The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1593: Assimilate the world

Using God to see something, you can clearly see the appearance and inner of things.

But under the cover of the power of assimilation, what appears in Jiang Yun’s eyes is no longer the inside and outside of things, but countless... points!

Even the feeling of Jiang Yun, like the whole world, has been blasted at the moment covered by the power of assimilation, and the original complete face has been disintegrated into points.

The number of these points is simply endless, there is no way to calculate, some are piled up together, and some are scattered a little.

It seems that the arrangement of these points is completely disorganized and dazzling.

Even if you look at these points for a little longer, you will feel dizzy, and you can't see why.

However, Jiang Yun is different!

First of all, Jiang Yun knows that these points make up the whole nameless wasteland and everything inside it;

Secondly, Jiang Yun has been walking in this nameless wasteland for three years.

In those three years, every place he saw, and every scene he saw, was completely contained in his own mind and imprinted on his own heart.

Therefore, from the moment he looked at it, there are a lot of points that piled up together, which gave him a feeling of incomparable familiarity.

It is also easy for him to recognize that these points are actually a place and place where he has personally walked.

"That is Qingcun Mountain, it is the Lunar Lake, it is the cold smoke gorge..."

With the familiar names one after another in the mind of Jiang Yun, these piled up points gradually became clearer, and they appeared in his eyes again with the image familiar to Jiang Yun.

For these scenes, Jiang Yun is only a sweeping glimpse of the glimpse, but with such knowledge and understanding, it allows him to easily map all the points into a specific image.

In the end, Jiang Yun's attention was focused on the point where the array was no name.

Although this is his first time to perform assimilation, using the power of assimilation, it is reasonable to say that he should first try to assimilate a simple thing, so that he is more familiar with this power, but now he does not have this time. .

The destruction of the nameless abrupt world has become faster and faster, and more time is delayed, which may cause a large number of lives to die.

Therefore, he must integrate himself with the world as soon as possible and integrate into the world to stop the destruction of the wilderness.

Just a moment later, Jiang Yun has already collected all the points that make up the nameless wilderness, and remembers their position and arrangement order.

"Below, just use my own body as a canvas, and combine these points with the assimilation power to form the assimilated lines, and draw them on my own body, so that I can assimilate myself and the nameless world, let me and the world melt. As one!"

There are two basic functions of assimilation. To put it simply, one is disguise and one is fusion.

The former nameless wasteland was always in a state of disguise, even if it was a lot of ghosts coming from the dead, it could not be found, and it was regarded as a part of the ghost.

What Jiang Yun is doing now is fusion.

Next, Jiang Yun began to follow the position and order of those points on his own body, and the assimilation power came to the entire nameless wasteland.

Throughout the process of Linyi, Jiang Yun was holding his breath and was extremely cautious and cautious.

However, the speed of Jiang Yun’s Linyi is not slow.

If you can see this scene without a name, you will definitely feel very incomparable, because when he first used the power of assimilation, it was much slower than Jiang Yunlai.

With the increasing number of assimilation lines in Linyi, Jiang Yun gradually felt that he was more and more familiar with the nameless wasteland.

Because everything in this world is like being part of your body.

There is no need for knowledge at all, no senses are needed. Jiang Yun can clearly feel the little changes in the world and can see anything happening anywhere in the world.

And if there are outsiders who can see Jiang Yun at this moment, they will find that his body has gradually blurred and gradually disappeared.

When Jiang Yun completed the final copy of Linyi, this moment, from the body to the soul, has completely dissipated and merged into this nameless wasteland, making himself a wasteland, and the wasteland became Yourself.


Jiang Yun’s mouth spewed a long breath, and in this world there was a gust of wind.

The rugged land is like becoming his skin;

The flowing river is like being his blood;

The mountains of varying heights are like being his limbs...

With the completion of assimilation, Jiang Yun immediately felt a burst of severe pain, coming from all parts of his body.

He knows that this is the pain of the nameless wasteland. The pain comes from the collapsed heaven and earth, from the collapsed mountains, from the dried up river.

However, at this time, the speed of the collapse of the wilderness has suddenly slowed down.

Because Jiang Yun’s body has become a wasteland, and Jiang Yun’s powerful body is far beyond the burden of the wilderness.

In addition, most of the power of Daozun's one finger has been offset by the vague figure, so the remaining power is not too much.

As a result, the various forces in Jiang Yun’s body were also under his control, and began to appear in various parts of the world, to resist and eliminate the power of destruction caused by the one finger.

The emergence of this kind of power is extremely simple and natural. It is really like the arm and the fingers. All the power will appear in the place where Jiang Yun wants them to appear.

This process of resistance is much slower than the process of assimilation, and for Jiang Yun, it is a great pain.

However, looking at the gradually stabilized heaven and earth, watching the countless creatures that have gradually quieted down, Jiang Yun’s pain is not so strong.

For countless creatures living in the wilderness, although they do not know that Jiang Yun secretly protected the whole world, they can feel that the destruction of the world seems to have stopped, which is enough for them to temporarily put down. Suspended heart, took a breath.

In Moyun City, feeling the disappearance of the earth's vibration, Zheng De first went out from his home. After hesitating, he began to help some people still trapped in the city to help those who were injured. .

At first, for Zheng De's behavior, everyone was just watching, but gradually, more people began to come out from their hiding places to help other people.

These people have no talk and no communication with each other, and they are all spontaneous behaviors.

Such a situation does not only appear in the city of Moyun, the entire nameless wasteland, but wherever there are living creatures, it has begun to appear one after another.

In particular, many monks were immediately dispersed and tried their best to help the wounded souls and help those who are still trapped in danger.

Although they may have big or small hatreds before each other today, when they have experienced today’s events and experienced the almost destruction of the world, they let them put down all the hatred and unite. Together, use your own strength to save the world as much as possible and save their common home.

And they don't know that although the world is already riddled with devastating, the fate of the world and their destiny are about to change dramatically!

A true creation of heaven and earth will come to them and the nameless wasteland.

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