The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1852: Coming soon

With the disappearance of Taoist avatars, Jiang Yun’s body is also soft. The time for the reincarnation of the Fourth World has arrived. All the power is madly withdrawn from his body like a tide.

Coupled with the continuous attack on the Taoist sect by the force of the flesh, his body really did not have the slightest strength at the moment, even if he could not stand still with his body shape, he sat down on the ground.

However, at these costs, it is worthwhile to be able to completely kill the avatar.

Looking at the empty nothingness, Jiang Yun’s mouth spit a long breath and said to himself: “Dao Zun, destroying your avatar, it is the interest that you killed my mountains and seas!”

"One day, I will kill your deity!"

However, Jiang Yun’s voice just fell, and the voice of the powerful soul has already sounded again in his mind: “I’m afraid there is no such opportunity!”

Jiang Yun’s face suddenly changed: “What’s wrong?”

"The other avatar of Dao Zun has arrived!"


Jiang Yun’s heart leaped and the body that just sat down suddenly stood up again.

Although the body was shaking slightly, he still clenched his teeth and reached out to recall the emptiness around him, revealing the sky of the mountains and seas.

At the moment in the mountains and seas, although there are tens of thousands of people standing on the sky, no one speaks.

Everyone is shocked and looks like a clay sculpture.

Only the entire mountain and sea world is constantly oscillating.

The bounds of the sea, the sky, the earth, the mountains, all are in a violent shock!

All this, just because the sky is in the middle, a figure appears!

Tao Zun!

Sure enough, Dao Zun actually had another avatar to come to the mountains and seas!

Although the power of the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas has been continuously covered in him, he seems to be unaffected by the slightest.

The pair contained an endless and majestic gaze, but stared straight at Jiang Yun, who had just stepped out of the void, and his face gradually revealed a blank smile: "It turns out that you can condense the boundless world!"

"It's no wonder that I can't sense the existence of that avatar!"

At the moment, Jiang Yun, who has been unable to speak, has already sunk to the bottom.

Because he knows better than anyone, now that his own power has been exhausted, he can stand here and not fall, it is already the limit that he can do, and there is no power at all.

Even if there is, you can't be a contender for this avatar.

More importantly, Jiang Yun also remembered another sentence that was previously said by the powerful soul. There are also nine people under the Tao, and they are also coming towards the mountains and seas.

Since the Taoist avatar has come, the nine-member monk must have arrived soon!

Mountain and sea, is it really going to die today?

"Jiang Yun!"

At this time, Dao Zun finally opened his mouth and raised his hand.

Jiang Yun suddenly felt that he had a force that he couldn't compete with. He firmly restrained himself and let his body fly uncontrollably and rushed to the sky and came directly to Dao Zun.


Seeing this scene, the mother-in-law screamed out loudly, and several golden-throwing ridges emerged above the head of the Taoist, directly falling down on the body of Dao Zun.


Although the sound of the thunder was shocking, the Taoist under the attack of the Thunder was unscathed.

And he also looked at the mother-in-law coldly: "Reading in your past friendship, you are dying, but living sin is hard!"

When the voice fell, Dao Zun raised his hand again and took a shot toward the volley.


In the face of this respect of the Tao, the mother did not have the slightest evasive force, and was directly beaten.

The whole man suddenly flew out until he fell into the bounds of the sea.

This scene once again makes everyone's face change.

The identity of the mother, although there are not many people, but just the five elements and Mu Yan, two strong people with the same physical situation teamed up to fight the thunder, but also tied with the mother, can imagine the mine The strength of the strength.

However, now, even the power of the Taoist detachment can not be taken.

It is not difficult to see that the strength of this avatar is more powerful than that of the previous one.

This is true.

The previous avatar, only the Tao Zun in order to be able to hide in the body of Jiang Yun, mixed into the mountains and seas, to explore the secrets of the mountains and seas, so the strength is not too strong.

This is a avatar, but Tao Zun has seen the growth of Jiang Yun, and after seeing the betrayal of many monks, it is formed to kill Jiang Yun and destroy the mountains and seas, so it is naturally powerful.

After killing the Thunder, Dao Zun did not pay attention to it any more, and looked at Jiang Yundao again: "The surprise you brought me is really a lot!"

"If you are obedient, don't be against me, and honestly take your path of cultivation, how good!"

Dao Zun shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, now that you have completely angered me, I can no longer let you continue to live in the world!"

"However, you have killed two of my avatars in a row, and it is a spoiler, so I won't let you die so much, I have to discipline you a little!"

As the voice of the Taoist voice fell, his palm of emptiness was slightly closed, and the sound of the "squeaky" break suddenly sounded.

Jiang Yun’s body, under the force of Daozun’s grip, suddenly has bones crushed!

This is also thanks to the fact that Jiang Yun is the body of silence. Otherwise, this grip can crush all his body into slag!

Huge pain caused Jiang Yun’s body to tremble slightly, but he clenched his teeth and did not make a sound.

Because Jiang Yun is very clear, the real purpose of Tao Zun torturing himself is to make it effective, in order to let everyone see and dare to do it with him!

Looking at Jiang Yun, who couldn’t hear it, Dao Zun smiled slightly: "Is it the silence? It is really strong."

"However, I have to look at how strong this ruined magic body is."

The palm of Dao Zun slowly closed again, and for Jiang Yun, the force of the **** of the whole body was gradually strengthened, and a little bit of pressure on his body.

Looking at Jiang Yun, it is already painful to the extreme, the spirits and other people, the swordsman or the monk, or the sect of the sect, including the madman and others, although the faces are exposed The color of anger, but they have no way at all.

The most powerful of them, the Thunder, are not the opponents of the Tao. They can only die if they go forward.

They are not afraid of death.

If they can use their own death and exchange for Jiang Yun's life, then they will not hesitate to embark on death.

It’s just that they are dead. There is no help for Jiang Yun, so they can only bear the same bite.

The voice of Dao Zun continued to sound: "Now, I have to look at the secrets of your soul first, then erase your soul and leave your body."

"After all, your body is a huge treasure house, and I will slowly dig out all the secrets inside!"

When the voice fell, the endless golden light broke out in the eyes of Dao Zun, and the body of Jiang Yun was shrouded.

Dao Zun did not use the gods at all, but directly into the body of Jiang Yun with the power of the soul.

Jiang Yun does not know whether Tao Zun has acquired the power of the Soul, but when the power of this horrible soul flows into his body, he can clearly feel the trembling of the soul.

It seems that all the defenses of your soul are about to collapse!

But at this moment, there is a sigh from the body of Jiang Yun: "Dao Zun, I will not let you kill him!"

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