form of a thing, that is, the ultimate in the power of assimilation.

For example, it can transform an ordinary person from the inside out, from the soul to the cultivation, all of them into another person.

Under the assimilation state, unless someone can perceive the assimilation, there is no such thing as an abnormality.

Understand the role of this assimilation force, so that Jiang Yun had to feel the magic of this power, and once again realized that the original call to the virtual said that the power of destroying the domain is far higher than the power of the road, it is indeed not alarmist.

"Assimilation of the grain!"

With the four words that emerged in his mind, Jiang Yun closed his eyes.

An invisible force began to spread toward the nameless wasteland that was collapsing.

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