The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1851: Killing

"not good!"

At the same time, it was carrying thousands of monks, and the Taoist victoriously traversing in the dojos, his face suddenly showed a dignified color.

"I couldn't sense the avatar, **** Jiang Yun, how did you do it!"

"Fortunately, that avatar should not die, as long as it is not dead, then I should still be able to enter the mountains and seas through the connection with it!"

"However, since Jiang Yun can make me feel that there is no avatar, then he may have killed the avatar, just like in the illusion of the year, so I must arrive before I lie without dying. Mountain and sea!"

"Take them, affecting my speed, but it’s not too far from the mountains and seas!"

Thinking of this, this detachment suddenly stopped and looked at the 10,000 monks who were wrapped up by themselves: "You are heading in this direction, going to the mountains and seas on your own, the speed must be fast, I will take a step!"

When the voice fell, this violent blast exploded, turning into countless lines, directly in the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

And the tens of thousands of monks did not open their mouths, and each of them began to develop their own way, and turned into a rainbow of light, and continued to rush to the mountains and seas.


In the mountains and seas, the Taoist Temple and Lei Miao have also stopped fighting, and everyone’s eyes are watching the gray mist below.

Dao Zun and Jiang Yun are in this fog.

Although they do not know that this fog is nothing, but they have witnessed the second time that Jiang Yun smashed the avatar of Dao Zun, and the avatar of Tao Zun re-aggregated, and now it is brought into this fog by Jiang Yun.

This mist is extremely weird, no matter how powerful their gods are, they cannot see or sense the situation in the fog.

Naturally, this also made them have no fighting thoughts, and they did not want to cause massive casualties among them, so they simply waited for the final battle between Jiang Yun and Dao Zun.

After all, in today's battle, Jiang Yun and Dao Zun are the real protagonists, they are only supporting roles.

If Jiang Yun and Dao Zun can decide the outcome, then the outcome of the battle between the mountains and the sea will also be decided.


"How come you have nothing?"

In the virtual world, although Tao Zunming knows the answer to this question, Jiang Yun will not tell himself, but still can't help but ask.

The power of imagining nothingness is also a force that one very much hopes to gain.

To this end, I even did not hesitate to pay a very huge price, only to obtain these emptiness from calling the virtual.

It is a pity that no matter how much you ponder, you can't get the power of calling for it from these emptiness. Therefore, in desperation, you can only put nothingness into the nine spaces of the world, to restrain the people of the nine races.

However, I did not expect that the power that I could not get, Jiang Yun actually got it!

Jiang Yun looked coldly at Dominion: "When you become a member of the virtual world, you will know it at that time!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun reached out and pointed a finger, a group of moon spirit fire, suddenly shot to the Tao, such as the same round of the moon, wrapped the body of the Tao.

Lunar Eclipse!

Since Tao Zun masters Wan Dao, then if Jiang Yun uses the power of the road to deal with Taoism, the power will inevitably be greatly reduced, so he can only use the power of destroying the domain.

Under the wrap of the Moon Spirit, the face of Dao Zun is regaining the calmness: "Even in the emptiness, you can't kill me, because there is no shackle of the power of the nine people." !"

Dao Zun is telling the truth!

The emptiness of the world, although it is also a self-contained world, but the world opened up by the monks is completely different.

Strictly speaking, emptiness and boundlessness do not belong to the domain and the domain, but can even be regarded as the existence of the same form as the domain and the domain. It is another world.

Therefore, the emptiness of the boundless world is beyond the mountains and seas, so the power of the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas cannot continue to spread here.

Dao Zun's palms were raised, and he was swayed in front of himself. He saw his body circumference, and suddenly there were countless lines, which turned into a raindrop of beans and slammed toward the fire of the moon spirit.

The rain hits the fire of the moon, and the sound of the burst of "噼啪" makes the fire of the moon spirit extinguished a little by the rain.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yun has no expression, but there is vibration in his heart.

At first he thought that the power of the destructive domain was indeed stronger than the power of the avenue, but it was only relative.

Today, Dow’s shots verify his ideas.

At this moment, this avatar of Tao Zun, although no longer bound by the power of the mountains and seas, but he has been killed twice by himself, the strength is greatly reduced.

Even so, it is still possible to easily extinguish the fire of the moon with the power of water.

"By the moon!"

Without waiting for the eclipse to disappear, Jiang Yun’s body has already had a larger number of moon spirits, and once again condensed into a larger round moon, hanging above the head of Tao.

Within the full moon, the pressure is pervasive. For the Tao, it is like this month is heavily pressed on your own body, letting your body bend downwards involuntarily.

Looking far away, just as he is worshipping this moon.

The face of Dao Zun showed a sly color: "I am the respect of the domain, everything in the heavens and the earth, how can I stand as one of my worship, broken!"

In the voice of Dao Zun, above his slightly curved body, the bright moon suddenly trembled fiercely. It seems that it is exactly like Tao Zun said, it can't afford this worship of Tao.


The moon blasted open, and the next moment, the figure of Dao Zun had already come to the front of Jiang Yun, and a pattern of palms formed a palm, and went straight to Jiang Yun.

In the face of this respect of Tao Zun, Jiang Yun did not hide or shine, and even lifted his foot and greeted him.


This palm was shot straight on Jiang Yun's body, but it was like hitting on nothingness. Jiang Yun came to Dao Zun innocently.


At the same time, the endless nothingness behind Jiang Yun suddenly rolled over.

"This is... what power!"

It is natural to see the eyesight of Dao Zun. Although this palm of his own hits Jiang Yun, it is accepted by this emptiness.

This power, which the Taoist has never seen, or even heard, has once again made Dao Zun shocked: "How many kinds of powers have you gained in the end!"

Responding to the Taoist, is Jiang Yun’s heavy fist!

Just like when the virtual madman attacked Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun used the power of the void to prevent defense at all. He did not use any magical skills at all. He just used his powerful physical force and punched again. The fists are constantly squatting on the body of the Tao!

Although Dao Zun is also doing his best to resist, all his counterattacks are endured by this emptiness.

Poor supremacy of the Tao, so hard to be planted by Jiang Yun's fist to the ground, the body is already riddled with holes, the smoke from the body overflows.

However, lying there, Daozun’s face showed a smirk: "Jiang Yun, you are finished!"

Jiang Yun said coldly: "Remember what I said to you just now? Today, you, must, die!"

"Death" word exit, Jiang Yun has raised his hand again, condensed a punch of all strength, raised his hand and squatted on the body of Dao Zun.


The body of Dao Zun was directly blown up and blown up, and turned into countless smoke, scattered in the air, blended into the emptiness of the surrounding, disappeared without a trace.

This time, he finally could not condense his avatar.

But at the same time that Dao Zun was dying, in the mountains and seas, there was a sudden loud noise, and countless lines of flies swarmed into the mountains and seas!

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